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Bronze Conversationalist

Fluoride - Demand AARP Take Action

โ€œThe evidence that fluoride is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelmingโ€ฆ fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth, and our overall health.โ€ - Dr. Hardy Limeback,  former President of Canadian ADA, Head of Preventive Dentistry at Univ of Toronto, 2006 National Research Council Scientist (2007)


The 2006 National Research Council on Fluoride in Drinking Water commented to the EPA that fluoridation at 1 ppm can be anticipated to be harmful for those with reduced renal function and the elderly. The NRC confirmed that fluoride not excreted by kidneys builds up in bones, resulting in arthritic pain and increased brittleness. However, there were no EPA studies on the whole health impacts of fluoridated water on susceptible population such as kidney patients, children, those with prolonged disease or the elderly. There still arenโ€™t. 


However, there is mounting science from other sources that โ€œoptimally fluoridatedโ€ water, which is known to cause varying degrees of dental fluorosis in 58% of Black American adolescents and 36% of White American adolescents, is causing subtle deficits in ability to remember or focus. That same โ€œoptimal levelโ€ has also been proved in a 2014 study as being nephrotoxic in rats with chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects approximately 15% of Americans, although CKD is quadruple the rate in Black Americans, and predictably worse in older Americans. 


Perhaps the most horrifying part of the story of fluoridation is that not only is at least 50% of every drop of fluoride that has passed the lips of a Baby Boomer permanently stored in bones, fluoride isn't the only poison in packages of fluoride that originate as the waste product of aluminum an phosphate industry. 100% of the fluoride sampled in a 2014 study was contaminated with aluminum; arsenic and lead were other common contaminants. In other words, fluoridated water serves as a delivery system for aluminum and lead into our bones and our brains. As we all know, aluminum is associated with Alzheimers in adults, and lead is associated with learning disabilities in children. Approximately 15% of the population who is sensitive to chemicals cite inability to think clearly and overwhelming fatigue as symptoms of exposure to fluoridated water. 


Our generation was part of a great human experiment. It may have had noble intentions based on the faulty hypothesis that  drinking fluoridated water prevented cavities. It is now known that any perceived benefits of fluoride are from tooth brushing.  Our grandchildren are the third generation in this travesty. I suggest we all DEMAND the AARP stand up for us and our grandchildren by issuing a strong position paper calling for the cessation of water fluoridation. 



  1. 2014 in Toxicology. Effect of water fluoridation on the development of medial vascular calcification in uremic rats. (โ€œOptimal levelsโ€ worsen kidney function๐Ÿ˜ž
  2. 2015  in Neurotoxicology and Teratology. Association of lifetime exposure to fluoride and cognitive functions in Chinese children: A pilot study.  (Children with visible dental fluorosis perform less well on memory tasks, correlating with the degree of severity of their fluorosis. One of a series of human and animal studies with the same consistent findings.๐Ÿ˜ž 

  3. 2014 in Physiology and Behavior. Fluoride exposure during development affects both cognition and emotion in mice. (Measurable behavioral changes๐Ÿ˜ž

  4. 2014 in International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. A new perspective on metals and other contaminants in fluoridation chemicals. (All samples of fluoride are contaminated with aluminum, plus other contaminants like arsenic, lead and barium); 

  5. 2014 in Scientific World Journal. Water Fluoridation: A Critical Review of the Physiological Effects of Ingested Fluoride as a Public Health Intervention. (Health risks and cost don't justify minimal and questionable dental benefit.):



Here are three Oct 2014 news articles on the content of the Freedom of Information Act documents. Rev. Andrew Young, former UN ambassador has pursued them with the CDC, but to little effect. Civil Rights leaders have been calling for an end to community water fluoridation (CWF) since 2011. 



There is a legal initiative in Peel, Ontario (pop 1.3m) to remove fluoride from the water supply based on the principle of gross disproportionality, i.e. marginal benefit does not justify great risk of harm. There is also a political effort afoot in Canadian govt to mandate fluoridation and thereby make the legal argument moot. I suggest this document is well-worth printing.

  • a. The first 19 pages of this document is about the legal strategy. It includes summary of US legal cases that found water fluoridation harmful to the public, but legal under US "police power" mandate.
  • b. Starting on page 20 is a devastating affidavit by Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, NAS/NRC scientist and international expert in risk assessment. Very readable summary of science indicating harm to populations in โ€œoptimallyโ€ fluoridated communities. 



