AARP Eye Center
FACT is we must play the hand we're dealt. If good, we'll be able to make lemonade out of lemons. Satisfaction with life is all about meeting expectations. If our attitude is positive and health cooperative, we're far ahead of most. Am happy and hopeful.
Well, I always felt that if I hit my seventies, that I would be in the bonus round..,well, here I am, and trying to figure out what the bonus is! Although I must say that I enjoy and appreciate life more.
And some things seem to flip flop over time...when I was younger, my body worked better than my brain...but now my brain works better than my body!
Oh well, just part of the territory.
I remember when "senioritis" was all about launching into life and feeling free to roam from home. Now suddenly senioritis is all about watching wrinkles grow and forcing myself to hike to the mail box once a week whether I need the exercise or not.
I was not prepared for aging. Never paid attention to anti-aging potions and cremes and protocols. Then suddenly in my late sixties my body decided to start looking its age, which I think was an incredibly rude decision. LOL
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