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Have you ever met a celebrity?

Have you met a celebrity in person? If so, who was it, where and when? What did you think--did they appear different in person than you would have imagined? If so, how?

Periodic Contributor

I once drank beer with a Monkey. I mean, a Monkee. Davey Jones came into a bar with another fellow through the back door and played pool for a bit. They came out to the bar later and sat near where I and a couple friends were seated. We were the only people in the bar and he struck up a friendly conversation with us over beers. He had been playing a concert at a nearby music camp that night. I remember thinking he had gotten older with some wrinkles and was very short. He was a very nice fellow. For years later I loved to tell people I once drank beer with a monkey. Lots of odd looks in return until I clarified.

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Great story!

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Lionel Ritchie not long after he left the Commodores. I was in my early 20's 

at my first job as an adult and my work friend and I were walking up the street,

I was talking to her and she was not listening. Her attention was across the street and I looked and there was Lionel Ritchie walking with another man.

We hurried across and asked him for his autograph. He acted like he did not want to give it and I thought the other guy was better looking.

Dr, J after the Sixers won the championship. He was buying a newspaper at a newsstand(remember them?) My head came to his hip. He was gracious but just wanted his paper.

Judy Arnold, Jim Trotter and Judy Sowinski (roller derby). I was a huge fan as a teen.

Enjoyed the other posts.

My age now, not star stuck. There some entertainers I would like to see before the bucket is kicked (them or me): Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler, Paul McCartney.




Honored Social Butterfly

Coretta Scott King amazing and she is beautiful 

Racquel Evans
Periodic Contributor

YEPPERS!  My Wife and I went on a Cruise Star Trek "The Cruise IV" for the 25th Anniversary of Star Trek Voyager.  We meet a large number of the Star Trek Stars, including and not limited to (just to name a few):


- Kate Mulgrew (Capt. Janeway, Voyager)

- Tim Russ (Lt. Tuvoc, Voyager)

- Jeri Ryan (7 of 9, Voyager)

- Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troy, The Next Generation)

- Denise Crosby (Lt. Tasha Yarr, The Next Generation)

- Brent Spiner (Data, The Next Generation)

- Garrett Wang (Lt. Harry Kim, Voyager)

- Gates McFadden ( Dr. Crusher, The Next Generation)

- Robert Piccardo (The Doc, Voyager)

- John De Lancie ( Q, The Next Generation)

- Nan Visitor (Kira, Deep Space Nine)

- William Shatner (Capt Kirk, The original series)


And Many Many More..  Actually bought a drink for Garrett Wang and enjoyed his company for a short while at our table.  The wife and I also renewed our wedding vows on that cruise with the Doc from the Discovery series.  Got Pics with Garret Wang (Who is also a really funny comedian as well), Robert Piccardo, and William Shatner.


It was a blast of a time for sure!!Wedding vow renewal ceremony, From left to right, my Wife and I are on the right end.Wedding vow renewal ceremony, From left to right, my Wife and I are on the right end.

Honored Social Butterfly

Yesssssss, I met Coretta Scott King I was pregnant and working at the Airport. I suppose to be going to the ladies room, but When I saw Mrs. King I couldnโ€™t move, Didnโ€™t care if I was late coming from the rest room Racquel was in her moment, Thank you for that Day and moment 1994

Racquel Evans
Super Contributor

I was lucky enough to spend the day hanging out with Cody Lunden, the wilderness survival instructor and star of "Duel Survival" when he was in Houston to give a presentation. Yes, he always does go barefoot everywhere! I was amazed as he walked across an asphalt parking lot in the middle of the day in July. The surface had to be 120F if not hotter. He's a great guy, extremely friendly. 



The medicine man at
Super Contributor

I used to do an Auto racing and sports-car article for a Northern Indiana newspaper, and I had the opportunity to interview such notables as Roger Ward, Parnelli Jones, Caroll Shelby, Stirling Moss, and a host of lesser-known USAC and SCCA Formula-One drivers, with a few NHRA dragsters thrown in, but that was the time when most of the big names in drag-racing were still living on the West coast. Now many of them are living and competing right here in Indiana near the Championship Fall Nationals dragway in Brownsburg, IN.