  1. In excess of 25% of previously healthy Gulf War Veterans have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, which includes sensitivity to fluoride. See: 
    1. EXCERPT: โ€œIt is well established that some people are more vulnerable to adverse effects of certain  chemicals than others, due to variability in biological processes that neutralize those chemicals, and clear them from the body.โ€ - Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veteransโ€™ Illnesses 2008 
  2. Affidavit of Dr. Hans Moolenburgh:
    1. Except: โ€œAs a summary of our research, we are now convinced that fluoridation of the water supplies causes a low grade intoxication of the whole population, with only the approximately 5% most sensitive persons showing acute symptoms.The whole population being subjected to low grade poisoning means that their immune systems are constantly overtaxed. With all the other poisonous influences in our environment, this can hasten health calamities.โ€ 
  3. PubMed Listed Studies on immune system response: 
    1. a. Fluoride makes allergies worse, rats (1990): 
    2. b. Fluoride makes allergies worse, in vitro (1999):
    3. c. Immune system of the gut (2010): 
    4. d. ASIA Syndrome, adjuvant impact (2011):
    5. e. Gene predicts fluoride sensitivity (2015):
    6. f.  Brain has an immune system (2015):


AARP - STAND UP on our behalf! 

Bronze Conversationalist

 Dr. Joel Bohemierโ€™s presentation to the Commissioners of Collier County, FL  includes quotes for EPA, CDC and others under oath from TSCA trial depositions. This presentation was part of the Commissioners deliberation that resulted in its unanimous vote to end fluoridation last week:  


It is in the hands of Judge Chen, now, but I've got to say that the closing on Feb. 20th was odd.


Not only did Judge Chen pepper both attorneys with questions, the EPA attorneys seemed to admit that fluoride exposure at doses consistent with water concentration of 1.5 ppm, 2 ppm and 4 ppm had been proven to result in lower IQ per studies of mom-child pairs performed in Canadian and other communities across the world. They admitted this despite the official policy of the U.S. EPA stating there is no harm up to 4 ppm (the actionable threshold for remediation) other than mild cosmetic dental fluorosis (tooth staining) at or above 2 ppm. The Canadian government has an actionable threshold of 1.5 ppm which is consistent with the WHO guidelines. 


When Judge Chen challenged the EPA that per both plaintiff and defense witnesses, shouldn't there be a protective uncertainty or safety factor of at least ten to protect consumers applied to 2 or 4 which would protect teeth from moderate dental fluorosis which a recent Health Canada is concern at 1.56 ppm and from severe dental fluorosis which the 2006 National Research Council (NRC) said was an adverse health risk at 4 ppm which would also protect brains, EPA Defense attorney said that would be an interesting thought experiment, but Plaintiff attorney didn't argue about dental fluorosis (which by the way is positively associated with lower IQ and learning disabilities) so the judge could not legally do so. Frankly, it almost seemed like the EPA attorneys were threatening the Judge. 


Judge Chen pushed back about EPA "Health Protective Assumption" guidelines, but EPA insisted that the Judge must not act based on science or consumer protection, but on strict interpretation of statutory law and the skill of the Plaintiff attorney in proving his case. 


On the other hand, Plaintiff attorney was clear that the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) only requires that any specific use of a chemical (fluoridation programs) not pose an "unreasonable risk" to consumers which include susceptible sub-populations like pregnant women and their offspring and bottle-fed babies. All five plaintiff witnesses were quite clear that optimally fluoridated water per CDC guidelines is subtly and permanently damaging the brains of millions of children. Even EPA witnesses and attorneys admitted that there is "something there" in the scientific evidence showing neurotoxic effects at 0.7 ppm, but argued it is not clearly defined enough to identify a "Point of Departure" for the EPA to perform a risk assessment. 




Three Benchmark Dose Analyses which are the gold standard for beginning risk assessments and established uncertainty factors have identified that 0.2 mg/L, which is one tenth of 2 ppm, as harmful. This suggests that no fluoride exposure is safe for baby brains and is a scientifically justifiable Point of Departure in anyone's book.  




But let's make it even easier for thick-headed fluoridationists to understand: 

  • No amount of fluoride in water or food is safe for pregnant women and their fetuses; bottle-fed infants and young children; the elderly and any in fragile health, such as diabetics or those with thyroid or kidney disease. 



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Bronze Conversationalist

 โ€œTodayโ€™s ruling represents an important acknowledgement of a large and growing body of science indicating serious human health risks associated with fluoridated drinking water. This court looked at the science and acted accordingly. Now the EPA must respond by implementing new regulations that adequately protect all Americans โ€“ especially our most vulnerable infants and children โ€“ from this known health threat.โ€ - Wenonah Hauter, Director of Food & Water Watch in โ€œHistoric Court Decision in Fluoridation Toxicity Case Orders EPA to Actโ€ (Sept. 25, 2024)


Well, it as been a busy few weeks! 


