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Honored Social Butterfly


Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Welcome to May 2019. We had an overnight shower to ring in the morning on the Front Porch! Welcome to May 2019. Going to be a busy day tomorrow if we do not have more rain. Remember that March - April is CLOSED now.



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this first Friday of May! We have partly cloudy skies and a high temp of 59* expected. Went for my semiannual blood tests. I was surprised to see how leaved out the trees are. Some of the flowering trees are starting to open.  The buds on the Magnolias are firm and ready to open. Hope everyone has a great weekend..


The Sweetbay Magnolia is a smaller Magnolia variety, reaching heights between 30 to 50 feet tall and growing to about 20 to 25 feet wide. It’s recommended for growing zones 5 through 10, so it can go a bit farther North than the Southern Magnolia. The unique feature that sets Sweetbay Magnolias apart is their multiple trunks, similar to Crape Myrtles. The leaves on this tree are glossy and dark green on top, and silvery blue on the bottom. 3. The Little Gem Magnolia is a space-saving Magnolia Tree, growing to about 15 to 20 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet wide. It gives you all of the perfect Magnolia qualities, like dark, glossy green leaves that are bronze on the underside and large white blooms, without taking up nearly as much space. Also, the Little Gem Magnolia is a later bloomer. The blooming cycle starts in the early summer and lasts for months.

We have a young mother Cardinal nesting outside our living room window. You can see her red beak.



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly


Baked about all I fry these days are eggs🤣, mighty tasty. The trout had some companions in the pan.


Think the fish are as confused by weather as humans, this year. Caught with slim Jim piece.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

42* and cloudy but, trees are budding. You take your signs of Spring where you find them.🤣


Mud season is coming with daffodils this year, and just for good measure some more wet snow.


I did get out and I did catch something to eat. Versus being eaten by flies, guess they will arrive in another couple of weeks. After it warms up in earnest.DinnerDinner


And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


I  sent out your box today. I might have forgotten some stuff, my daughter was rapid texting me while at UPS. Plus, I couldn't get into the Morning porch for days.  I hope all is well with everyone.... Nancy

Honored Social Butterfly



Thanks and check your private messages inbox.

It takes a few days for anything to appear in ups system, today at 5Pm it appeared.


Now back to tylenol who knew brain shuts/slows down when temp hits 101*



ps its official Maine has had 202 days of winter, according to news tonight. Guess it wasn't my imagination. Need fire!

And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Hello, all Our Front Porchers!

Is it really May 14th already?  Wow!  We have been in Spring for almost two months now and my nose and toes are both froze (no pun intended Froze aka @Frozenoem)!  Smile. 


Speaking of Froze, so sorry to read of your being under the weather as it were.  Hope you feel better soon.  Stay warm and may the snow stay away.  Oh, and thank you for your help and suggestions regarding my wonky computer.  I think I've just decided to invest in a new one as this one is just too temperamental  (and that's just the kindest thing I can say about it).  But I've grown frustrated with having to wait to login or on and then after repeated attempts,  having to struggle with it's overall sluggishness and frequent shutdowns.  But after almost 15 years of use, I guess it's time to retire the varmint!


Morning, Nancy @n566192l.  Hope all is well with you where you are. 


And @LaDolceVita, I have to say when I first looked at that photo you posted, I intially thought I was looking at a horse.  But when I turned my head sideways, I could see it was a dog.  Don't know if it was your  photographic skills or my diminished and aged perception,  but I got it straight now.


For those of you, like @DaveMcK  who have warm temps, I truly am happy for you.  We had a few days of warm weather,  followed by winter-like the 30s.  Hence my cold nose and toes. Guess I better turn up the heat and put on another layer of clothes before I head out for the day. 


Today I plan to make another trip to Home Depot--this time to get dirt ("soil" for the more refined) for my next outdoor project.  You see, when I had my garage roof done a few months ago, I parked my Jeep in the grass away from the garage so it would be safe from the construction.  Well, when the job was done, I went to move the vehicle back into the garage, only to find myself stuck.  There had been a couple of days of rain and now after several attempts, I was thoroughly dug in...DEEP!   So I waited a few days until the ground had dried out a bit and I was eventually able to maneuver out of the spot.  But I left behind two huge, deep, and long trenches in the middle of the yard.  So now I purpose to fill them in and will have to re-seed the area as well.  


