AARP Eye Center
Have you noticed how the lack of social connection - made more difficult by COVID - can curb your alertness and your ability to communicate verbally? And it doesn't help when you hear terms such as millennials, Gen Z, X and Y being tossed around!
Well, my brain and feelings snapped to attention when I became a Sage in the "Sages and Seekers" program that connects us older folk with Gen Z youth (21 years and younger now). Turns out they need us just as much as we need them! I've learned so much about myself and younger people through this experience. And it's fun. We share stories and connect with both our brains and our feelings.
And you can do it in the comfort of your own home! You can connect with a smart phone, a pad (like an iPad), a laptop or a desktop computer.
Want to share thoughts or feelings about any of the above?
Looks like an interesting place; thanks for the info, Clifton.
As an aside, I didn't experience the issues you mentioned. In fact, AARP kept me very "cognizant" and confident I was reading information to keep myself and family safe. That was all I needed (as now 1-yr old g-son was on his way to now 3-yr old big sis ! )
Perhaps it was a matter of degree of risk? Not sure myself; but I do know we'll quarantine again if it will help our family be safe.
Thanks, again, for the info, Clifton!
Good for you, Oh WebWiseWoman! Maybe I should have AARPed Up! 🙂
Spread the word though. Whatever people's motivation, it is an engaging program. What with all the line in the sand drawing that people are doing both socially and politically these days, it's encouraging to experience positive inter-generational connections beyond the family. It's a different type of connection. I have a 2-yr grand son myself. Congrats to you!
Be well and wise, grasshopper!
"I downloaded AARP Perks to assist in staying connected and never missing out on a discount!" -LeeshaD341679