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Honored Social Butterfly


Yet another multiple murder using an assault rifle to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible has occurred. It has become such an everyday occurrence that the news is no longer following the story even though it is only hours after the event. It is time for the citizens of this country to call for the banning of all semi-automatic assault weapons. Other countries have done it. The grief and anguish caused by this daily onslaught of multiple deaths is affecting the psyche of the country as a whole.

Honored Social Butterfly

@jonibee Wrote

. . . .  Guns in the wrong hands needs to be addresse NOW not shelved again.


How to tell those โ€œwrong handsโ€?  Since it may also have to do with a wrong mind and heart & soul.


Perhaps a tattoo in the middle of the head - โ€œNO GUNS FOR YOUโ€. - easily identifiable - could even include the new photo on picture ID.

Plus if they get it by mistake somehow, it can be removed.


We have over 300 million people in the US and each one is different - 

It is a difficult problem but the emphasis does need to be placed on the people behind the gun and their actions.


Solving any problem by targeting those not involved (law abiding, mentally, emotionally healthy people) seems like the wrong way to go to me but that does seem like where some want to go - 



I've read all of these posts and I feel I need to respond.  The problem is not the gun...the problem is that the home and family unit has broken down.  A child needs a productive mother and father in a stable home.  They need to be taught right from wrong and understand there is punishment for wrong.   They don't need two mothers or two fathers...what are people thinking???.  When our so-called leaders took God from government building and schools that was the beginning of the end.  Get their noses out of the phones and computers!  They don't know how to go outside and just play anymore!  Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 in the Word of God.  

Honored Social Butterfly

@Rebecca2004 wrote:

I've read all of these posts and I feel I need to respond.  The problem is not the gun...the problem is that the home and family unit has broken down.  A child needs a productive mother and father in a stable home.  They need to be taught right from wrong and understand there is punishment for wrong.   They don't need two mothers or two fathers...what are people thinking???.  When our so-called leaders took God from government building and schools that was the beginning of the end.  Get their noses out of the phones and computers!  They don't know how to go outside and just play anymore!  Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 in the Word of God.  



The problem addressed in this thread is most definitely the gun. Military style assault weapons have no place in our society. As previously noted, over 85% of mass shootings are conducted using this type of weaponry. These guns are made to kill the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time.


For you to divert the discussion from the destructiveness of these guns to blaming it on separation of church and state is wrong.


For you to divert the discussion from the destructiveness of these guns to blaming it on who loves who in a family unit is also wrong.


Please try to stay ON TOPIC.


You tend to divert from the real problem which is the mindset of the person behind the gun. I agree there is no place in society for these weapons but something also needs to happen to help these people with their mental health. Without God, we are nothing.

Recognized Social Butterfly

WRONG, so WRONG on so many levels!


Yes, mental health issues are premiere BUT without access to weapons of mass assassination, NO ONE COULD MASSACRE? Sane or not, right?


Here's a thought: put an AK47 in #dotard hands; forecast result?

Honored Social Butterfly

@Rebecca2004 wrote:

You tend to divert from the real problem which is the mindset of the person behind the gun. I agree there is no place in society for these weapons but something also needs to happen to help these people with their mental health. Without God, we are nothing.



I understand and respect your belief in a deity but there are many people who don't have the same beliefs as you and you should respect their beliefs also. Many atheist, agnostics, and others have made huge contributions to our society scientifically and otherwise.


I did note that we have agreement on one of your statements; that being, "there is no place in our society for these type weapons". So let us start there. Please support efforts to get assault military style weaponry off our streets.

Recognized Social Butterfly

Thank you so very much! We (myself, my daughters and families, and extended families), following 1-Oct, have no faith in any religion or deity (at least 10 generation Roman Catholic family).


Because if the deity I believed in for 60+ years would allow weapons of mass assassination, I want no part of that, ever!


I should have realized that after Columbine, but it seemed such an outlier for years; perhaps if we'd taken more action then these weapons would never have been available to the public. But then, we sought prayer and strength from the deity. And this is where that got us now.



0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly



@WebWiseWoman wrote:

Thank you so very much! We (myself, my daughters and families, and extended families), following 1-Oct, have no faith in any religion or deity (at least 10 generation Roman Catholic family).








That is why when I hear a politician, minister, or activist use the words "THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS", they ring so hollow after hundreds and hundreds of mass shootings using these weapons meant only to kill the most people in the shortest period of time.Invoking the "THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS" comment no longer comforts the families touched by these tragedies. They see no progress made toward controlling access to these MILITARY weapons.


Even more hollow are comments made by those that use the 2nd Amendment as a cause for the continuance of use of these weapons. I am sure that our Founding Fathers could not imagine a weapon that could kill the entire Continental Congress as they signed The Declaration of Independence in mere seconds.


Religion has its place in society but it is but a diversion when it is "called upon" in relation to the results of the use of these weapons. It sidesteps the true issue.... that these weapons are still legal after hundreds of examples of why they SHOULDN'T BE!!!!!!




Good morning ladies.  Before this turns into a bashing party, I will gracefully bow out.  I'm sorry for whatever happened to turn you away from God, but believe me, things are only going to get worse!  We are obviously looking at this madness with different perspectives!  I am a firm believer in God and I would appreciate it if you both would remove your responses.  They are offensive to offense.  Take care and, no response is wanted or needed.

0 Kudos
Recognized Social Butterfly

"I would appreciate it if you both would remove your responses.  They are offensive to me..."


Are you kidding me? Either you need professional help or you are just ...



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