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Honored Social Butterfly

The Bingo Blog

I guess I really should have thought of doing this sooner, but better late than never is what they say and I have had a more than busy month.

Just thought we needed a place to post for awhile, I hop, it's up to you if you want to post in this topic. Let's see what happens, I don't know about you but I think we kind of wore out the last Friday one.

Honored Social Butterfly

This will be short as I am not doing too well. I have finally decided to get here and share with my bingo friends what is going on in my life. It isn't good that's for sure. On the 25th of Nov I got a hugh shock when they did a Ctscan and told me I had a mass between my lungs that is Cancer and is very agressive type. WOW! Really knocked me for a loop. I was in the hospital for a week and they kept me in bed (grrr) now I feel like a wet noodle and am struggling to do things since I have always been very independent it is hard. I am thanking the Lord every day for my DIL she has been wonderful. I have an appt. with Oncology on Friday so hopefully will know more. Right now I do know they are planning on Chemo to shrink it so it stops interferring with my breathing. I will try and get on here more often and keep you all posted but in case that doesn't happen often I want to wish you all good things, and know I am trying to keep up with all of you. Love you all. 


Social Butterfly

So sorry to hear @SassiLady . My prayers are with you. Feel free to private message me as I went through that and other problems with hubby.  Glad you have support around you and I am always here for you. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

@VexedThank you, support always helps. I also went though it with my husband. Lost him in Jan 2009 to fourth stage colon cancer. Stubborn man, if he had gone to the doctor when I asked, but no. My mom always said you can lead the horse to water but you can't make him drink. Funny how so many old adages end up fitting todays problems also. I will try and stay in touch.

Social Butterfly

You are very welcome @SassiLady . Sorry about your husband, I know that is hard. I know what you mean about stubborn. We only found the lung cancer cause he finally decided to get his hernia fixed (after some prodding from me). Still has the hernia. Not sure if it was the radiation, chemo or whatever but he developed aortic aneurysm's. They fixed those and he did very well. I am quite thankful for the hernia. I encourage everyone I can to check things out once in a while since so many cancers have no symptoms. Please stay in touch. You can always message me even if you want to complain. ๐Ÿ˜Š Take care and my prayers are with you.

Not applicable

1 comment (12/7/23) @SassiLady , I am not one of your Bingo Ladies, but hope it is okay to say you are in my thoughts today. Nicole ๐Ÿค—

Honored Social Butterfly

Thank you Nicole, I appreciate it. You don't have to be one of our Bingo Ladies to join in, all are welcome.

Recognized Social Butterfly

Good morning @SassiLady , I have been sick from a reaction from a flu shot all week. I am feeling better today. 

I started craft classes again this Fall and enjoying going to them every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Our community college has a lot of construction going on which means a huge parking problem. I heard it is good exercise to walk but, almost all the parking lots are on a hill so walking with Congested Heart Failure is a little difficult. I do better on flat surfaces. 

Have you heard anything about Jen, she is still in my prayers. I hope this post finds you in good health. Have a great a wonderful week. 

Charonanne E Kading
Honored Social Butterfly

Sorry to hear you have been sick, I have never had a flu shot only one for pneumonia, never will get one either. No I haven't heard from Jen and I have been hesitating on calling her as I don't want to bother her, afraid I might wake her when she is taking a nap.

I am worried about her, she is still in my prayers also, also in my thoughts every day.

Have a great week, what is left of it since I just got on here.

Honored Social Butterfly

Here it is Friday and no one has bothered to post. Ah well, I hope you are all well and have a great weekend. I also hope you have a better week coming up than I have as I have appointments everyday except Wednesday and that is the day  I do my laundry.

@jen43I sincerely pray that you are doing better.

Social Butterfly

Glad you didn't have the damaging stuff where you are @SassiLady . 

I hope Jen is just trying to rest up from her treatments and is doing ok.

Glad you are doing some fun stuff @prisonnurse06 .

Social Butterfly

LOL. Hear, Hear! Good going. Hope everyone is well. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Thanks Vexed, I am doing fairly good and hope you and everyone else is also. Let's hear from you regulars, let everyone know if you are safe from all the ills going on with the weather and such.

Recognized Social Butterfly

I sent Jen a private message last week to find out how she is and does anyone know how she is doing.

Yes I miss Bingo but I understand why she stop doing it. @SassiLady don't you live in Florida, and if so did you received any damages from "Ian". 

The weather here in my part of Texas is finally reasonable with cool morning and warm afternoon. 

I have started classes at our local community college last month and I am busy every day which is good because it keeps me out of trouble. I am doing Knitting and Crocheting and Needlepoint and Coloring. 

I wish everyone a great night and good will. 

Charonanne E Kading
Honored Social Butterfly

So glad to hear from you Charonanne, yes I live in FL, we share a border with Jacksonville so are in the NE corner. Fortunately we only got some rain and wind. There were a few trees lost, but they weren't close by, so we are very thankful. I don't know how Jen is doing either, but also understand why she made this decision. I have been holding off emailing her or calling as I don't want to upset or disturb her. I just keep praying for the best for her. You are keeping very busy. I haven't picked up a knitting or crochet needle for about 11 years.  Ah well sometimes we have to stop doing the things we love. Stay safe and healthy, and pop back in again to keep us up to date.

Recognized Social Butterfly

Good Monday morning everyone. @SassiLady  I am glad to hear that you made it through the hurricane. 

I am also hoping Jen is doing okay and will continue to pray for her during this difficult time in her life.

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving Day which of course Canadian claim is the true Thanksgiving as the harvest is in and it is a time to celebrate. Of course if we were to celebrate in November it would be snowing and very cold at least the weather is fairly decent right now.

Today it is knitting and crocheting day at the community college.

I hope this post fines everyone in good health. 

Charonanne E Kading
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