AARP Eye Center
How does your pet handle fireworks? Many dogs and cats are extremely stressed out on the 4th of July. Have you seen this great new volunteer opportunity? The SPCA invited members of the community to come to sit with the cats and dogs being sheltered there during the 4th of July celebrations. What a great idea! What do you do for your pet?
Our cat is stress free apparently. He slept through a major earthquake in Southern California this morning. House shook for a bit over 60 seconds, no damage. He didn't even give a sigh like he'd been disturbed. He does the same thing through all the fireworks, too. We found out after we got him, he's deaf.
I am a fairly new cat parent. Last night during our local fire works she was so stressed out. She hid under my bed and would not come out. She does not let me touch her as it is.I know tonight is going to be another stressful night for us both. I am in a wheel chaair so can not make it to a shelter. I think that is a great idea. I guess it will be another night under the bed. Thanks for the idea.
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