In 1966 I was on a wooden bench by the skating rink in Sun Valley, Idaho.  I was tying my skates, wearing my sky blue Curse You Red Baron!!! sweatshirt, when a man walked up and smiled.  He joked, "Young man, your sitting on my skates."  I pulled a pair of skates out from under the bench and handed them to him.  He asked, "Do you know who drew your sweatshirt?"  I proudly said, "Yes!  Charles Schulz."  He said, "Do you know who I am?"  Instant realization crept over me, but with uncertainty I replied, "No."  He said, "I'm Charles Schulz."  He gave me his autograph, and weeks later sent me a drawing with his note: "To Don Mills with memories of Sun Valley--Charles Schulz."  The drawing with Charlie Brown, Schroeder at the piano, Snoopy sitting on the piano, Lucy and Linus hang framed in my study.


I met Redd Foxx back in the '70s while on a school field trip to New York. My friend and I actually wound up in the elevator with him and were both hopelessly tongue tied! What great fun though to be able to report back to our fellow classmates that we'd met the Redd Foxx.


Yes, I've met:


Zaza Gabor

Colin Baker: The 6th Doctor

John Delancie (Q from Star Trek Next Generation.)

Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker from Star Trek Next Generation.)

Brent Spina (Data from Star Trek Next Generation.)

Rene Auberjonois (Odo from Star Trek Deep Space Nine)

Shadoe Hare

I have been a part-time actor during my lifetime.  One day I was called by a casting director friend who asked me if I would like to take a bit part in a movie she was casting.  I accepted and was sent a page from a script.  It didn't have a title on it so I didn't really know much about it.  When I arrived on the set I was told that I would be doing a scene with Jeff Daniels and Jim Carry.  What??? It turned out that I was playing the tuxedo salesman for the movie Dumb and Dumber!  So I worked with both well known actors.  The scene was used in the national trailors and I still have people recognize me on the street to this day.


Both Jim and Jeff were personable but we really didn't have time to socialize.  I would do the shots where Jim dressed in various tuxedos.  When "cut" was called after each tux was shown, Carrie and I would look at each other and crack up.  Then he took off to come up with another crazy idea for the next shot.

Periodic Contributor

I went to the Book store on University and 30th Street.a few years ago .and I seen chicken George.the one that played on Roots...He was looking to Buy some Books.we had a little conversation.and he said that He lived in San Diego at that Time


In January of 1972 I was in a casino lobby in Las Vegas Nevada and I met Red Skelton, he even signed an autograph for me


Back in the early 1980's, I was a food server at a Mexican Restaurant, El Gato Gordo, in Redlands, CA. I had a couple, who sat next to each other, talking, and her smoking. I took their order, went to the cocktail station, after dropping off their food order. One of my coworkers asked me if I knew who was sitting at table number (whatever it was). I told him I knew the man looked familiar, but couldn't quite place him. My coworker practically yells at me, "that's Neil Young and his wife, idiot!" I was 21 years old at the time, geesh. Mr. Young was very nice to wait on. I never let him know that I now knew who he was. Treated him just like any other customer by giving he and his wife excellent service. And, they left me a $20.00 tip! A pretty cool forever memory!


I met the one and only "Tiny Tim" and his new bride Ms Vicky They were there for US  It was in the 

P I (phillipines) l,last century back in the 1900s lol 1972 ?

My dad was stationed at Clark AFB ,where we.lived 71+73 

outside the officers club (my dad was NCO but we would hang out with the officers dependents  and he autograph my basketball jersey ,"to mr  Rick best wishes Tiny Tim Saw a huge diamond in Ms Vickie's finger ..that's my celeberty meet Peace to all


Yes. I met a celebrity while serving in the Army. I was at Indianapolis or Chicago airport and I met Wilt Chamberlin. I think the year was 1967. He was very nice to everyone. He sure was tall.


When I was eighteen I was a VIP Operator for a fund raiser. I was with a friend and we took a break and was walking to the restroom and she got very excited and ran up to someone. I proceeded to the restroom and when I came out she introduced me to Lou Rawls! We chatted, he told me I was beautiful and that I can get life-time back stage passes to his shows. After he walked off, I asked her....ummm, who is Lou Rawls?!! I was only eighteen and had no knowledge of him! But after listening to his music I was smitten! I did go to his shows and he told me to just tell the stage people after his shows that I was there and I could go backstage and talk to him. He was such a wonderful man. The father I never had. He was always very professional. We kept in contact until I was 42 years old. I was devastated when he passed away. I'll never forget how he touched my life and how he was so happy to see me (and my family) when we went to see him. I have his autographed photos in my home still! Miss you, Mr. Rawls!!!

