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Super Contributor


I didn't want to post this under "Health" because that would prohibit peeps who might want to describe or send a picture of the amazing apple cranberry pie with ice cream they had for dessert (whether they made it or not.)  So I'm trying it here.  

All to say that I (being on a very strick diet - as in the way I need to eat for my health) made coconut pancakes this morning.  They were a disaster and now I wish I'd taken a picture.

I can eat all things coconut and I thought these would be the perfect, and less expensive way than buying the Paleo/Keto pancake mix I've been relying on.

I think where I went wrong was using my years ago old standby Betty Crocker recipe and simply swapping out ingredients.  Man, they were awful.  

Next I'll try looking up an actual coconut (or cassava flour) pancake recipe.  I do love pancakes.  

I should take a picture of the trashcan where I had to throw the, well, the mess that was supposed to be pancakes.  Back to Paleo/Keto mix (which I call Caveman pancakes because there is a picture of a Caveman on the package), until I figure this out.

PS: I put some gluten free toaster waffles in, but by the time they popped, I didn't want em.  I'll have a yam later.  

Anyone have something amazing last night?  Mud Pie?  Enchiladas?  A huge burger with cheese and onion rings?  -- I remember that... eating.  Let me live vicariously.  What did you have?

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
Super Contributor

Food Eggs and Olives.jpg

Ha, top that! Eggs fried in spray oil over Gluten Free Toast with Olives.  I may even get a little Hummus out. 

I know you guys are eating... I can smell it. 

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
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Super Contributor

Blog Yam.jpgThis is my breakfast.  It's a yam, guys.  A yam.  A yam with a little honey on it sure, but a yam none-the-less.  I have nothing against yams, I like them and, importantly, I can digest them easily.   But I eat a lot of these.  

Come on, somebody send me a picture of a Denver Omelet, or some kind meatless deliciousness I can envy you for.
PS:  Of course I know the "rule" about ending sentences with prepositions,  However, it is antiquainted, clunky and what's more, its origins are shady.  And it's falling out of the common vernacular, anyway, finally.

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
Super Contributor

John Dryden (1631) would say, "...for which I would envy you." 😁 


What are your dietary restrictions right now?

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