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Periodic Contributor

AARP Rewards = Excessive clicks

My goal today: Complete all Monthly Quizzes (point value = highest to lowest).  Steps needed:

1) Click: AARP Rewards; 2) Click: Earn; 3) Click: Filter by: 4) Click: Quizzes; 5) Click: Point Value; 6) Click: Apply; 7) Click 'See More'.    

After I complete the quiz, clicking on the option to take another quiz does not fulfill my requirement of (a) ensuring it's a Monthly quiz; and (b) greatest number of points awarded.

Next step: 1) Click: AARP Rewards; 2) Click: Earn, etc.   Literally start all over again with the 7+ clicks just to take another preferred quiz.

-- Can't you streamline this?  Maybe just retaining the filters (and adding filters) previously set unitl user resets them would help!  This feature of selecting quizzes, etc. is so much worst than the previous Rewards for Good layout.  Bring the old layout back!!!!


Thanks, 🙂


Super Contributor

    When I do the quiz's, I first go to the list of quiz's of course, then I right click on each quiz I want to do and open it in a new window. This will stop the need to have to keep scrolling down to the next quiz you want to do. I have found that it takes 17 quiz's to reach the daily point limit so I will have 17 additional windows open when I start doing them. I just do a quiz then close it out and move on to the next. This method saves A LOT of time

Bronze Conversationalist

To avoid having windows open all over the place, or one on top of the other, I right-click and open each item in a new tab. With new tabs, I can look across the top of the screen and see up to a dozen or so partial titles and click the one I want. With new windows, I'd have to use Alt+Tab to move to another window.

I think new tabs take up less room, both on one's screen and by RAM with temporary storage on the hard drive, but it might not make any difference for the latter. Our computers have to store both windows and tabs somewhere. The space in storage might not be that much different between the two.



Gold Conversationalist

@Brightpool @sjean65 

Using the tab worked for me, hooray!   I first tried the window thing and it didn't work past two quizzes, but tabs did.


This is a real time saver.  Thanks to both of you!

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Gold Conversationalist

@mjt1959  Thanks!  I will try that.  Multiple clicks on the See More button didn't work for me...just went instantly to next of the many screen.  

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @sjean65 


I'm assuming your Transaction History is working.  Transaction History is an easy way to view your points balance, see what you redeemed points on, etc.  If your Transaction History stops working with the black information banner you will have a different opinion😉

It took me (13) days at the beginning of New Rewards program to complete every yearly, monthly and daily activities on the website.  I've done everything, and just repeating activities now.  

I have a work around for keeping abreast of what's been completed from 9/25/19.

So glad for that.


Have a Blessed Day




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Super Contributor

Hello Marilyn

well i stated  i dont use the history 

i know what i have completed and what i have redeemed


dont need to go there


but if it helps you stay organized that is great


was not advocating they remove that function as some people probably like it or need it


just saying i would like to  see what I HAVE NOT DONE to be able to do that one without scrolling through what i have already done


different people have different ways of remembering or keeping track of stuff

just saying i dont really use the history and really would like a way of just going to the quizzes etc that are open for me to get points


i had hopes the recommended button might filter out what i had already done but not 


Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @sjean65 

Hopefully the See More button will be removed.

When you have over a million points and using them for different things; it would be nice to know you and program are on the same page.


Have a Blessed Day



Super Contributor

well yeah

even if they had pages

most similiar sites do      see all or see a page

could just go back to the page i was on last


see more was the way the designer had of not having all the info in one big screen to scroll through as in see all but it is awkward and slow  


there are likely even better ways to break up the different areas and streamline access to different areas  even a back to where i was to get next quizz after the one i just done like a return to


thats what most back arrows do but not this one


but even the page numbers would help a lot


should be an easy fix 


hopefully AARP / hello world will care to upgrade the website

and will have a website designer or corrector that has the skills to do that


the websites i have worked with (we called it "enhancements)

and would be fixed right away when noted by the user on a new or existing site


not happening here in a timely manner 


but its ok

i have a few workarounds to make it go better

i have a few rewards


its only a small part of my day or the days i want to go there




Super Contributor

yeah we can do that but why make it so slow and multiple clicks to get back to the next quiz or video


and who cares about history


i want to see what i havent done not what i have already done


even having page numbers to click on would help

could go back to page i was previously on not click see more several times


really need to work on this slow awkward site

so many AARP members not happy 

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Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @HokiePoq & @Brightpool 

I think everyone is feed up with the "See More" button.  It's not good for your finger, hand and wrist to continuously scroll to get to

your destination.

That link doesn't work for me, so that makes (3) of us.  Community has been asking for See More button to be removed since 1st day, guess they'll change it at their discretion.Screenshot_2020-01-25-11-31-44.png

Have a Blessed Day


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Gold Conversationalist



I am replying as this is an even more annoying problem to me at the end of the month.   And it is one that could be fixed without changing the whole program.   

I am on screen 14 doing quizzes this month.  I like the quizzes....learn something plus 450 points each.    One must not only filter and apply but scroll down 14 times, click the infamous Seymour button 14 times, etc. to reach a new quiz.    I would like to do all of them before the month ends.   

I did try to use the other thread link but got "Access Denied".   

Thanks for bringing my pet peeve to attention.   

A comprehensive list of activities like we had in the old program that can be accessed without continuous clicking and scrolling would be most appreciated.

Super Contributor

hey HokiePoq

yes i agree with all you have said


i have stumbled onto a bit of timesaving with the 14 screens of quizzes


when you get the first screen of quizzes if you scroll down to where you cant see the quizzes and the SEE MORE is at the top of the screen it will stay active and you can hit it 14 times without scrolling to go to page 14 and then scroll up and you are on the page 14


hopefully i have explained it well enough 


so still slow but takes some of the scrolling out of the picture when you are well into the quizzes  


some others may have already been doing this but i had not seen it as a tip 

so maybe can help some




Gold Conversationalist

@sjean65  Thanks!   I didn't know that and will try it tomorrow when my point earning ability returns.

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Periodic Contributor

@grdolphin I have a suggestion.  When you filter the page, open the quiz/video/etc. in a new window.  That way you can just close the window after you complete the activity and still have the earn page available.  When you have completed all you want to do, just refresh the page and all your points earned will be shown.  Good Luck!

Super Contributor

hello  reference the suggestion by j532111f

has anyone actually been able to do the open in a new window and save time

i dont get it 

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Regular Contributor
Bronze Conversationalist

From that link, I got "Access Denied. You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action."



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