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Honored Social Butterfly

UFO's Among Us ?????

Today the Government released its report on the 144 sightings of UFOs by the Military - 

NBC News 06/25/2021 - UFO report: Government can't explain 143 of 144 mysterious flying objects, bla... 


This is fascinating to me because once when I was a child - sleeping with open windows - I awoke or thought I was awake,  I saw one, or so I thought, land in our back yard - glowing lights and everything.  Thought I was gonna be going on an extended adventure.  Course, I was also an avid "Twilight Zone" watcher too.   


Curious as to what others think -"spoofing", errors, some weird atmospheric phenomenon ??????

Ever seen something like this or thought you did?


Here is just a bit from the link.

The Department of Defense established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force in August to investigate mysterious flying objects.


That report, released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, was meant to shed light on the mystery of those dozens of flying objects, spotted from 2004 to 2021, but instead said it didn't have adequate data to put all but one of them into a category.


That one UAP — shorthand for "unidentified aerial phenomena" — was a large, deflating balloon, the report said.  "The others remain unexplained,"


Bummer . . . . thought we might get some answers but they are still mysterious.  Makes the imagination run wild. 😨





It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi @GailL1 ,


Thank you for this topic.  It keeps popping into my head...oddly enough...usually after conversations with my kids or their kids.

I'd like to resummarize my post from 11-05-2021:


In short; it seems more likely that, if aliens are visiting Earth, they are analogous to Diane Fossey and Jane Goodall. And, because of the undue influence of antisocial elements of our species, we collectively, appear to be the dangerous, paranoid, pathologically narcissistic gorillas in the mist. But they keep watching to see if and how we get our act together.

There are a plethora of organizations dedicated to rectifying various forms of discriminatory practices ingrained in all the cultures of humanity. All of these efforts would be enhanced exponentially if they were to recognize that they are all seeking a solution to the same problem  and find a way to unify so they can coordinate their efforts for the prosocial betterment and salvation of Humanity as a whole.



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Trusted Social Butterfly

Funny how this keeps popping up.  A friend showed me some higher resolution versions of the videos last weekend.  These videos also purported to include pilot audio.  The striking thing was the absence of expletives in the pilot audio.  Putting stereotypes aside, it seems likely that any pilot witnessing something like this would at least exclaim 'My God' instead of 'My Gosh'.

...just a thought.

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Trusted Social Butterfly

I never really gave this topic much thought until a few years ago. I mean space adventure movies and T.V. were entertaining. And given the vastness of the universe that we are able to detect it seems the height of hubris to think this tiny speck is the only thing supporting life...or even sentient life, but didn't think about it much beyond that.

Then I watched a T.V. program on one of those supposedly educational channels on cable (Discovery, Learning, Science, History) that had a quote from Steven Hawking saying that we should definitely be prepared for E.T. to visit with hostile intent. That kinda got my ire up.

The types of technology and types and amounts of energy needed to make interstellar or intergalactic communication and travel practical are probably influencial factors in determining whether a species is able to visit other worlds. Cultures that embrace notions of Competition, Winning and Personal Power as important core values probably destroy themselves and take others with them.  A species unified by a culture based on altruistic and prosocial values seems far more likely to coexist successfully with that type of energy and technology than one whose members are constantly competing with each other for the best chance to satisfy their individual, personal ambitions.

H.G. Wells probably got it right. To any space faring civilization microbes (bacteria and viruses) probably pose the greatest threat. Any species with the technology to get here would most likely see Earth as a polluted, swampy biohazard surrounded by a junkyard. Any natural resources they may need could be obtained far more safely and easily from other celestial bodies in our solar system.

The most likely motive, by far, for visiting would be Scientific Curiosity. Such contact might truly be governed by something like Star Trek's Prime Directive for both their safety and ours. If there is some kind of inter-stellar or inter-galactic community already in existence their attitude toward planets and species like ours is probably akin to that expressed by paraphrasing Klaatu, the visiting E.T., in the 1951 version of The Day The Earth Stood Still...'What you do on your own planet is your business, but if you reach a point where you pose a threat to The Community, the threat will be nipped in the bud promptly and decisively'.

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Trusted Social Butterfly

P.S. Never had a Close Encounter of any kind, but to reiterate, 'it seems the height of hubris to think this tiny speck is the only thing supporting life...or even sentient life'.


The real question seems to be the boundaries of technological development and the cultural maturity to live with the technology.

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Bronze Conversationalist

The report reads to me like the government is still invested in not creating mass panic in the general population. I'm disappointed in their attempts to pass off the observed phenomena as misperception or error. 


Given the state of the world right now, and especially the state of the US, I'd welcome first contact from the Vulcans or Betazoids, or even humans from the future. 🤣



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Honored Social Butterfly

Live Long and Prosper . . . . . 


Live Long and Prosper.PNG


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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