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Elderly parents??

Hello my name is Betty I live in Canton Ohio. And 48 years of age my step-dad is 88 sing in Fairly good health my mother is 72 she is in poor health, she is in a rehab Center because she had sprained her ankle she will be coming  home on  17th or 18th of this month. Also they both had cancer and thank God they are both in remission. My stepdad had worked at the Timken company his whole life and had wonderful Insurance although now a switch to do an insurance company call Humana which is nothing like Altcare that they originally had. They are very reluctant to reach out for any help . my mother is on a walker and has a very hard time getting up out of her chair ,she is in need. I have no idea where to even start to ask for help.I suppose that is why I'm here.. I has been living with them and caring for them but also worked until recently, I know for a fact when my mother gets home she will need someone here 24/7. I'm desperate need of advice.. Thank you for listening

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@BettyT184707 wrote:

Hello my name is Betty I live in Canton Ohio. And 48 years of age my step-dad is 88 sing in Fairly good health my mother is 72 she is in poor health, she is in a rehab Center because she had sprained her ankle she will be coming  home on  17th or 18th of this month. Also they both had cancer and thank God they are both in remission. My stepdad had worked at the Timken company his whole life and had wonderful Insurance although now a switch to do an insurance company call Humana which is nothing like Altcare that they originally had. They are very reluctant to reach out for any help . my mother is on a walker and has a very hard time getting up out of her chair ,she is in need. I have no idea where to even start to ask for help.I suppose that is why I'm here.. I has been living with them and caring for them but also worked until recently, I know for a fact when my mother gets home she will need someone here 24/7. I'm desperate need of advice.. Thank you for listening

Hello, @BettyT184707 

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate and I guess, from the sound of your post, it kind of all hit within a short amount of time and sounds like this type of situation hasn't been thought about or plans made before now.


Without knowing a lot more about your parents:  

  • current medical / mental condition(s),
  • what they can and cannot do for themselves.
  • what amount of care they need - personal care and healthcare -,
  • their finances - general income and assets,
  • their living conditions - conducive to living at home ?
  • their acceptance of  (outside) care -

No one from a distance can answer your questions specifically but I will give you a place to start your search.


  • 1st place to start is the Rehab facility where you mother is now - they (the Medical staff) should have a plan for her care when she is released.  When she is going to be released, if all goes well, where she will be released to - home or some other place like a nursing home for Long term care.
  • If she is coming home - what type of therapy will continue, if any,  and for how long - this is medical care; not personal care.  What is her long-term prognosis?
  • For personal care - bathing, cooking, feeding, hygiene, light housekeeping, etc. - they (Mother and Father) will have to either pay for it out of pocket (or a portion from Long Term Care Insurance, if they have it ) or see if they may have some coverage via the Medicaid program in Ohio.  Medicaid is care for those who are considered "poor" by Ohio standards - income and asset qualifications apply.


Ohio has a Dept of Aging and that is where you should begin your search about what might be available (Medicaid eligibility) based on their income.  OHIO - DEPT OF AGING

Look under Long Term Support, especially the sub-heading of Home and Community-Based Services and Supports.  There is a "Contact" link at the bottom of the page to the OHIO Dept of Aging.


If they aren't considered "poor" by Ohio's financial / asset standards and don't qualify for Medicaid and they have to hire a caregiver out of pocket - Vetting of who is hired, whether independently or through a service - is very important.


Since they are both Medicare age, I am assuming that Humana is the Medicare Advantage plan which they have - the policies are written per individual (not together) so make sure they each have their Medicare Advantage policy.  There will be a specific name on the Humana policies, like Humama Medicare Advantage Choice or Gold Plus, something like that - know that name.  Each of them should also have a card bearing their name for their specific insurance plan.  Become familiar with their policies - their (individual) Medicare Prescription Drug Plan may or maynot be included with the Humana Medicare Advantage plan which each of them have.  Just start getting familiar with each of their policies since it seems that you may now have more responsibilities in their care - doctors and other providers in the network, where to order or get their meds, etc..


Time to start getting educated on your elderly parents - their insurance, their finances, their medical providers and their health, your ability to talk to others on their behalf and handle their finances and other affairs, if that is the position they want you to hold - got it in writing - legally?. 


There is so much more that needs to be done but this will get you started on the 1st crisis of seeing what you are going to do about your soon to be rehab-released Mom.


They are 88 and 72 - one ok health-wise, today, the other one- not so much - might be time to think about a plan for their care if they (one or both) cannot live in the home any longer. We don't get younger / only older.  Our homes get older too and need upkeep. 


I know you are in a difficult situation - do your best, do what you can - yes, lots of talking and learning.


Good Luck -






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