AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, I think our high today was 50, and overcast, not much sun..convertiblegal was our Winner last night with 2 bingo's, so it's time for the Bonus game> We are playing
Letter O
Here are the numbers for tonight>
G-54 O-69 B-12 N-39 I-21
N-44 B-3 I-19 B-1 O-62
I-30 G-59 O-75
Good Luck, I'll check back soon, Jen
Okay, cloudy, muggy day with a little rain. It could have been worse though and I never ventured out at all. Laundry day for me and I vacuumed, mind you not as thoroughly as I normally would have but I gave it a running over, mostly to get up Samson's hair. He sheds attrociously 24/7 and all year long.
Good luck everyone.
Oh, I got two numbers to add to the two I already had so now I only need eight more. LOL!
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