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Silver Conversationalist

AARP Rewards Trivia

Food for thought


Daily Deals: Runs only 2 hrs per day X 5 days = 10 hrs total
Undisclosed number of deals offered per day
Rules are not clearly defined (printed page as the Daily & Weekly Instant Win Rules are)
While the number of wins per month (3) as disclosed in the Rewards Community Forum, the number of wins per supplier is unclear
No winners list


Daily Instant Win: Runs 24 hrs a day X 7 days = 168 hrs
150 prizes awarded at random, computer-generated winning times averages 1.12 prizes per hour.
(there is a strong possibility that more than one (1) computer-generated winning time can occur per hour. That's what random means. All 150 prizes in the first hour, or even 75, not likely)
Are all 150 prizes being awarded ? Who is counting ?
While the number of wins per month is (unlimited) the number of wins per supplier is unclear

Weekly Instant Win: Also, Runs 24 hrs a day X 7 days = 168 hrs
100 prizes awarded at random, computer-generated winning times averages 1.68 prizes per hour.
The same holds true here as in the Daily Instant Win.
Are all 100 prizes being awarded ? Who is counting
Again while the number of wins per month is (unlimited) the number of wins per supplier is also unclear


Excerpts from the official rules:


"An entrant (that means us) is not a winner of any prize, even if the Instant Win Game should so indicate.
Sponsor will not accept screen shots or other evidence of winning (including emails) in lieu of its validation process. The administrators decisions and operation of the Instant Win Game
and the selection of potential winners are final and binding."


Clarification, and transparency must be paramount for an enjoyable and successful rewards program.
** Note: I added the part about the emails because some rewards have been denied
after recieving notification by email ie: missing pin numbers and invalid tracking numbers !
Remember; If you skate on thin ice, it can land you in hot water !

Trusted Social Butterfly


Hello Lucy

While I haven't seen Winners List for the Daily Deal and don't think there was a list in R4G, not sure. There are Winners List for Daily & Weekly Instant Wins. 

The link to Winners List is part of the Official Rules.

I'm assuming everyone is seeing the same Daily and Weekly Instant Wins.

Assuming the limit of (3) wins per month refers to points redemption for any catalog reward for (3) suppliers (can be different or same supplier) and is only tracked via member Transaction History.  

This is probably why members can use points to get up to (3) of same gift cards.

Just an assumption and does need more clarification.  That is food for thought.


Have a Blessed Day



Silver Conversationalist

I clicked on the daily deal today (GameStop). I was under the impression the daily deal was going to be a purchase for points ?? 🤪 They wanted $5 for a $10 gift card. For me, I just can’t justify paying $$$ for an eCard 😩. $25 for a $50 card maybe so. 🤪Personally I want rewards for points. Will there be any points only with the daily deals ??😱😱
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Community Concierge

Hi @rednexsrus, we post different offers for our Daily Deals. Some can be redeemed with points and others you can purchase. You can check new Daily Deals Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. ET or while supplies last. If my post answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution" by clicking on the ellipsis option button (the three dots) in the top-right corner of the reply.

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Silver Conversationalist

Hi AARPDianaG:

Your Reply to my last post

 "please mark it as an "Accepted Solution" by clicking on the ellipsis option button (the three dots) in the top-right corner of the reply."

Did I miss something ? Accepted Solution not there ??

See below:


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Trusted Social Butterfly


Lucy, the day before the Game Stop daily deal there was a "Points Only" $10 Shell gas card. 

It sold out in minutes, so fast I thought something was wrong with the website.

I looked at 12:05 and was already gone.


Have a Blessed Day


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