So as some brillant sage once said, "A woman's work is never done."

And "THAT'S" the truth!


In the meantime, to Everybody......







Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, All

Posting from under a toadstool here, wearing moss green. Cat LOL

Way too much rain to keep a smile going. Ugh! Third day of rain in a row…bright side is that it’s not as constant as it was Sunday and Monday. 53 here and not going any higher. Had to turn the heat on the last 3 days. Seems weird since the AC guy was just here last week to do the maintenance.

Have had my hanging plant ready to hang, but it remains on the porch so it doesn’t drown.

The other plants I put in pots are doing well as they are partially sheltered with a bit of overhanging gutter. Will wait a bit to throw the tomatoes in a pot.

Supposedly by the weekend we will be close to 80.

Hang in there, summer's coming. N.

Honored Social Butterfly





Frozen but, melting got my 6” of expletive snow, and finally an appointment with specialist.


Just need to remain upright for awhile more🤣. Life in the woods continues until then.


At least the tiger lilies were unharmed by snowfall in Maine Springtime.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@n566192l  Good to have you back.  I dont know what is going on with some folks not being able to access this site at various times.  Froze will probably know something.Ginger & DaisyGinger & Daisy
















@Frozenoem  What, you are thinking of next year's firewood already?  I would think that could wait until JuneWoman LOL at least! 


Posting close up of Ginger's nose as its cute and the only decent picture I was able to get at last try.  When I took a photography class the instructor said get on their level and I pretty much stuck the phone in her nose.  Daisy is just waiting for me to start cooking  Seems I used to get better pictures with my cheap digital  camera than this iphone 6.


Honored Social Butterfly



Need more clues to go on  for informed decision on why people can’t login. Clear browser ?


Computer? Mac? Windows? Linux? Android? Smartphone/ Pad? iOS? Windows? Android?


Firewood now vs whenever Blackfly season/ summer begins.


Breeze, cloudy, cool - 2 weeks of swatting/waving free. Cut, split, stack - coolness. Yes, there are a couple of cuss words for good measure and ?


Re: iPhone practice  , touching thumb and forefinger together, put on phone screen , and zoom in by  spreading fingers apart. Zoom out opposite. Have a book on iPhones somewhere.


Close up of cormorant/ or Daisy’s nose, pinch out to zoom in. Just like in editing you can zoom in/out for closer in, or wider angles of view.


time to stagger, need coffee.


Snow has been downgraded not as much coming - now!



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, All,

It says it's 80 out there and feeling like 82. Inside I have a long sleeved shirt with a long sleeved bouse over it and I'm still chilly. I was outside just standing in the sun to warm up, and it sure felt good. Cat Wink

Plumber was here this AM and now I have a shower head that works properly and the outside waterline in the front of the house has been repaired. Wahoo!


@Frozenoem ...YUM! Is that a rainbow trout? Broil? Pan fry? Bake?


@LaDolceVita  Sure hope you can get around better soon.

Regular Contributor

Good Evening and hope your day was great. I'm pretty new here right now. Was around here years ago. I've forgot how to get around and look for my messages etc etc. I'm still learning. Something tells me the people I use to chat with are not around here anymore. Any help you can share with me would be nice. Thank you.

Honored Social Butterfly



Never can tell what happened to former users on AARP, their names might ring some bells.


Some may have expired, some may have switched to social media , some to other online groups or others retired and on vacation.


Remember there screen names and try to PM them, have found some lurkers who I swore were passed over that way.


However if you recognize their style of writing, and they have an eternal flame for there picture icon -assume they have passed.


Time to play.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Dragon12345 ...Welcome to the group.

Some of us are too chicken to change anything including our avatar photo for fear we will disappear from AARP. After all, my ability to post photos from my computer went POOF for no reason that I know. @Frozenoem  had suggestions for me about that, but I don't dare change anything including my browser...just not willing to take a chance and screw things up. Cat LOL


62 and cloudy here. Went to CVS and stopped at the flower tent in town again to pick up some Gerbers.

Hope everyone has a healthy day.