Not only was the final NTP Systematic Review, "Fluoride Exposure: Neurodevelopment and Cognition" published in August (despite political efforts by HHS/PHS and ADA to scuttle it) after five (or was it six) peer reviews, the Final Findings and Conclusion of Law from a lengthy de novo trial was rendered in September with excellent detail, and the 2024 Cochrane Systematic Review, "Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries," published in October repeated that dental fluorosis is an adverse effect of fluoridation, a practice which provides no benefit to adults or lower socio-economic groups. The Cochrane authors also wrote that the very small benefit they were able to document to children from "poor quality" studies at high risk of bias "may not be real." 

In other words, community water fluoridation is all risk and no benefit. Fluoridation is dental mythology, a magic potion tooth-fairy tale. The most important thing is that Judge Chen ordered the EPA to take action to eliminate the risk to consumers. 


  • UNSAFE: p. 2:  the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (โ€œmg/Lโ€) โ€“ the level presently considered โ€œoptimalโ€ in the United States โ€“ poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children.


  • HAZARD: p 5:   The pooled benchmark dose analysis concluded that a 1-point drop in IQ of a child is to be expected for each 0.28 mg/L of fluoride in a pregnant motherโ€™s urine. This is highly concerning, because maternal urinary fluoride levels for pregnant mothers in the United States range from 0.8 mg/L at the median and 1.89 mg/L depending upon the degree of exposure. Not only is there an insufficient margin between the hazard level and these exposure levels, for many, the exposure levels exceed the hazard level of 0.28 mg/L.

  • CERTAINTY: p. 77: The scientific literature in the record provides a high level of certainty that a hazard is present; fluoride is associated with reduced IQ. There are uncertainties presented by the underlying data regarding the appropriate point of departure and exposure level to utilize in this risk evaluation. But those uncertainties do not undermine the finding of an unreasonable risk; in every scenario utilizing any of the various possible points of departures, exposure levels and metrics, a risk is present in view of the applicable uncertainty factors that apply.

  • VULNERABILITY: p. 76: The size of the affected population is vast. Approximately 200 million Americans have fluoride intentionally added to their drinking water at a concentration of 0.7 mg/L. See Dkt. No. 421 at 206-07 (undisputed). Other Americans are indirectly exposed to fluoridated water through consumption of commercial beverages and food manufactured with fluoridated water

  • SUSCEPTIBILITY: p. 76: Approximately two million pregnant women, and over 300,000 exclusively formula-fed babies are exposed to fluoridated water. The number of pregnant women and formula-fed babies alone who are exposed to water fluoridation each year exceeds entire populations exposed to conditions of use for which EPA has found unreasonable risk; the EPA has found risks unreasonable where the population impacted was less than 500 people. 

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Bronze Conversationalist

'"It is public health malpractice to continue adding fluoride to community water systems."  -  Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD, PhD Florida Surgeon General (Nov. 22, 2024) 


 "This is a human rights issue and public health issue, separate from other public health issues." - Dr. Ashley Malin, PhD (Nov. 22, 2024) 


The Surgeon General of Florida announced yesterday that he was "appalled" at the evidence of harm caused by fluoridation policy which has been ignored for years. He announced that he was recommending that all water treatment plants(WTP) in Florida end fluoridation. immediately. 


Dr. Ladapo also said he always believed fluoridation was "safe and effective" because that was what he was taught, but that after looking closely at the science as a result of the September verdict agains the EPA and Bobby Kennedy's statements, he realizes that fluoridation is anything but safe and effective.  He went on to say that he and his family were taking measures to reduce their fluoride exposure


Yet, what do the fluoridation profiteers and their corporate partners do? They launch more smear campaigns in the media- against Joe Ladapo, Bobby Kennedy, or anyone else who challenges their profitable tooth-fairy tale.  


One of the fluoride-lobby claims, which they offered in court, is fluoride consumption might be harmful if the dose is at 1.5 mg/L or above but fluoridation concentrations in water is half that at 0.7 ppm. 


Let's make this clear:

1. Not only do some people drink more water than others, fluoride is in foods prepared with fluoridated water or treated with fluoridated agrichemicals. Dose is dependent on intake, not water concentration

  • This is why there is supposed to be a 10x safety factor applied to hazards like fluoride, although 100 is more typical. That would reduce the assumed safe concentration to 0.15 or 0.015 ppm.


2. The assumption of a dose of 0.7 mg/L is based on only one liter of fluoridated water consumed (and with a perfectly calibrated fluoride 0.7 ppm concentration)


3. The dose of 1.5 mg/L recognized as unsafe is reached by consuming a couple of mouthfuls over 2 liters of water


4. The rule of thumb medical advice is that a healthy adult should consume at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water daily (8x8), which provides just under 2 liters. A half glass more (or fluoride from another source) will bring you into the red zone. 


