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'Tis the Season to Curb Holiday Stress: Tip #7 Practice Kindness

rsz_volunteering_at_food_bank.jpgKindness has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy and improve mood. If your holiday season feels stressful or if your anxiety levels are high, try a random act of kindness. It doesn't have to be something big and extravagant. People who give of themselves in a balanced way tend to be healthier and live longer. Kindness can also be contagious!


Do you volunteer? How do you practice kindness?


Check out the other tips and kick that holiday stress to the curb!


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Regular Contributor

Happy Holidays everyone! When I see panhandlers or others begging for money on the corners and streets, I use to lock my door, and look the other way. I had this notion that they wanted money for drugs or a drink. Through my faith in the Lord, I changed my perception, and outlook. I now view them as people who are in need. It takes a lot of courage to ask a stranger for money. I now give roll down my window and call them over, and I give them what I can. I do this throughout the year. They usually reply to me "God Bless You." I do not view this as practice, but as giving a part of myself. I tell them "God Bless You and Take Care of Yourself." We all need to help each other to make this world a better place.

Social Butterfly

I invite everyone in the neighborhood over for a shot and a beer.

Periodic Contributor

Holidays, as well as birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates, can be difficult when loved ones have passed away, no matter how short or long ago. My husband and I miss my beloved parents very deeply, everyday. We know they are with us in spirit, watching over us and guiding our paths. I take this message and reach out to those I know, who have lost loved ones.  This is my act of kindness during the holiday season and throughout the year. This heartfelt gesture shows I care about them and are with them in their hour of need, in the absence of their precious loved ones. Touching their lives with kindness fills my heart with love. โค๏ธ

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