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BlueCrossBlueShield assumes all seniors are online and web savvy

When my partner retired from his corporate job of 15 years ago, he was given health insurance from BlueCrossBlueShield, which was fine. He received bills when payments were due, and all was fine, until BCBS changed from paper to online communication, only communicating this change via digital means. My partner does not and has not entered the online world, so he never received the digital communications from BCBS. As a result, his health insurance was canceled, because he did not pay the premiums because he did not receive the new “paperless” bills. BCBS neglected to communicate this change with its customers by paper as well as digital means. They gave no opportunity to allow paper billing, they simply stopped it. So, in frustration with BCBS, he chose a different carrier for his insurance. The day after, he received a call from BCBS asking if he would like to restart his health insurance! He said no thanks. This is an incredible blunder on BCBS’ part to assume all seniors are online!

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Honored Social Butterfly

I cannot believe that a company like BCBS didn't communicate this change in paper format as well as probably online format too - like email.


But hey, everything is moving in that direction but to date, I think we still have the option of paperless or paper - but that could change and not just with private entities - look for government (esp Medicare) to begin more and more online notices and paperwork. 


So you two don't even have an email?    



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