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ElevaTOURs museum in Roanoke, VA, a museum all about the elevator

In Roanoke, Virginia, there is a place in a storage building called the ElevaTOURS elevator museum which is owned by a man by the name of Andrew Reams.  There are some people who do like elevators.  The museum is of parts of elevators that may have served many hotels, office buildings, department stores, etc.  Best way to know when it is going to be open is to contact Andrew Reams at and let him know when you may be in the Roanoke area.  The address for this museum is at 909 E 4th Street SE in Roanoke, VA.  He would meet you like at the door and take you up on a freight elevator so you can see what drove our elevators back in the days when we were young.  Someone told me that they had a part time job as a fill-in person to run an elevator at a department store.  I donated a copy of me standing by one of the elevators I used to clean before I retired.  If you are in the Roanoke area, send Andrew Reams an email so he can show you his museum.  

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