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Wasted my time trying to renew

I wasted over 1 1/2 hours this evening trying to renewing our membership.  My frustration is over the top.

The website kept rejecting my cards saying the address was a problem.  I gave 3 different cards, our address is the same on Everything!  I finally gave up and called to complete.  That was equally disappointing because the agent was less than friendly, not at all apologetic, and told me, "I made a note about your issue."  There was NO expression of gratitude for the business. I was told that I will receive an email confirmation on June 1st, when our membership is renewed, but only after I asked.  Customer service has gone to the garbage bin,in my opinion. Extremely disappointting, and sadly, questioning our membership.

Community Concierge

Hello @DennisM773097, this is certainly not the type of experience we want our members to have. Thanks for renewing your membership and I apologize for the frustration this has caused you. I'll pass this along to upper management to be reviewed and addressed. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. - Daniela R..  

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I am trying to log into an event I registered for.  Same here.  Got incessant message to renew membership.  My membership does not need to be reviewed.  Am noticing AARP is getting mercenary.  And, customer service has, indeed, gone to the garbage bin.

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Community Concierge

@cl90366339  Sorry you're having trouble! I recommend logging into your online account at first. If you don't have one, it's free and easy to create. Then register for your event or log in. Let me know how I can help!  Jodee R. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

Hey Folks,


At least you didn't have an agent LIE TO YOU right in your ear as I did. I called to renegotiate my membership for the upcoming five years. I had negotiated the last five years for a TOTAL of $31. I knew I wasn't going to get that again. AARP was advertising $12 a year, if and only if, you AUTO RENEWED. I don't play that game. When I spoke to the agent, I stated that I was willing to renew for five years for $9 a year, $45 total with NO AUTORENEWAL. He agreed. I paid the bill when received. When I got my membership cards, I discovered that the LYING AARP AGENT had taken my $45 and only renewed me for THREE YEARS, NOT FIVE as agreed!!!!!!!!!!! It took several more calls to get the issue resolved. Garbage customer service indeed!!!!!

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