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Covid Hit


This pandemic has affected everyone and in a very bad way some more than others. I am one of them. I lost my job that was my only source of income and my insurance does not cover covid care what should i do? 

 I desperately need money for daily survival I am even willing to take out a loan Any suggestions?

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I'm also confused about your post. Define COVID care? When it comes to testing, vaccinations, etc, there is no cost-sharing. When it comes to treatment, I'm not sure how they would deny you care if you already had health insurance and it's not a pre-existing condition. 

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Honored Social Butterfly


Sorry for your problems.

I am a little confused by your needs - is the need for medical coverage or for unemployment coverage?  I will try to give you a bit of direction on both.


IF you are UNINSURED or have certain insurance, the federal government is covering the cost of test and care in many instances; all or some of it.  Here are the details; links on the left side of the page go into more detail. - Coronavirus - CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: For Patients 


As to your no source of income - if you lost your job as a result of the virus - you should be able to get UNEmployment benefits - the best / easiest way to get this benefit is for your previous employer to submit a claim for you but you can also do it on your own at the office in your state - but that way takes longer.  The reason why the employment was terminated is important.


Your state is probably gonna be the (best) place that can make other suggestions to you on your health care coverage and your income problems.


Congress just passed and the President just signed the latest Covid-19 Relief Package - it adds a bit to the amount and length of UNEmployment benefits as well as sending many who meet the income eligibility guidelines a 1X payment of $ 600.00.

NPR 12/28/2020 - Here Is What's In The COVID-19 Relief Package 


Getting a loan without proof of any income is NOT a good plan.

Without knowing a lot more specifics about you and your situation, generalities is all I can offer.




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