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How much is AARP wasting on mail?

I already give to the AARP foundation by making a monthly donation.  I am CONSTANTLY getting mail asking if I would like to give to the foundation.  I get so much mail from AARP that it is maddening and a waste of money.  I have to wonder if every mailing goes to everyone regardless.  I saw another post about the constant membership renewal requests when we are already members that are not expiring soon!


You are regularly sending me notices—even membership cards—asking me to rejoin AARP. Here is why I will not do it: You are not providing the senior support I need and expect. What is crucial to me is an organization that actively lobbies Congress, petitions lawmakers, and promotes legislation that will protect social security and Medicare.


I do not care about “'The Golden Bachelorette' Will Officially Debut This Fall. Who Will It B,?” nor do I care about the goals you outline in your IRS Form 990: Sparking bold, innovative solutions and social connection. I require an organization that will fight Congress for our finances and fiscal security. I do not care about commercials with an old woman jogging with dogs; I do care about social security payments and Medicare.

Community Concierge

@MichelleH842381 Hi Michelle, thank you so much for supporting the AARP Foundation! I can help adjust your mailing preferences if you'd like. Would you like me to stop the mailers from the Foundation? Let me know what mailings I can adjust for you and I'll be happy to get it taken care of! 

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Periodic Contributor

You have a valid point.  Inundation us with repetitive mail is a waste of resources 

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