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My parents kind of spoiled me and I took advantage of being an only child.
On a trip to a local retail store, I saw a cool looking white wool jacket and begged my parents to buy it for me.
The price tag was $50 in the late 1950's which would translate to an extremely expensive jacket today.
They broke down, bought me the jacket, with specific instructions not to play while wearing it.
Of course the first thing I did was play football in the jacket. I was tackled, slid along the grass, and soiled the jacket.
A grass stain , you say.
I had slid through a giant pile of dog diarrhea. Jacket ruined.
Man, did I get a whooping.
Hi @nctarheel
โ....I had slid through a giant pile of dog diarrhea.
Jacket ruined.โ ๐ฑ
Dog Pile Emoji Costumes LOL
whooping.....SO DESERVED! LOL ๐
Take care โฎ๏ธ ~Allen
Never got spankings - only beatings. Sometimes a switching - switches were kept in a bouquet in a vase that my father had given my mother with flowers on the day that I was born - fitting, right?!
Brother did get more than me unless I stepped in to protect him since he was on the small side.
Come to think of it - we never got anything "new" either.
No lighter side in this topic for me -
Yea, I forgave them and handled my responsibility to them the best I could since they did give me life and didn't kill me as I was growing up. My mother was mentally ill and my dad just went along.
I am sorry for the treatment you received as a youth by your parents. I did not have the same experience with my parents. They were loving and supportive. As I told @WebWiseWoman, the purpose of my anecdote was to tell a story of a young boy who didn't listen to his mom and ended up in DEEP DOO DOO so to speak....literally. It seems that @Therapist4u discovered the spirit in which I started the thread.
I am so sorry that you took my anecdote so seriously. My subject was not intended to be about abuse, it was intended to be a humorous anecdote about a young man that didn't listen to his mom and ended up in a pile of dog poo.
Spanking was the "rule of thumb" in the fifties for disobedience. Note I didn't say a "beating".
Even, in school, a paddling with those little wooden paddle-ball paddles was not uncommon.
And, if you were sent to the Principal, an even bigger paddle might be used.
No apologies necessary and I am so sorry that you experienced abuse.
I guess that history colors things differently for me.
I was a straight "A" student but a bit disruptive in elementary school so a paddling was a common occurrence for me. I guess today, it would be considered abuse and both teachers and Principals would be fired for it.
Thanks for your comments.
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