5. NASEM recommends fluid consumption, primarily water, be:

  1. About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
  2. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women


Go to to see a copy of the verdict and a hyperlinked annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed science published in credible journals since 2015 documenting that fluoridation is DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE. and since it affects brains in the womb and is stored in our bones, fluoridation policy poisons us all from womb to tomb. 


Then tell the Surgeon General in your state that he should follow Dr. Ladapo's lead.  

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Bronze Conversationalist

โ€œThe current system in the United States for evaluating scientific evidence and making health-based decisions about environmental chemicals is fundamentally broken,โ€ - Project TNDR (Targeting Environmental Developmental Risks) 2016


โ€œThere are numerous mechanisms by which uncontrolled dosing of fluorides through water fluoridation can potentially harm thyroid function, the body and the brainโ€ฆCommunities of color and the underserved are disproportionately harmed by fluorides." - Mark Hyman, MD (2016)


Incredulously, the fluoridationist profiteers and their shills are not only continuing to pour millions of dollars into supporting this policy, they have managed to kill a CNN medical expose on fluoridation and are tying Medicaid dollars to fluoridation even as more studies are proving connections between fluoride consumption and increases in diabetes and irritable bowel disease. 


  • 2016 in Scandanavian Journal of Gastronology Fluoride: a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease? found statistical spikes in diagnoses of Crohn's and other IBD in America, Canada, Australia and Wales shortly after communities fluoridated. 


  • 2016 in Journal of Water and Health Community water fluoridation predicts increase in age-adjusted incidence and prevalence of diabetes in 22 states from 2005 and 2010 found that NaF, which is not only used to fluoridate water supplies but is also prescribed to children living in non-fluoridated communities, spikes diabetes.


Folks - this is serious. Phone and email AARP executives and DEMAND the AARP use their power in Congress and with state officials to end the poisoning of our water supplies! 







Bronze Conversationalist

All I want for Christmas is for my water not to be poisoned! 


The arrogance of lazy lawmakers and corrupt regulators astounds me. Not only has the Institute of Medicine refused to respond to the April 2015 letter signed by consumer advocate Erin Brockovich, Wm. Ingram president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, David Matthews of Matthews & Associates, and others, but also Congress hasn't made a single request that the IOM do so. 


Sign this petition demanding a response to that letter:



Please share the link to the petition with your friends and family on Facebook and via Twitter. 


Bronze Conversationalist

โ€œDrinking fluoridated water is harmful, weโ€™ve been deceived to believe it is safe, and with new found knowledge we must all act now to stop it.โ€ - Erin Brockovich, April 2015


Sign and share this petition demanding Congress tell the IOM to respond to the content of the April 2015 letter signed by Erin Brockovich and others!

Bronze Conversationalist

 "The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison, harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter how may times it will be repeated in print that fluoridation of the water supply is 'safe'." - Ludwig Gross, MD, former Chief of Veterans' Administration Cancer Research and medical journalist


Geez - how much evidence does anyone need that fluoridation is harmful? There is no question that fluoride is an endocrine disruptor, even in "optimally" fluoridated water. There is a ton of evidence going back a hundred years proving it suppresses thyroid hormones, science which was reinforced in recent years. Now look at these latest studies. 



  • 2015 in Toxicology in Vitro. Fluoride as a factor initiating and potentiating inflammation in THP1 differentiated monocytes/macrophages.  Immune system inflammation means your body is stressed and could be overwhelmed, as well as worsening any inflammatory disease.


  • 2016 in Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism. Timing of Environmental Exposures as a Critical Element in Breast Cancer Risk.  Fluoride is one of many EPA environmental toxins, and timing of exposure increases risk factor to breast cancer. Fluoride also reduces melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Melatonin protects against breast cancer. So, take away the protective hormones, add a little glyphosate here, a little fluoride there, and voila! Breast cancer!


Baby Boomers, we are being poisoned simply because there are paychecks and professional reputations dependent on fluoridation promotion. Big business and big pharma are funding fluoridation because their business model is at risk if fluoridation is criticized. But it is our health, our lives, and our grandchildren's lives at stake!  


Tell the AARP president to grow a spine and write an AARP resolution opposing fluoridation as being an ill advised policy that is harmful to many senior citizens!



Bronze Conversationalist

"Long-continued ingestion of minute quantities of fluorine causes disease of the thyroid gland." - Douglas D. Styne, MD


"The American Thyroid Association should be the spokesmen on thyroid health, not dentists or marketeers funded by the fluoride industry." - 2016 letter to ATA


Share this letter with everyone you know who has a thyroid disease. Ask they share it with their physicians.

