AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Welcome to the month of June, and to our Bonus Game, we had 6 WINNERS last night, AWESOME !
convertiblegal with 2 Bingo's, dixie18, jonibee with 3 Bingo's, ladyfox58, prisonnurse06 and FAYESPLACE, a good night for bingo's !
SO...Me thinks we will finish with a COVER ALL, HERE ARE YOUR #s> B-7 B-15 I-30 I-19 N-40
N-44 G-52 G-59 O-75 O-62
G-47 B-9 I-26 O-72 N- 38
GOOD LUCK, I'll be back later to check, Jen
Wow, I didn't get a chance to get back to Thursday, what a surprise.
Congratulations to the six winners.
Well our a/c which had been on the bum is working, sort of anyway. I guess I will have to pray for the next 5 weeks as my son will be away. I'll just try not to do too much and get over heated. LOL!
Good luck everyone.
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