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It has been a year since i lost my wife

I have been handling it good, I started seeing an old friend and we are helping each other with issues. My family and Nikki think that I have not been able grieved probably. My issue is I watched my wife suffer for45 days in the hospital with a bacteria infection that led to a massive stroke that is when I was grieving just watching this love of my life who was a nurse, EMT, firefighter and very active in life just shutdown. I have events of sadness but I have made peace with it. Has anyone else experience this

Silver Conversationalist

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear wife. She sounds lovely and full of life. I've noticed that those who express their thoughts, feelings and emotions not only feel better but gradually are able to put their experiences into perspective. I've lost more than one person to the decline you describe. That's the thing about death. Even when a person is very sick we still hope and pray it won't happen. When the end happens it's final. It can be a shock. Sick people often get well. Except many sick people die. To watch the suffering can be a nightmare. In spite of it all your loved one was aware you were there. I'm sure that was her great comfort in the midst of those circumstances. We don't know the full story of suffering while we're on this earthly plane. Except that it happens like rain or stillwaters.  You will grieve in certain ways for your wife always. But I think the pain is eventually replaced with appreciation for the time you had with her. Time takes time.Take care.


Hi, Frank, your feelings resonated with me.  I appreciate you sharing them.  Expressing them will help to bring some closure of the trauma of watching your loved one die in front of you.  I experienced that as well, and like Beatlelover, saw firsthand the ravages of cancer.  This all happened over a 2-year period.  First the bad diagnosis around Christmas.  Then the "effective" treatment for one year.  The second year was disastrous.  Lies about an alternative treatment, etc, etc.  Yes, you are right watching the "rapid" decline was a hopeless feeling.  It left me with many "would have, should haves."  I found out in a GriefShare session that we experienced trauma in addition to the actual loss.  There probably was anticipatory grief as your loved one was dying.  These intense emotions unfortunately add to the already intense grief of losing your loved one.  Please continue to reflect on your loved one, relive happy past memories and know that you did all you could do.  Find your own way of grieving.  I knew I needed the right kind of support - people who would listen (just listen) and not judge. In fact, I recently recognized that I needed to keep my distance from negative, judgmental people.  Even after a year, we are still fragile and need to concentrate on our well-being, mentally and physically.  That is an individual choice.  I highly recommend GriefShare as another avenue of solace and guidance.  Even after a year since my husband died, I find that I still in my heart of hearts have a hard time accepting his loss on different levels.  Take time, journal and reflect.  All the feelings you have are natural.  The only cautionary note is not to allow yourself to go into the world of self-pity. I wish you better days ahead.  

Silver Conversationalist

I'm so sorry for your loss Sue. You are helping a lot of people with your sharing. Take care.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@FrankW644202 Iโ€™m sorry for your loss. I lost my 

husband to Cancer and watched him suffer for 10

months. Iโ€™m now into year 5 without him. There are 

stages of grieving and everyone goes thru the

process differently. One can also digress back to

an earlier stage. Acceptance can be fleeting. I

speak from my experiences, of course. I have

good and bad days and you will as well. I think

deep down Iโ€™ve accepted his loss but that doesnโ€™t

mean Iโ€™m happy about it. I go in and out of all the

grieving stages all the time and suspect I will forever.

Having a support system as you have is key also. If you have made peace with her death, thatโ€™s very

healthy for you. I wish you peace and luck on this

journey that no one wants to take ๐Ÿ™


Silver Conversationalist

I'm so sorry for your loss Beatle. Take care.

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