Bronze Conversationalist

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, I am the great and powerful Oz!"  - Professor in the Wizard of Oz


Pew, in association with the CDC and various dental health coalitions, has taken the lead in the creation of a series of "effective messaging" trainings which are based in psychological manipulation of public opinion rather than science. 


  1. Poisoning Minds: The Pew training includes advice on 'inoculating' key community stakeholders with pro-F literature and warnings about fluoridation opponents.

  2. Sales Literature: Pew provides 'media packets' aimed at editors and reporters, essentially writing articles and editorials for them, i.e. creating infomercials to sell a product. These materials emphasize authoritative endorsements and dismissively ignores contrary evidence. 

  3. Astroturfing: Pew also provide sample letters to the editor and sample comments for local fluoridationists to copy and paste. Dentists, dental hygienists, dental students and members of local Boards of Health have been their traditional shills. However, they are expanding into high school youth groups with 'mentoring' programs. 

  4. Bullying: Pew emphasizes inserting "outrage and anger" into local conversations. That particular intimidation technique scares some locals away from commenting on line or otherwise speaking out about their opposition to fluoridation, while tainting the science for for those who might be receptive to objectively looking at the facts. To underscore their promotional intitiative, members of the Pew sponsored "Rapid Response Team" comment on every local article and letter published in the English speaking world. Perhaps ten to twelve folks, the RRT team is primarily made up of older dentists and members of the ironically named "skeptics" group, and of course a few irregular "intranet trolls" who simply enjoy being abusive. 

Pew and CDHP Fluoridation Advocacy Report 


AARP - Speak up! 

Bronze Conversationalist

"....infants fed formula made with fluoridated water suffer higher rates of dental fluorosis."

- Dr. Paul Connett, former Professor Emeritus in Environmental Chemistry and founder of the Fluoride Action Network (see post on infant exposure


NysCof posted a link in a comment above to a blog post that describes how the f-lobby got the mandatory California fluoridation on the books, then bragged about their secretive tactics to avoid public input and debate. In that post, it mentions a CA team led by Howard Pollick team that studied 2,520 California preschool children. A majority of Asian-American children that Pollick and his research team studied, lived in areas with fluoridated water; yet they suffered with the highest prevalence and the greatest amount of cavities.They report. "Our analysis did not appear to be affected by whether or not children lived in an area with fluoridated water," reports Pollick et al.


Pollick also reports in the "International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health" that "infant formula made with optimally fluoridated water might create brown and pitted permanent teeth." That is consistent with many studies that show children's teeth will grow in stained if fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated water.


Yet, Pollick remains committed to fluoridation, even when his own dental research proves it has no benefit, and causes permanent harm to infants and young children. Pollick assidiously avoids exploring any of the neurological, thyroid, or kidney damage science attached to childhood exposure. Pollick is also committed to back room dealings of questionable ethics, both on a state and national level. See following extracted from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) email communications released this year. 

CDC Clearance Chain: 2010 email collaboration between Steven Levy and Gary Whitford of IFS, Jay Kumar of NY DPH and ADA staff with CDC regarding wording of a 2011 ADA report on infant formula  supposedly based on IFS data revealed a less than scientific approach to decision making. The collusion softened the language and obfuscated findings so as to remain supportive of  CDC fluoridation policy. A concern voiced in the email trail was not to provide โ€œfodder to antifluoridationists.โ€ This biased โ€œwordsmithingโ€ by individual authors and ADA with CDC input calls into question the scientific integrity of dental researchers, IFS project and ADA.  The peer review of the report by JADA found the report to be too confusing. The JADA editor suggested that the authors focus on major findings, include less data, and articulate clearer conclusions, which ironically was what the group was trying so hard not to do.  


I particularly like the comment by Howard Pollick of the University of California, San Francisco on June 4, โ€œWe should say something about why we are recommending fluoridated water, even though there has been no or little research on the benefits of fluoridated water in infant formula in the prevention of dental caries.โ€ This led to discussion about the inclusion of endorsements of fluoridation to justify recommendations not supported by data, a puzzling action for a panel claiming to promote an โ€œevidence-based approachโ€ to care for national implementation. Including any of those endorsements, like the one from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), provides the textbook example of circular logic. The AAP based their endorsement on PHS/CDC endorsements of dietary fluoride from the discredited 1940s and 1950s trialsโ€ฆ. trials that IFS was trying, unsuccessfully, to substantiate. 


Also in this email trail, Krishna Aravamudhan, the Asst Director of Evidence-Based Dentistry, on 2/22/2010 suggested it might be better to phrase the report so as to let the reader wonder if there was a connection between formula and fluorosis rather than imply it, although he stated on 3/2/2010 that there was a statistically significant association between elevated fluorides and reconstituted formula. On 5/3/10, Krishna states the thorny questions of the group on a call included, โ€˜How can we say mostly mild dental fluorosis in the report when 3% of the fluorosis cases in the Iowa study are moderate to severe?โ€™ It seems that Krishna was personally fine with using โ€œmostlyโ€ as the qualifier. 


