AARP Eye Center
Hi, all, I hope that you all had a peaceful and pleasant Thanksgiving day. I had a quiet day, by choice, which was actually a good thing. I met with some friends afterwards to visit some craft shows, have lunch, catch up, etc. Although the weather was cool, we really enjoyed ourselves. The best days with friends, particularly those who recently lost loved ones, are those where we are casually enjoying each other's company. No stress, no annoying questions, no unwanted advice. In fact, we made an unexpected stop at a local park and just walked around in the sunny area. How refreshing and exhilarating. I now realize that it is the small things that matter and the company you are with. If the fit is right, there is no stress to set an agenda or plan a grand excursion. Just enjoy the people and places you are with. This may actually be my way to live in the present and it feels good. I just read an article that hit home - nostalgia is good but you can't forget you are living today. I hope to continue to do so. That realization has taken a lot of pressure off of me on my journey. Just wanted to share. Your friend, Sue
Thank you @SueS788527 . Your wonderful account of experiences radiates serenity. Something helpful to us all these days.
Thank you for your insight. Serenity is a good word. I am trying to live a simpler life these days and it helps with "moving forward." That is a hard phrase to relate to when one is grieving but necessary since we all live in the present, as nostalgic as the past may seem or at least as we remember it. 😉 Have a good day. Sue
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