Periodic Contributor

Years ago, on a trip to NYC, we decided to get tickets to a free performance at the Delacourt Theater in Central Park.  You have to get in line, the day of the performance of Shakespeare in Central Park that you want to attend, to get the free tickets.  That summer's play, was "Much Ado About Nothing," one of my favorite Shakespeare plays.  These performances feathure successful established actors; this play, starred Jimmy Smits, Kristin Johnston, Sam Waterston, and Dominick Chianese.  

We got in line about 7 am, and were 10th in line, so we were assured of tickets.  It was a pleasant experiance, there was a clean restroom nearby, and people would hold your place in line!  A lot of buskers came by, and everyone talked with each other.  I'll never forget the fitness calss, that came by-a very buff male instructor, with about 10 young women, all pushing strollers single file.  When the guy gave a command, all the women lifted one arm off their strollers, and began swinging themina big circle!  Our whole line broke out laughing.  

The box office opened at 1 pm, and we got our tickets.  That night, we came back, and in our seats, a woman next to us, told us that if we wanted autographs, we should go to an exit where all the actors came out.  And, since no vehicle traffic is allowed in Central Park after 8 pm (I think it is), all the actors have to walk out of the park with everyone else.

After the performance (which was fantastic!), we went to wait to see whose autograph we could get.  We got Dominck Chianese, and a fes others, who came out right after the performance.  After a few minutes, we heard a man exclaiming, "Didn't I tell you she was great?  She was great!"  followed by a young woman saying, "Da-a-d!"  the way your kids give mo or dad more than one syllable when you embarrass them.  

It was Sam Waterston, and his daughter Elisabeth, who at the time was a rising young theater actress in NYC.  

We got Elisabeth's autograph-she was so nice, and so good in the play!  Sadly, she seems to have stopped acting, as I haven't heard of her doing anything in the past few years.  

Her father was still grinning from ear to ear.  We asked for his autograph, and he said yes.  I told him, I loved Law and Order, and after seeing Much Ado, that the L&O writers should let Jack MCCoy have a sense of humor, tell some jokes, or something to show how funny Sam Waterston was!  This was well before Grace And Frankie, and he ws so funny in Much Ado!  He told us, "You should see what goes on, when the camera isn't filming, on Law and Order.  "We sing-all of us but Lis and Jerry, badly, we dance, most of us REALLY badly, and we have a riot!"  I asked him if it was true, that Elisabeth Rohm was leaving the show, and he nodded, and said that he'd miss her a lot, that he hoped they'd get to work on something again.  

Then, we asked him if Jimmy Smits was coming out, and he said that he had some family backstage, and thoughtthey'd be back there a while.  Then, he went to the exit, and yelled, "Hey Smits!  Get out here!  Autograph time!"  And, Jimmy Smits came to the exit, and we apologized for tearing him from his guests.  He said he'd do anything Sam Waterston told him to do, so we got his autograph too.  

We actually then walked out of the park to 82nd St, with Sam Waterston, his daughter, and family.  Everyone we met, who was in this play, was so nice!


40 some years ago, in my 20โ€™s, I was in a parking challenged, residential neighborhood in West Hollywood. I had parked a distance from my friends place and as I walked past this black limousine, with tinted windows, the window rolls down. I hear his voice first, it was immediately recognizable and sexy. He introduced himself to me (though it wasnโ€™t necessary) and extended his hand in greeting. I reciprocated and instead of shaking my hand, he brought it to his lips, kissed it and told me I was beautiful. Swoon. I thought about never washing the hand that Billy Dee Williams had just kissed.

Periodic Contributor

I Grew up with Ru Paul Charles and Marcus  Allen I know them well.we Lived in the same neighborhood .went to the

Same schools .are the same age.its a Blessing to see them become very Successful.they were Determined to become Great.


Many. Interviewed/photographed most of them for stories:
President Bill Clinton

Priscilla Presley

Victoria Principal

Oak Ridge Boys

Little Jimmy Dickens

Chevy Chase

Hal Holbrook

Martin Luther King III

Oprah Winfrey

Peter Noone

Clarence Thomas

Ted Danson

And others, some of whom I would just as soon forget.