Another email trail in these FOIA documents concerned the ADA and CDC co-sponsoring recommendations for topical fluorides, a continuation of the โ€˜successful  ADA-CDC collaboration on many project over the last few years.โ€™  Krishna Aravamudan of the ADA specifically complimented CDC staff, Dr. Barbara Gooch, Dr. Eugenio Beltran and Dr. Jennifer Cleveland of the CDC for their assistance to the ADA in their endeavors, most of which seem to be for the purpose of fluoride promotion.  Jane McGinley, ADA Manager of Fluoridation and Dr. Wm Bailey of the Chief Dental Officer of the PHS were other primary stakeholders in these collaborations. 

Baby Boomers, if you figure it's too late for you..... consider your grandchildren. 

Tell the AARP you want a Position Paper in opposition to fluoridation! 

Regular Contributor

Many Alaskans know of the dangers of water fluoridation with many Alaskan cities and towns are fluoride free. We in the Facebook Group: Fluoride Free Alaska, hope to make our state water fluoridation free!
Bronze Conversationalist

"Early researchers had it backwards." -  Lahey Clinic and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital


Websites of several major hospitals include this phrase about fluoridation, "Early researchers had it backwards." They go on to state that fluoride works topically as in toothpaste, not by ingestion, and that fluoridation is unncesssary for dental health. Research out of the IFS longitudinal studies have also found that despite the best efforts of dental researchers, "Current evidence strongly suggests that fluorides work primarily by topical means through direct action on the teeth and dental plaque. Thus ingestion of fluoride is not essential for caries prevention,โ€  but does cause dental fluorosis. This is consistent with the 2015 Cochrane Review and 2000 York Review that both noted the poor quality limited evidence in dental studies purporting benefit. They both went on to note that those studies demonstrated more BIAS than benefit, and SELECTIVE SAMPLING rather than safety. (Also see 20th century analysis by Dr. Philip Sutton, Dr. John Colquhoun, and Dr. John Yiamouyiannis


So why are we taking these risks: 

Hooper Bay Alaska was just one example of all too common accidents, albeit one of the more dramatic poisoning examples (see comments by lm89599076 and rs5526.)* In my state of Massachusetts, just this century:  

  1. 1. Wakefield 2000 fluoride overfeed that resulted in gastrointestinal distress and neurological symptoms, i.e. extreme dizziness. 
  2. 2. Marlboro 2003 fluoride overfeed that resulted in warnings not to use the water, even for washing, as it could irritate skin and even cause chemical burns.
  3. 3. Westminster 2005 fluoride spill at water treatment plant that resulted in hospitalization of several workers. 
  4. 4. Amesbury 2011 fluoride clogs in the equipment and related costs prompted the process that led to the discontinuation of water fluoridation 

Also, consider the health impact on water workers who handle fluoride, many if not all of whom, develop fluoride illnesses before reaching retirement, such as Susan Kanen who has commented in this thread.


From the manual, Water Fluoridation Principles and Practices, 5th Ed (2011):

  • โ€œAlways wear protective safety gear when handling fluoride chemicals. In particular, full face shield, splash-proof goggles, rubber gloves and boots, and acid proof aprons should be wornโ€ฆ.โ€  Workers are also warned to never eat near fluoride and that the disposal of fluoride bags and other containers are โ€œusually a problem.โ€


So since it is UNNECESSARY for preventing cavities, inflicts life long damage to teeth of approximately half the children in fluoridated communities, has the potential for serious accidents causing debilitating illness or death, and poisons water departments staff ..... why are we fluoridating our water?


AARP - It is time for you to write a Position Paper opposing fluoridation!

See AAEM for examples:  




* Richard Sauerheber and I assumed that  lm89599076 was referring to the Hooper Bay, AK overspill that resulted in a death and hundreds of life threatening illnesses in a very small community.  However, lm89599076 tells us later in this thread that her experience that resulted her child's severe dental fluorosis and tooth loss was actually in an unreported extended duration overfeed in Juneau, Alaska.  


