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Honored Social Butterfly

George Washington's 10 Fav Songs On his 286th B-day!

George Washington's 10 Favorite Songs On his 286th birthday, the nation's first president reveals the 10 songs that move him most, from Cowboy Junkies to the Sex Pistols.


Today is my 286th birthday, and let me just say, forget Alexander Hamilton. When that guy was alive, I’m telling you no one cared about his taste in music. He was always listening to German hymns or some other nonsense, and wouldn’t shut up about harpsichords even way after they were played out. Meanwhile we were all like, dude, the piano is what everyone’s into now. Get a clue! But nowadays, to hear his name in New York, you’d think the man invented music. Most people under the age of 110 don’t even realize he wasn’t a rapper at all. 

Me, I’m a aesthete, a true lover of culture. I’m a sick dancer, you know. And I’m getting a little sick of all this fawning over Hamilton—a man I basically created in my laboratory of genius, by the way—especially since the best line about me in his stupid songs is ripped off directly from Gilbert & Sullivan. That’s the thanks I get. To even things out a little, I thought I’d let my fellow Americans in on just what makes old George—the father of our country—tick. How does that sound? Good to you? Who cares. Here’s what I’ve got on my phone right now.

Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
Regular Social Butterfly

I have to think, as a forward thinking kinda guy, he'd love so many of the artists he freed this land for, so on behalf of all music loving Americans, thank you Mr President for the freedom you gave us to enjoy Janis Joplin, Taylor Momsen, Jimi Hendrix, all the wonderful artists we've enjoyed...





Honored Social Butterfly


I have to think, as a forward thinking kinda guy, he'd love so many of the artists he freed this land for, so on behalf of all music loving Americans, thank you Mr President for the freedom you gave us to enjoy Janis Joplin, Taylor Momsen, Jimi Hendrix, all the wonderful artists we've enjoyed...





Great response!!


Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

This was pretty amusing.  The list is at the link.  Check them out.


Here is number 9...


9. “Cherry Tree,” 10,000 Maniacs 
I’ve always had a little trouble with cherry trees as metaphors. In fact metaphors generally give me a hard time. This song by the 10,000 Maniacs (aka the British at Valley Forge) is about someone struggling with illiteracy, although cherry trees are never actually mentioned in the lyrics. I can relate, as I never even learned Greek or Latin.

Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
Honored Social Butterfly

@nyadrn - Too funny! Thanks so much for posting it. 


#5 Red Headed Stranger (Willie Nelson) 


Who knew GW was a red-head? It wasn't in my history book!  Cat LOL


Happy Birthday, George!!

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
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