Periodic Contributor

I Grew up with Ru Paul Charles and Marcus  Allen I know them well.we Lived in the same neighborhood .went to the

Same schools .are the same age.its a Blessing to see them become very Successful.they were Determined to become Great.


One that stuck with me happened as I was leaving the office on a Saturday afternoon. I had to go in for a few hours, and looked like a slug since I knew it would be deserted. Sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers, baseball hat & unshaven.

So I finish up and get on the elevator. It stops on the way down and picks up Mike Tyson, his now 2nd ex-wife Monica, and 2 or 3 members of the entourage. I had heard that week that they were hashing out the divorce agreement in another firm's offices. Plus I'd recognize Tyson's face claw tattoo anywhere.

They board the elevator, and Monica throws her arms around Tyson and lays her head on his shoulder. In a high-pitched breathy voice she says: "Baby I don't want to fight anymore."

Tyson declares: I ain't NEVER gettin' married again! I ain't NEVER gettin' married again!!!!"

I'm standing in a back corner of the elevator minding my own business.

Tyson says he'd love to go get some MickeyD's around here. Discussion ensues amongst the soon-to-be exes and the entourage as to where they might eat. Monica helpfully notes that the Palm is nearby (high-end steakhouse chain). Entourage notes other options they've seen.

I face an existential dilemma: do I interject a comment? Do I insert myself into their conversation or leave them alone? What to do, what to do, what to do?

By the time the elevator passes the second floor, I get back to basics. Recall this conversation thread began when Tyson declared that he'd "love to get some MickeyD's AROUND HERE." I had information relevant to this point, namely the location of a nearby McDonald's. But the conversation had noted the presence of the Palm as well as a couple of more modest options, not a MickeyD's. Didn't Mike have the right to have information about the location of a MickeyD's to be presented for consideration?

Concerned about overstepping by interjecting, nevertheless I piped up "Excuse me, there actually is a McDonald's nearby. Exit the building straight ahead, turn left onto the side street, and the McDonald's is located about halfway down the block."

Tyson beams as he graciously and enthusiastically says to me: "THANK YOU, thank you very much."

Meanwhile Monica stares Brutus-quality daggers right through me as the entourage members are cool and mellow. I let them exit the elevator first as they go their way (presumably McD's and I go, not to the Palm. Home ๐Ÿก!!!

Super Contributor

@RobertB986158 wrote:

One that stuck with me happened as I was leaving the office on a Saturday afternoon. I had to go in for a few hours, and looked like a slug since I knew it would be deserted. Sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers, baseball hat & unshaven.

So I finish up and get on the elevator. It stops on the way down and picks up Mike Tyson, his now 2nd ex-wife Monica, and 2 or 3 members of the entourage. I had heard that week that they were hashing out the divorce agreement in another firm's offices. Plus I'd recognize Tyson's face claw tattoo anywhere.

They board the elevator, and Monica throws her arms around Tyson and lays her head on his shoulder. In a high-pitched breathy voice she says: "Baby I don't want to fight anymore."

Tyson declares: I ain't NEVER gettin' married again! I ain't NEVER gettin' married again!!!!"

I'm standing in a back corner of the elevator minding my own business.

Tyson says he'd love to go get some MickeyD's around here. Discussion ensues amongst the soon-to-be exes and the entourage as to where they might eat. Monica helpfully notes that the Palm is nearby (high-end steakhouse chain). Entourage notes other options they've seen.

I face an existential dilemma: do I interject a comment? Do I insert myself into their conversation or leave them alone? What to do, what to do, what to do?

By the time the elevator passes the second floor, I get back to basics. Recall this conversation thread began when Tyson declared that he'd "love to get some MickeyD's AROUND HERE." I had information relevant to this point, namely the location of a nearby McDonald's. But the conversation had noted the presence of the Palm as well as a couple of more modest options, not a MickeyD's. Didn't Mike have the right to have information about the location of a MickeyD's to be presented for consideration?

Concerned about overstepping by interjecting, nevertheless I piped up "Excuse me, there actually is a McDonald's nearby. Exit the building straight ahead, turn left onto the side street, and the McDonald's is located about halfway down the block."

Tyson beams as he graciously and enthusiastically says to me: "THANK YOU, thank you very much."

