Wisconsin now has the fourth-highest number of new coronavirus cases in the country, according to the CDC. Now, Governor Tony Evers says that is in part because of a highly-divided political climate -- including many who are not wearing masks as a political statement.


Governor Tony Evers

"When our leaders in the state don't want to cooperate on this issue, it makes it difficult for people that support them across the state," Evers said.

Wisconsin's new high ranking from the CDC is based on cases of COVID-19 in the last seven days. Many of those cases are among 18-24-year-olds as many of them returned to college campuses. 


Evers said on Thursday it is the wide range in opinions keeping Wisconsin from flattening the curve.

"We will continue to push this issue," Evers said.

FOX6 News has heard from many sharing their thoughts.

"It's just a good safety precaution," said Andrew Miller, who supports the mask mandate. "I don't see it as an infringement of my rights. I still get to go do and be active the way that I want."


"People are being smart, people are being respectful of each other. I think it's a little heavy-handed to have a mandate," said Dennis Berg, who opposes the mask mandate.

Many who oppose the mandate are still happy to wear masks in local shops and restaurants.


"A lot of people really don't like that mandate," Berg said. "In this suburb, people are responsible. And I`m not seeing anything that bothers me."