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Honored Social Butterfly


Hi Everyone, Well I pulled out all the Christmas stuff from the closet, now the fun begins, oh the glorious mess ! lol

Here are the numbers for tonight>


O-72 B-9 I-18 G-54 N-35


B-2 N-38 G-56 O-68 I-29


N-41 O-70 B-14


Good Luck, I'll check back in a bit, Jen

Recognized Social Butterfly

I finally got here, went to the library for knitting classes, but there were only 4 of us who showed up. Tomorrow it will be another late night, as I go to Bible Studies.
Tomorrow is also registration time at the local college for the Senior Education Program Spring Semester, so I will be there for a couple of hours helping seniors register for classes that begin in January.
Well my kitties just shut the door to the office and are now trying to figure out how to get out, so I guess I better go, see you all tomorrow.
Charonanne E Kading
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Okay, take back the cold air you sent from the North. This has been another chilly day. My board is also chilly, not enough coverage to keep it warm, but it is going to warm up a bit tomorrow and more on Thursday.

Lucky me, I don't have to go through all that decorating anymore. One advantage of living with my son and dil.


Good luck everyone.


Social Butterfly

Oh me too Jen - got the tree up & decorated - what a day. Only a few numbers for me tonight.....

Honored Social Butterfly

Got a few numbers but not the one I needed, I haven't pulled mines out yet but I guess I need to start somewhere it not gone decorate itself 😆

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