Periodic Contributor

I and my family were accidentally poisoned by an overspill of sodium fluoride into the municipal water system in a small Alaskan town in the 90's, and that is how I became aware of fluoride toxicity and overexposure. Ironically my son, who was a fetus/infant at the time, has very poor enamel with major mottling which continues to get worse as he gets older. I expect him to have false teeth in his twenties. I have had huge trouble with my thyroid function ever since. Glad to hear AARP is considering a policy against fluoridation. This definitely would interest me in joining!
Bronze Conversationalist

Thank you so much for your comments on the overfeed in Alaska. It was the overfeed in Hooper  Bay AK that inspired me to investigate the mechanism of acute fluoride toxicity in those poisoned in that event, which is probably the worst poisoning disaster fron use of fluoridated water in the country. This after 15 years led to the published article in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health 439490. It is available free online (due to kind donations from private persons) at:


Thank you


Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D.
Periodic Contributor

Richard, our overspill was in Juneau and was never publically acknowledged. It took me about 2 years to put two and two together and figure out what happened to us. I did eventually get private confirmation from a contact at the water utility who was a friend of a friend. They have since stopped fluoridation there after a long battle.


I don't think most toxic overspills of fluoride are ever publically acknowledged, and they are a lot more common than people think. After all, fluoride is extremely corrosive and eventually all fluoridation equipment malfunctions for that reason. Small towns with small municipal budgets have difficulty keeping up with the maintenance, but instead of stopping the fluoridation until they can maintain the equipment properly - they just keep on putting it in the water. It's crazy!

Bronze Conversationalist

  Thanks. Yes the media do not often report fluoridation overfeeds. I recall one newspaper reporting an overfeed in Wisconsin where the water official said, "it's only 50 ppm, so it's not a big deal if people drink it because when they do they will just vomit it up anyway." Nevertheless since the water was deemed unsuitable for drinking, the entire treated amount, scores of  thousands of gallons, were dumped into a local field. The casual treatment of industrial fluoride ingestion is amazing.  Also, in drought-laden CA, water waste like that would result in a huge fine. 

  Well, the FDA wrote to me last week and stated that the fluoridated water ban petition FDA-2007-P-0346 and its supplemental letters of support (83 in total) will, rest assured, be carefully evaluated -- and that no further comment can be made until the reveiw committee reaches a decision. The petition was accepted for review in 2007 and we have not given up hope that it will, at least in part, be honored.

 Thus far, the FDA remains the only U.S. government body that has made a number of official rulings against fluoridation of water supplies. One ruling was that it must not be used in kidney dialysis equipment because whole body dialysis in kidney disease patients results in too high a blood fluoride level which is associated with increased morbidity in those who have been so treated. We are hoping this nonsense can all be disposed of with a formal ban on the sale or production of industrial fluoride compounds intended to be ingested. Fluoride compounds have of course never been FDA approved for ingestion, but we hope the FDA can help us a little bit more, with a ban. 

   The Erin Brockovich legal group has officially come out against fluoridation, but we are asking AARP and other organizations to also examine the evidence in full.  

  And congratulations to the people of Juneau and also Fairbanks, AK. My sister lives in Anchorage where help is still needed to halt this ineffective, harmful, illegal waste of taxpayer dollars. 

Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D.
Periodic Contributor

There are people in Anchorage working to get fluoride out of the water.I liked their facebook page so I could read their posts. That's another one of the towns where I was getting slowly poisoned for many years. It's nice to see Alaskans wising up and getting rid of fluoride. Such an ironic tragedy for people living in that beautiful pristine state to have their water poisoned. How could I have guessed that people would put rat poison in my water and that I wouldn't be able to smell it, taste it or see it? The whole thing is just awful, really. I probably wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced first hand what fluoride can do to you. It **bleep** near killed me! Glad I figured out what was going on before it did. I still hadn't figured out it was fluoride making us sick at the time I moved out of Alaska after living their all my life, something I thought I'd never do. But I went on a few vacations out of state and realized I was getting better while away, and getting sicker again when returning to Juneau. I wasn't sure what was doing it, but I got my family out. Later, after I put two and two together and figured out it had been fluoride in the water sickening us, I contacted people I knew who were still there to tell them.

Bronze Conversationalist

โ€œA good scientist spends his whole career questioning his own facts. One of the most dangerous things you can do is believe.โ€ - Nigel Noriega, Environmental Scientist and Endocrine Biologist (2011)

There is no argument that fluoride is an endocrine disruptor, nor that it causes inflammations and has an impact on the immune system. Fluoridationists argue that water concentrations are too low to trigger those effects, despite the visible evidence of dental fluorosis in approximately half of today's children, many of whom also drink filtered and bottled water which reduces their dosage. 
  1. - This summer, yet another study confirms fluoride inflames the immune system and AT CONCENTRATIONS FOUND IN ARTICIALLY FLUORIDATED WATER! 
    Fluoride as a factor initiating and potentiating inflammation in THP1 differentiated monocytes/macrophages. I. Gutowskaa, I. et al. Toxicology in Vitro. Volume 29, Issue 7, October 2015, Pages 1661โ€“1668. 