Honored Social Butterfly



If you get brave this is from AARP if link works for changing avatars, and thanks for the word, I couldn’t recall it.


Today , is a non-thinking day, worked til 6am, and back grumpily at 11am, my brain will be off-line soon🤣.


For a shot in the dark maybe you changed where your pictures are stored. Generally in Users (your name) pictures.


When in doubt ask help in Windows, my problem at moment is using a Mac and need a windows machine to remember anything.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Dragon12345   Best advice I can think of is just to play around with the site!   Did you have another user name previously?  


Another wonderful day in Camelot.  The nights are excellent for sleeping with open windows.  Need turtle necks & warm pants when first going out in the morning then you have to change to summer duds about noon.  Air feels clean and nature is at her best.  Wonder what is in store for the rest of the summer?  


Honored Social Butterfly

Afternoon all been busy practicing my backstroke, 54* and warming up👍.


Partly cloudy and rain coming for next few days. But, the good news is weekend the mountains will hit 60’s👍.


Might actually get roads reopened soon. Met a furry little friend on pond yesterday, warning slap caught for a first time.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, Porch Peeps!

Happy May (although it feels like March...cloudy and damp and in the 50's here) Tomorrow it's supposed to be near 80...go figure.

Just saw that the MSN weather app on my computer will be discontinued June 3rd. WHY? It was so comprehensive and I liked to check it daily. Guess I'll have to be satisfied with the one on my phone which is pretty simplified and doesn't have an hourly prediction.

Went out for breakfast with a friend this AM and then on to the post office and I stopped to get a few plants for outdoors. Too chilly to be out there planting them so they will have to wait.

Hope the weather treats everyone better soon! N.


Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 wrote:


Just saw that the MSN weather app on my computer will be discontinued June 3rd. WHY? It was so comprehensive and I liked to check it daily. Guess I'll have to be satisfied with the one on my phone which is pretty simplified and doesn't have an hourly prediction.


I know I'm a few days late, but might as well throw in my 2¢. Have you tried WeatherBug? I've tried other weather apps, but I always end up coming back to WeatherBug.


@Frozenoem  I see ME is the first state to ban styrofoam.  Great news.  I wish VA would start getting on board with banning pesky trashy things like plastic straws, etc.

Honored Social Butterfly



Guess it will be back to using a 20oz DD reusable Stainless Steel cup for my brew, an improvement over plastic or styrofoam.


Actually most of our restaurants in town have already stopped using styrofoam for takeaway, all 3 of them🤣.


One holdout is allowed to use remaining stocks up.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

About the foot problem.  Tessie chewed my last arch support and now the price has  almost doubled at Amazon.  They were by Walkfit and the reviews are mixed.  I have no choice but to order another pair.  I had some problems a few years ago and these did help. 


@Frozenoem   Sounds like you are feeling better and certainly more active than I am

these days!


Beautiful weather here, cool nights warm and days, not much humidity.  The air is full of honeysuckle and privet and makes you feel glad to be alive. 



Honored Social Butterfly



Feel about the same as I have most of the winter but, also have been practicing walking on a pitching deck.


Sure the deck may be road or house but, have been practicing, and if you do it often enough it gets easier.


66* and sunshine, time to charge the lawn mower, fix the snowblower belts, and do a few things around house.



Might actually get to mulch the leaves finally from fall🤣, as we went from Leaves on trees, to blizzard and 3 feet of snow last year. Just waiting for grass to dry👍.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly



I use the Weather Channel and a local NBC affiliate weather APP. They both have full coverage and hourly weather. 


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK ...Thanks. It was just so easy to click on the Windows icon at the bottom of my screen and have it pop up big and bold with all kinds of easy access. Guess we all have to move on. Cat Tongue

Trusted Social Butterfly

It is definitly  late spring in my corner of the world.  Looking at mostly 80s.  Still struggling with plantar faciitis.  If I could just rest I think it would go away.  I have found a pair of shoes which seems to be controlling the pain but is not comfortable for running around the house for long periods.   I do OK most of the day but by evening I just drag.  House with basement on a hill is not conducive to dragging feetWoman Frustrated   I hope I can report better news pretty soon.  I am using analgesic cream & trying to stay off of feet as much as possible.

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