AARP Eye Center
There are only 6 Instant Wins. When I check the Official Rules for the Instant Wins there is an Old Navy Card that is supposed have started today. But there are no Official Rules link for it. Just another error on the part of the organization running this program. Is there anybody there that can fix this? Or any of the other problems?
Congratulations, @JoLo49! You would have received an email with a subject line that says "Congratulations - here is your reward!" The email was sent to your email address from: Please check your spam and junk folders if it is not in your Inbox. - Diana G.
I am aware that I should have received the "Congratulations" email soon after winning the Instant Win. However, this time there was no email sent by AARP, and I have checked junk and spam. I contacted AARP Consumer Care by phone, and it was confirmed that no email was sent for my winning the Instant Win. The issue has been escalated, so I hope to hear back in 3-5 days. The Old Navy Instant Win was posted later than usual, so I wonder if there were also errors attached by posting late.
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