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Palm Harbor and Fleetwood mobile homes Waco texas

My son bought a single wide and a double wide mobile home from palm harbor in Waco Tx. Fleetwood is the maker of these homes located in Waco area.


Please do NOT consider buying a mobile home by Fleetwood 

They will not do repairs needed on these brand new homes. There have been so many issues needing fixed the most important one being slippery floors. A serious injury occurred from slipping on the slick floors. You must wear rubber sole shoes at all times inside these houses. I am going to list things that have happened since buying these homes. 


1. Dirt piled on existing septic tanks even though they were clearly marked

2. Water lines were crossed going to the wrong houses

3. New septic tanks burned up motor because they were wired wrong.

4. Water in wall in utility room in Doublewide 

5. Slippery floors in both houses one causing a serious injury 

6. Rippled floors in Doublewide 

7. Houses were not tied down

8. Doublewide front door and back door would not open or shut correctly 

9.Doublewide house was not leveled, son had to hire a company to come level the house at his expense 

10. Single wide had leak from light in front bathroom because not sealed on roof 

11. Strips around windows in living room and master bedroom not nailed down 

12. Master bedroom closet door cracked

AFTER MONTHS of telling Fleetwood they sent hostile worker here who then installed new door backwards telling the plant manager I told him to put it up backwards 

13. Single wide had rippled sheetrock in Master bedroom 

14 Single wide had holes in sheetrock and Ripples in kitchen 

15. Backsplash in kitchen Broken 

16. Both houses has broken kitchen drawers

17. Front bathroom in single wide had hole in floor and it was fixed by putting a strip to cover it. 


This is definitely not all the issues 

The issue is Fleetwood will not do the needed repairs and replace the SLIPPERY FLOORS that have already caused a serious injury. 


AARP has a poster in Palm Harbor office endorsing Palm Harbor. How can AARP endorse such a terrible company that sells FLEETWOOD mobile homes???


Fleetwood mobile homes should be closed down in Waco for their dangerous homes they build!!!!






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Honored Social Butterfly


Fleetwood has a limited warranty one their (new) mobile homes.  Has your son read it to see if some of the problems might be covered - well, at least for that 1-year after purchase.  

Fleetwood Homes - Limited Warranty 

But some of your complaints seem to be with outside issues that aren’t covered by this - Who hired the people who put in these system for the home?  The septic system, the water system ?  Who hired the electrician, the plumbers to do the work needed to attach the home to the lot?  Again, how long ago?


Who chose the lot where the home was placed?  Was all the necessary test done on the lot and soil to make sure it was suitable for a home placement with utilities?


I am far from Texas but I know when buying a new home where I live, there are walk throughs and inspections required BEFORE closing on the home so that all matters of problems can be addressed - after that, after closing, too bad for you, although most appliances have a separate warranty which the homeowner takes over.  


If the slippery floors are within the one year warranty period - what did they say about it?  Has the condition gotten worse?  Make sure your son is using the correct cleaning products on the floor - Read the warranty.


Yes, you can report them to whatever government agency has oversite but the complaint would mean much more if you had a successful lawsuit / complaint against them - or at least all of your responsibilities covered so that any blame is placed on the correct party.


Sorry for your troubles, I have been angry at some of the builders I have hired through the years - but usually had no recourse because of timing issues or the materials broke down after the warranty was up.

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