AARP Eye Center
Happy New Year to one and all,
I found relief with a few products and thought I would share them with all of you. I had itchy eye lashes for months and found a product on Amazon that stopped the itching and gave me so much relief within minutes. It's by OCySoft Hypochlor. Helps relieve itchy eyelids and eyelashes. It Non-toxic and Non-irritating. You may want to read the reviews on Amazon.
Refresh Optive Mega-3 Lubricant eye drops and is enhanced with flaxseed oil. I purchased it through Amazon. It did help my dry eyes, but I thought I need a vitamin to total relief my dry eyes, Since I still woke up with dry eyes, I decide to I order the vitamins below. Read the reviews.
The last item will arrive from Amazon in 3 days. Its called De omega 3 fish oil support for eye dryness. It has 2240 EPA & DHA. These items are pricy, so you may want to search other sites or stores that carry them. Please read the reviews and decide whether they may help you.
I truly wishes everyone and your love one's a beautiful and safe New Year.
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