Meanwhile Monica stares Brutus-quality daggers right through me as the entourage members are cool and mellow. I let them exit the elevator first as they go their way (presumably McD's and I go, not to the Palm. Home ๐Ÿก!!!


RLBVA - great story about Mike Tyson.  And the way you told it ~ PRICELESS!   Thanks for the laugh this morning!  Oh, and BTW, I would have piped in my 2 cents worth too!


I have been very fortunate to have met many celebrities over my lifetime.when I was newly married we went to the metropole cafe where Coleman Hawkins cane to our table and wished us luck.we also have a picture of Gene Krupa sitting with us . I used to live in NY and went to many broadway shows so I have pics & autographs of Christopher reeves, Hennie Youngman etc. And last but not least when we moved to California we became extras and met everyone from Fergie to Steve Harvey, also in Venice California walked into Goldie Haven & many others. Everyone of them was kind and thanked us for the compliments


I had a pretty fascinating life, that included many, many celebrities. One of my first jobs was being hired by the Playboy Club in Detroit. I was about 18-19 years old. The club was a hot spot and many celebrities stopped by after they'd finish their 'gig' elsewhere in Detroit or in Canada. When I say celebrities, I'm talking about movie stars, TV personalities, singers, comedians, athletes from any sport you can think of (pro & semi pro), and lest we forget... known Mafia from around the country. In fact, the Playboy Club was built next to (during the Capone era) the Purple Gang's  headquarters. We also had big name celebrities that entertained in the Penthouse of the Playboy Club. I worked there about 3-4 years. I was also "Bunny Of The Year" representing Detroit's club. The big pageant was held in Chicago and talk about celebrities! 

After I left Playboy, I had several really great jobs. One was being a newscaster for a NBC station in another state. I left that career job to come back to Michigan and get married. When both my two children were in school all day, I went back to work. This time I got a job working for a Sports and Entertainment Arena. They had one 'all year around' venue and a 'summertime only' outdoor venue. I loved that job, it reminded me so much of the Playboy Club. I worked there for 15 years and was able to catch sneak peeks at so many great and awe inspiring concerts. A little FYI; I also met more politicians there than I ever did at the Playboy Club. How odd is that? lol


As I said, I was very fortunate for the many celebrities I've met. Some even became lifelong friends. But, I believe it was asked what celebrities are like? I found them to be very smart, in many different areas. They generally always had on their happy faces. Most had their egos in check and were very personable and friendly. There's always a few though that had quirky demands or got very up set during rehearsal times. Sometimes that's quite understandable. They almost all do a great deal of tiresome traveling, they are gifted with a talent they do work very hard on, they're never really sure who's an honest friend or just someone trying to take advantage of their celebrity status, and then there's the groupies. These people never give up! They'll try and do anything to get next to their idol. Draining!


Many of the celebrities I met, some even became friends, have passed away. Some died way before their time and others were legends. I miss them. I think about them often and remember how fortunate I was to meet them all in one lifetime.   My brain is loaded with stories about them all.  Some are really funny and some are quite sad. As my grandfather used to say, "Ah the good old days."  And my favorite quote, " Tomorrow is another day"


Periodic Contributor

Yes I met 3 in my Life Time one His name is RuPaul Charles we grew up in the same neighborhood went to the same school.i know his sister's I knew his and RuPaul had the Biggest naturals.  In school every one wanted us to be in a contest but I was shy I didn't want to be in the contest I also grew up with Marcus Allen The foot Ball player for the raiders.we went to elementry school and Jr High school we graducatedthe same year.and we grew up in the same neighborhood.and one Day we and one of my friends went to old Town in San Diego to eat at a Mexican restaurant and I just kept looking at this guy .and I asked him did he ever been an actress on knot landing and he said yes.and he asked me who did I know that was him I told him he is older with gray hair but he looks the same he said he lives in San diego.somewhere in Rosecrans area.he gave me his augraph.but I lost it over the years that was in 2003.that all I know True story's.


I met Andy Griffith.  It happened that my uncle knew him from working in Nags Head.  He sold him a computer and since I knew about that sort of thing, it was arranged that I would go to his house in Manteo and hook it up for him.  He had the most beautiful house, very unpretentious.  His wife was a lovely woman and took our picture together before I left.  He was as friendly as his TV persona and in the kitchen on the counter was a small TV....and playing at the time I left was none other than Marlock.  Celebrity encounters are often disappointing, but mine was anything but!

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