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Silver Conversationalist


Today I received the message, "There is a delay in awarding points".  I got this error after watching a video and didn't receive the 300 points, but it is shown in my transaction history. 


I sometimes get the  "Taking longer than usual, but transaction confirmed" error when playing the Instant Win games.  Points are deducted when I didn't actually play the game to see the "Sorry you didn't win" message.  The Instant Win error is an intermittent loading issue that usually appears on the first game played for the day.


I was assured by AARP customer service, Teri,  that everything is working properly on the back end behind the scenes, and only a few members are receiving the errors.  I hope more members will take the time to complain if getting the errors also.  Tech support will not "repair" if no one is alerting them of the glitches and errors. 

Silver Conversationalist

I appreciate everyone's feedback and complaints about the errors encountered on AARP Rewards.  I hope Consumer Care will take notice and realize from the member's perspective  that everything is not working properly on the front end.  I enjoy the Rewards program, but my interaction with the site would be much more enjoyable if the errors could be fixed.  Thank you everyone for taking the time to post about your "error" experiences.  Hopefully, our comments will be noticed.

Social Butterfly

Another day, another promo code error.


Today's Promo Code Error 5-21-24.jpg


I like the rewards program; I'm participating

daily and have no choice but to be

patient or quit the program.

@shamit   I'm not positive, but I think some

of the errors mentioned have been hiccupping

for years rather than months.


Community Concierge

@andrewtoo So sorry you experienced this error! Please contact us to have your points adjusted:   - Janelle M.

0 Kudos
Social Butterfly


Thanks for the topic.

I would like to add the problem with entering Promo Codes.

I get this error frequently when entering a Promo Code.

This one showed the points in my Transaction History but

was not added to "Your Rewards Balance."  Another frustrating

error, as shown below and it seems to never get fixed.

Promo Code Error 5-19-24.jpg

Gold Conversationalist

Hey Andrew! @andrewtoo

AFA ERRORS....they are NEVER’s just a fact of life here! HAAATech support seems stunned that there are still so many problems with this site!Tech support seems stunned that there are still so many problems with this site!


 Tech support says ALL ERRORS FIXED! LOL!Tech support says ALL ERRORS FIXED! LOL!



 BTW: Thanks for all your time & effort to post the PROMOS!


Just another day in LOL! always... Take care my friend!

☮️  🌄  ~Allen 🌈  🎨

Silver Conversationalist

Hi @andrewtoo  I also get errors entering promo codes.  I am getting so many error messages lately that I was wondering if I am only the select few having issues.  Thanks for responding and letting me know you are also frustrated with the errors.

Gold Conversationalist

Hi @JoLo49

It’s been messed up for a long time, & I don’t have high hopes that it will be fixed for good any time soon. That said,

My friend Gary @garyfish49 has the only known ‘work around.’ He referred to it as the “the "First-Try Failure" problem with Instant Wins”

See his post here:

[If you already know this one, I'm posting examples for those who don't.]


Try this: Enter a regular sweepstakes for "1 Entry" BEFORE you try any of the Instant Wins.




This will cost you as little as 100 points, and you'll invariably get this error message: "Sorry, we are experiencing longer than expected delays....blah blah blah...


 I check to make sure the 1 entry is there, sometimes you have to try again....or in my  case, I want to enter into this one sweeps.... so I simply enter by redeeming with the last 9 entries to get the 10 total max.

Next, play your Instant Wins and they should go through without that dreaded "Unable to process request" error message.


 Of course the end result is almost always the same..

 U get NO WIN! LOL!!

4.JPGAnyway... Take care peeps!  ☮️  ~Allen  🌈

Silver Conversationalist

Thanks, @Therapist4u  for the reminder of the work around for the Instant Win game errors.  That said, members shouldn't have to work around these errors.   AARP should address these issues when  members take the time to post about them.  Instead, I received a reply from Consumer Care that "everything is working properly on the back end" and are aware a few members are experiencing issues.  It seems whenever there is a problem, AARP leads us to believe that the problems are on our side of the fence instead of addressing the issues on their end.  When the errors are finally addressed after more members complain, it's usually a "band-aid fix" that doesn't fix the root of the problem.  Whenever there are changes or "enhancements"  made to the AARP Rewards  site, more issues and errors develop.  This gives tech support and consumer care job security at our expense.  It would be more cost effective if they would have the mindset of  "Why change, if it isn't broken?"

Bronze Conversationalist

Instead, I received a reply from Consumer Care that "everything is working properly on the back end" and are aware a few members are experiencing issues

AARP and AARP Rewards show only contempt for their customers; I think it's their business model.

Gold Conversationalist

@a170938b   From their point of view, everything is working just fine.  You lose the points and don't win anything.  It works for them, lol.   

I hate the constant loading messages and the circle turning.  I give up at that point.  My points are going down rapidly and it's so frustrating to attempt to earn points.  This morning I did the mini crossword which I like.  Got an error message on the points.  That game will NOT let you repeat for points.  The game screen shows your score which recorded correctly but no points, not then or later.

