AARP Eye Center
I apologize for not getting this post up over the weekend or yesterday! Here are the Daily Deals for Tuesday through Friday!
Tuesday, September 21st: Door Dash! Save 30% on $20 gift card.
Wednesday, September 22nd: Google Play! Save 30% on $10 gift card.
Thursday, September 23rd: UNO Pizzeria! Save 30% on $10 gift card.
Friday, September 24th: Michael's! Save 30% on $10 gift card.
It was not deleted, but it doesn't appear you posted this either. You may want to check your profile page and see if it is saved under Drafts, you can find this by clicking on My Profile, then under the listing for Quick Links you will see options for Private Messages, Subscriptions and Drafts - click Drafts to see if it is there.
It is not under Drafts. I am positive I posted it as I wait for it to appear before I close the page. Another mystery I guess.
Just out of curiosity - was there a big glitch in the system today? I ask, not only because of the post being missing, but because the Daily Deal didn't seem to be accessible until 1 PM EST. My now missing post actually addressed the Michael's Daily Deal and the problems getting it.
Thank you for your response.
I am having a problem getting the Michael's daily deal. I can put it in my shopping cart, enter a credit card, but when it processes it it comes back with a message that 'there was a problem with your payment. Please try again or call 1-866-4516305'. Repeated efforts gave me the same result. When I called the phone number, the person only has a set script to read me and offered no help. It is now 12:51 PM EST and the Michael's card is still available but I get the SAME response. What is the issue??
@BeachGirl23 Thanks for reaching out. I reviewed your account and I see you purchased the $10 Michael's gift card Daily Deal on Sept 24. If you have not received the email yet, it can take up to 72 hours to arrive.
@BeachGirl23 For the past month, I have been having problems completing the Daily Deal transactions after getting item into the cart. I also get the message "there was a problem with payment" and to call AARP customer service. AARP tech support has been notified with no apparent fix.
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