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Silver Conversationalist

Vaccination Rollout

I was curious to find out how the vaccination rollout has been in other parts of the U.S.  Here in California, the rollout was a difficult process at the start because the availability of vaccine was the limiting factor.   There is finally light at the end of the tunnel where the eligibility of more people to get vaccinated has expanded to age 16 and older on April 15, however, the vaccine availability is still a limiting factor.  I am grateful that I received my second Moderna shot, although I experienced side effects of fever and chills after the second shot.  Would be interested if others would post about your vaccine experience and which vaccine was available to you.  Take care and stay well while we try to get back to more normalcy.

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Regular Social Butterfly

@JoLo49 thanks for this post.


NV is finally getting it right, even offering ride-share service for those of us who would have to use public transportation (increasing exposure)...


The saddest of this pandemic for me has been the disparity; someone I thought a friend (even tho Trump supporter) yelled homophobic words during dispute with neighbor. I seriously cannot look at him; I was moving up the stairs the other day and there he was. I did not want to talk but he started conversation; I honestly fear this person due to what he said, so conversed for a minute.


He stated he couldn't get COVID vaccine due to needing gall bladder removal surgery. Not buying (think his Trumpism tells him he shouldn't) but, again, can we ever be sure of anyone?





Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
Regular Social Butterfly

I would contend our leadership is NOT being honest with us. We are in a war of time. We MUST build herd immunity and kill this virus before it mutates and kills us.  

Half US states are experiencing a resurgence.

Countries like Italy, France, Germany and Poland are or will soon implement new lockdowns as the infections intensify. 

We cannot continue to support those displaced, need to get America back to work, to normal and that is only going to happen WHEN we defeat the virus.

Having the fever and chills suggests your body is building immunity. That is a good sign.    

Regular Social Butterfly

Won't debate "leadership" with you, but...


do you mask up?



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
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