Social Butterfly


Hey Hokie 🙋‍♀️


I've had low amt points for awhile now yrs actually Try keep enough to get a gift card here & there but haven't gotten one in months now & I just will not spend $28K+ points for measly $5 no way no how They rarely offer what I want or can use Plus learning to read details on Instant wins & such some offered can only be used in certain ways Sonic offers were shocking could only use 1 way & so many I don't even recognize 

I, like you used to enjoy games & do everyday... would end up frustrated quit for bit then later go back.... But now I no longer play any of them They do updates that aren't great in my book... loved Word Wipe & Crosswords but errors on Crossword games then update to Word wipe & other games Not to mention all the ads 🤬  I decided to move on no longer do 

As your other posts say yes indeedy old Rewards shoot old community were so much better & enjoyable... it had its moments but overall was good plus I certainly won more back then Also way donations were... lots of changes.... Ditto to 'Stock answers don't help' they've gotten to where don't really address issues we post about I wondered wks ago if possible its computer answering not a human? 

I'll always be a member I've always been fortunate to renew when 5 yr special $45 Membership well worth $9 yr Not a fan of any auto renew

Well, reckon some would say shouldn't dwell on past but many helpers where there then also with us oldies I would bet they have their frustrations as well

They do offer more ways earn & spend points then back then guess that makes for more errors & issues 🤷‍♀️ but still not easy deal with 

From your post guess your downsizing as I've done

For me having Peace is more valuable than anything could win/get dealing with frustrations it takes these days

As Allen stated "its been messed up a long time & I don't have high hopes it'll be better anytime soon"

@JoLo49 Lucy🙋‍♀️ thanks for sharing! At least I am grateful been awhile without issues of not getting community emails 🤣😂haha ... hope I'm not jinxing myself 

Thanks for letting me share 

Enjoy your day! 

Ginger  ;  ) 


Community Concierge

@170938b  We value our members, and of course loyal AARP Rewards users. Your feedback is very important to us and we do apologize for the inconvenience some of the website issues cause from time to time. We appreciate your patience, and are always here to help. Thank you!  Jodee R.  

0 Kudos
Gold Conversationalist

@AARPConsumerCare    MiniCrossword did it again to me this morning, two days in a row but more than that total.   "Try again later" does not work for this puzzle!   The game part of it works perfectly and does not allow a repeat.   Please check into this for me and anyone else having this problem.  I'd already redeemed instant wins so am logged in just fine.    I refreshed the browser for what it's worth.

EDIT:  Now I've invested much longer in Word Wipe with the same result.  Finished me off for today.  Please help!

Community Concierge

This is certainly not the time of experience we want our members to have,@HokiePoq. Please give us a call at 1- 866-839-0463. You can also chat with an agent by clicking the CHAT icon on the right side of the screen or connect with us through our Social Media platforms. We are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET. - Daniela R. 

0 Kudos
Bronze Conversationalist

Thank you for answering.

This morning I had to reopen the AARP Rewards website a good dozen times to be able to acquire the maximum points for the day. Would you call that "from time to time"? I don't; I call it a frequent daily recurring problem that is not acknowledged by AARP; if a problem is not acknowledged, there is obviously no need for trying to fix it.

Because the first step in fixing a problem is recognizing there is one. Your answer only confirms the contempt I feel and receive from AARP and AARP Rewards.

However I still hope against all hopes that my message will be forwarded to your management and your IT group; maybe someone somewhere will finally agree that a repair is in order. (Hope springs eternal)


This is not from time to time.  I encounter errors almost every day.  And that is multiple errors per day.  And this has been going on for months.  I would say for years.  Ever since the switch from the Rewards For Good.

Community Concierge

@shamit Please be sure to follow the website troubleshooting steps when you experience website issues:  - Janelle M.

0 Kudos

I am tired of this response to your site problems.  I have done this so many times it is ridiculous to constantly blame the users when the site is the problem. 


I log out.  I go to settings in both Chrome and Edge and delete everything stored on my computer (cache, cookies, etc.) from AARP.  Then log back in.  Sometimes I can't even log back in for awhile.  It doesn't change i thing.  This has been going on forever.  Not everyone is technologically challenged. Quit treating us like we know nothing with this canned response.  Sorry if you are offended but I feel offended every time I get this response.


Community Concierge

@shamit I'm terribly sorry for making you feel offended. We do our best to provide the resources we have available whenever someone experiences a website issue.  - Janelle M.

0 Kudos
Gold Conversationalist

@AARPConsumerCare   We realize those of you who monitor the boards are not the ones who fix things.    Therein is the problem....very poorly constructed website which does not work properly for MANY people, not just the few who post here.   Under many screens, people make these same comments.   The stock answers do not apply and the link does not solve the problems of the website, NOT the user.    Please pass our concerns forward to those who  might have the influence or skill to correct this ongoing problem.  And yes, it started when the program changed.  The old program did not have all these bugs.  

Community Concierge

Thank you for your feedback. I'll pass it along to the appropriate team to be reviewed and addressed. - Daniela R. 

0 Kudos
Trusted Contributor

I also get the loading error on the Instant Win games.  It happens several times per week, so I am sure it is not an isolated incident for just a few people.   I think AARP wants us to think that only a few members are getting the errors to minimize their responsibility to fix the issues.  There have been too many errors on the site that needs to be fixed, so the errors concerning points earned and redeemed will probably remain on the back burner.

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