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Dry eyes and itchy eye lashes and eyelid relief

Happy New Year to one and all,


I found relief with a few products and thought I would share them with all of you.  I had itchy eye lashes for months and found a product on Amazon that stopped the itching and gave me so much relief within minutes.  It's by OCySoft Hypochlor. Helps relieve itchy eyelids and eyelashes.  It Non-toxic and Non-irritating.  You may want to read the reviews on Amazon.  


Refresh Optive Mega-3 Lubricant eye drops and is enhanced with flaxseed oil.  I purchased it through Amazon. It did help my dry eyes, but I thought I need a vitamin to total relief my dry eyes, Since I still woke up with dry eyes, I decide to I order the vitamins below. Read the reviews. 


The last item will arrive from Amazon in 3 days.  Its called De omega 3 fish oil support for eye dryness.  It has 2240 EPA & DHA.  These items are pricy, so you may want to search other sites or stores that carry them.   Please read the reviews and decide whether they may help you. 


I truly wishes everyone and your love one's a beautiful and safe New Year.  

Trusted Contributor

Thanks for the heads up. 

Experiencing that in colder winter months 

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Social Butterfly

A person should check with their doctor before using anything. If you love your eyes and being able to see, make sure you know what you are using before using it in or near your eyes.



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