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Gold Conversationalist

Once again … No points for watching a video…twice!!

Like what happened just 2 days ago….

No points for watching a video…twice!!

This time it was the “Body weight burn” video ☹️

Once again it happened only on one vid!


I took a chance at wasting more time…

but on the 3rd try it did give the earned points!

So I wanted to prove that it rules out something wrong on my end!


Hope y’all are having better day then me!😉

Take care ~Allen

Body weight burn 1st time watching No pointsBody weight burn 1st time watching No points


Body weight burn 2nd time watching No pointsBody weight burn 2nd time watching No points


Body weight burn 3rd time watching did give the earned pointsBody weight burn 3rd time watching did give the earned points


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Super Contributor

I have watched various videos and have received no points.  It will say Sorry no points etc.  This keeps happening.  It also occasionally occurs on quizzes.  It usually will say to redeem your points and then it takes me to the Redeem tab.  Then I have to start over again and go to the Earn tab.  Over and over.  Why is this happening?

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Gold Conversationalist

Hi @11320cs  

Thank you kindly for your reply. 🙂

It helps to know that another member is having the same problems! Have you ever watched a Vid a 2nd time & still….No points! 😒

As I mentioned….it happened twice to me this week….


“Why is this happening?” 🤔

Not sure….would love to hear a response from am admin….such as  @AARPTeri

Take care ~Allen 🌈

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Bronze Conversationalist

I have had it say many times "Sorry no points this time".  And It doesn't show in my transaction history.  But if I do another video or quiz I get the points for both.  If I tried to watch the same video again it would say no points because in reality I have already received the points for that video it is just in a delay in showing up.  If it happens on the last thing I do, I go the the redeem page and pretend to redeem for something, but don't even add it to my cart. I just click on it and then close it.  And guess what?  Voila!. The points for the video or quiz magically appear.  It is just another one this sites many glitches

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