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Medicare Supplemental Insurance (MEDIGAP) cost

Honored Social Butterfly

Medicare Supplemental Insurance (MEDIGAP) cost


  Investopedia 12/04/2023- Medicare Supplement Insurance Costs


 A really interesting and informative article - this chart is just a small part of it.

Medicare Supplement Cost Comparison Chart

The following price ranges are for a 65-year-old male nonsmoker living in Florida ZIP code 33012. 

Medigap Plan Type  Medigap Cost Range (monthly)
Medicare Supplement Plan A$166 - $345
Medicare Supplement Plan B $218 - $327 
Medicare Supplement Plan C$294 - $364 
Medicare Supplement Plan D $290 - $339 
Medicare Supplement Plan F$254 - $461 
Medicare Supplement High-Deductible Plan F $64 - $156 
Medicare Supplement Plan G $237 - $409
Medicare Supplement High-Deductible Plan G $64 - $144 
Medicare Supplement Plan K $82 - $162
Medicare Supplement Plan L $182 - $212 
Medicare Supplement Plan M $268 - $268 
Medicare Supplement Plan N $191 - $312 


High-Deductible Plan F and High-Deductible Plan G have the lowest rates, starting at $64 per month.


Regular Plan F (the plan with the most coverage) costs as much as $461 a month.

[no longer offered]

You can’t get plans C or F if you became eligible for Medicare during or after 2020.


This data was compiled by the writers from the plan finder.


lots more info at the link ~

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