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🤑 Any TIPS - How To IMPROVE Your Credit Report/Score?

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Periodic Contributor

Hi there,  

I hope this helps.  Stop shopping for un-needed items.  Pay off all of the accounts with low balances as soon as possible while still paying the minimum amount due on your accounts, after your low balance accounts are paid off the money can be used to pay on other accounts, double up on your car payments or mortgage, use only one credit card for emergencies only until you feel you are above water.  This is hard to do but it works.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Anonymous  Wrote

QUESTION: Does anyone know why they state I have been on their records since 2002 (age 44) when I purchased and made payments on my 1st car at age 18? It was a "brand new" Honda Civic Hatchback through my CREDIT UNION.


Consumer LOANS (as differing from Credit Cards, which are Revolving Credit) once paid in full in good standing fall off your credit report about (7) years after it is paid off.


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Here are a few ideas. Some of this helps your credit rating and some is just good financial planning. I don't claim credit for any of it. My wife pays the bills and her efforts have given us an excellent rating. 🙂

1) If your employer offers a 401k match, always contribute enough to get the full match. It is free money.

2) Pay yourself first. Set up an automatic payment into a savings account. Start small if you must, but develop a "saving" habit.

3) As your income increases, increase your automatic savings.

4) Pay off any credit card balance every month, but if you can't, do the following.

5) If you carry a credit card balance (or several), set up an automatic minimum payment so your payment is never late (thanks to my wife for this one).

6) Make a manual credit card payment (in addition to your automatic payment) with the eventual goal of paying off the credit card (my wife again).

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Social Butterfly

@GailL1 wrote:

Having good credit - opens doors and discounts - lower interest rates, better terms, and one cannot forget all that “cash back”.


Insurance and landlords are two other notable groups that like to keep tabs on peoples' creditworthiness. Having a good credit rating will likely gain one better auto insurance rates as well as being more attractive to someone renting out housing. (for example, for auto insurance see

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Honored Social Butterfly

(2/24/24) Sad that it seems we have to CREATE "debt" to keep our CREDIT. Before I "retired" in 2020 this was a concern for me. Now in 2024, I DO NOT care. I am living DEBT FREE = less stress  😎

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Honored Social Butterfly

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Social Butterfly

@GailL1 wrote:

Having good credit - opens doors and discounts - lower interest rates, better terms, and one cannot forget all that “cash back”.


Insurance and landlords are two other notable groups that like to keep tabs on peoples' creditworthiness. Having a good credit rating will likely gain one better auto insurance rates as well as being more attractive to someone renting out housing. (for example, for auto insurance see


Here are a few ideas. Some of this helps your credit rating and some is just good financial planning. I don't claim credit for any of it. My wife pays the bills and her efforts have given us an excellent rating. 🙂

1) If your employer offers a 401k match, always contribute enough to get the full match. It is free money.

2) Pay yourself first. Set up an automatic payment into a savings account. Start small if you must, but develop a "saving" habit.

3) As your income increases, increase your automatic savings.

4) Pay off any credit card balance every month, but if you can't, do the following.

5) If you carry a credit card balance (or several), set up an automatic minimum payment so your payment is never late (thanks to my wife for this one).

6) Make a manual credit card payment (in addition to your automatic payment) with the eventual goal of paying off the credit card (my wife again).

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Honored Social Butterfly

@Anonymous  Wrote

QUESTION: Does anyone know why they state I have been on their records since 2002 (age 44) when I purchased and made payments on my 1st car at age 18? It was a "brand new" Honda Civic Hatchback through my CREDIT UNION.


Consumer LOANS (as differing from Credit Cards, which are Revolving Credit) once paid in full in good standing fall off your credit report about (7) years after it is paid off.


Social Butterfly

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Social Butterfly

But always pay those monthly bills on time. Over time this is one of the biggest "plus" factors in having a good credit rating.

My own 'technique', I pay all bills in full every month. And they are on 'auto pilot', they are paid automatically, this relieves me of worry over missing them, and it relieves me of the work of manually making payments (either check or electronic bill pay).


I don't totally disregard the details though (my own bookkeeping is painfully detailed). I go over every statement and reconcile with my own records. And I verify every automatic payment with my own records. In 30-plus years I have never had a problem with an automatic payment not being correct.

Periodic Contributor

Hi there,  

I hope this helps.  Stop shopping for un-needed items.  Pay off all of the accounts with low balances as soon as possible while still paying the minimum amount due on your accounts, after your low balance accounts are paid off the money can be used to pay on other accounts, double up on your car payments or mortgage, use only one credit card for emergencies only until you feel you are above water.  This is hard to do but it works.

Social Butterfly

Pay off all of the accounts with low balances as soon as possible while still paying the minimum amount due on your accounts, 

This is called the "debt snowball" method and it helps a lot of people.


Another method also pays the minimum amount due on all accounts but then use any extra money not for the account with low balance but the account with the highest interest rate. This method will result in a lower total interest cost than the debt snowball method. And it can result in paying off multiple debt accounts months sooner than the snowball. On the other hand, it may not be as satisfying to see accounts getting paid off and have a "zero balance" ...but I would prefer to get my gratification from paying less total in interest.   ;- )

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