AARP Eye Center
Mornings: Up at 6:00 with hubby, walk three miles in neighborhood. Breakfast : oatmeal, chia and sunflower seeds, nuts and berries. Unless we have an early appt. or other committment, we do a few pages in a trivia book. Also learning the state capitals. We play Quiddler and Rummi Kubes together ( every few days ) Most mornings, I play Code Word and Fill in on AARP games.
Night time we eat dinner at 6:00 and watch an episode of our current series from Netflix, Hulu, Discovery Plus or Amazon Prime. Significantly less expensive than cable tv. Dropped that six months ago, don't miss at all. From 9:00 to 10:00 Sudoku and reading.
Should of warned you: Nerd Alert! 🤔 Christine
The best thing about working for yourself / working from home / being retired, is I get up when my bladder tells me to. That time varies widely day to day. Or, if the sun wakes me first, I scroll through my NYT app, do the mini- crossword to get the brain started.
Typically then grab coffee or iced tea depending on the weather, turn on the news, and open the laptop. Check Facebook first to see who loves me still -- sorry AARP -- and scout for or make a couple memes to connect with the world.
At some point I move into my 2nd bedroom office and work on some writing project or book cover creation. By the time I look up from that, it's usually 5 or 6 pm, time for evening news and winding down the synapses with some history documentary or other streaming program, or reading until I fall asleep in time to get up and go to bed.
Alarm goes off at 7:00am. We are usually up by then anyways-terrible insomnia some nights since retiring. We have our coffee, watch a little news, do a little work on my computer, shower, and then go for our 1 hour walks in the forest trails or 2 hour bike rides on the rail trails. Nothing like enjoying nature, especially after walking 11 miles a day on my route in the city for over 30 years. Nighttime our routine is to sit on the breezeway and read, then when it's dark head in to watch a little television. Retirement is a beautiful thing!
First alarm goes of at 6:27am, second one at 6:31am and I get of bed, shower, then go downstairs to breakfast where my automatic coffee maker has coffee waiting for me. Two eggs get cracked into a pan and made into an omelet with cheese and prickly pear cactus. I read a few news & financial websites while eating the eggs, then it's time to drag my computer out into the backyard. At 7:18am I begin live streaming to friends and family on Facebook and YouTube, checking in with everyone. At 7:50am we all take our daily mixtures of supplements together (staying healthy is easier as a group!), then everyone signs off at 8am. Finish my coffee, brush my teeth, hug the still-sleeping wife, then head to work. 🙂
Most evenings...are chaotic. Lol!
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