  2. - Another study proves for the first time that the central nervous system, spinal column and brain, has an immune system susceptible to inflammation. This likely explains why those with autoimmune diseases also complain about neurological symptoms. 

    Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels. Louveau A. et al. Nature. 2015 Jul 

Regardless of what anyone believed the science proved in 1949, leadership should be making decisions based on MODERN SCIENCE
AARP, the ADA and CDC are in too deep to do an about face. Be a LEADER.... speak up
Bronze Conversationalist

"....infants fed formula made with fluoridated water suffer higher rates of dental fluorosis."

- Dr. Paul Connett, former Professor Emeritus in Environmental Chemistry and founder of the Fluoride Action Network (see post on infant exposure


NysCof posted a link in a comment above to a blog post that describes how the f-lobby got the mandatory California fluoridation on the books, then bragged about their secretive tactics to avoid public input and debate. In that post, it mentions a CA team led by Howard Pollick that studied 2,520 California preschool children. A majority of Asian-American children that Pollick and his research team studied, lived in areas with fluoridated water; yet they suffered with the highest prevalence and the greatest amount of cavities.They report. "Our analysis did not appear to be affected by whether or not children lived in an area with fluoridated water," reports Pollick et al.


Pollick also reports in the "International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health" that "infant formula made with optimally fluoridated water might create brown and pitted permanent teeth." That is consistent with many studies that show children's teeth will grow in stained if fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated water.


Yet, Pollick remains committed to fluoridation, even when his own dental research proves it has no benefit, and causes permanent harm to infants and young children. Pollick assidiously avoids exploring any of the neurological, thyroid, or kidney damage science attached to childhood exposure. Pollick is also committed to back room dealings of questionable ethics, both on a state and national level. See following extracted from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) email communications released this year. 

  • CDC Clearance Chain: 2010 email collaboration between Steven Levy and Gary Whitford of IFS, Jay Kumar of NY DOH and ADA staff with CDC regarding wording of a 2011 ADA report on infant formula  supposedly based on IFS data revealed a less than scientific approach to decision making. The collusion softened the language and obfuscated findings so as to remain supportive of  CDC fluoridation policy. A concern voiced in the email trail was not to provide โ€œfodder to antifluoridationists.โ€ This biased โ€œwordsmithingโ€ by individual authors and ADA with CDC input calls into question the scientific integrity of dental researchers, IFS project and ADA.  The peer review of the report by JADA found the report to be too confusing. The JADA editor suggested that the authors focus on major findings, include less data, and articulate clearer conclusions, which ironically was what the group was trying so hard not to do.  


  • I particularly like the comment by Howard Pollick of the University of California, San Francisco on June 4, โ€œWe should say something about why we are recommending fluoridated water, even though there has been no or little research on the benefits of fluoridated water in infant formula in the prevention of dental caries.โ€ This led to discussion about the inclusion of endorsements of fluoridation to justify recommendations not supported by data, a puzzling action for a panel claiming to promote an โ€œevidence-based approachโ€ to care for national implementation. Including any of those endorsements, like the one from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), provides the textbook example of circular logic. The AAP based their endorsement on PHS/CDC endorsements of dietary fluoride from the discredited 1940s and 1950s trialsโ€ฆ. trials that IFS was trying, unsuccessfully, to substantiate. 


  • Also in this email trail, Krishna Aravamudhan, the Asst Director of Evidence-Based Dentistry, on 2/22/2010 suggested it might be better to phrase the report so as to let the reader wonder if there was a connection between formula and fluorosis rather than imply it, although he stated on 3/2/2010 that there was a statistically significant association between elevated fluorides and reconstituted formula. On 5/3/10, Krishna states the thorny questions of the group on a call included, โ€˜How can we say mostly mild dental fluorosis in the report when 3% of the fluorosis cases in the Iowa study are moderate to severe?โ€™ It seems that Krishna was personally fine with using โ€œmostlyโ€ as the qualifier. 


  • Another email trail in these FOIA documents concerned the ADA and CDC co-sponsoring recommendations for topical fluorides, a continuation of the โ€˜successful  ADA-CDC collaboration on many project over the last few years.โ€™  Krishna Aravamudan of the ADA specifically complimented CDC staff, Dr. Barbara Gooch, Dr. Eugenio Beltran and Dr. Jennifer Cleveland of the CDC for their assistance to the ADA in their endeavors, most of which seem to be for the purpose of fluoride promotion.  Jane McGinley, ADA Manager of Fluoridation and Dr. Wm Bailey of the Chief Dental Officer of the PHS were other primary stakeholders in these collaborations. 
  • 2011 Infant Formula Report:  
  • 2001 CDC:
  • 2007 Over 80% dentists got it wrong: 
  • 2015 FOIA: (formula exchange near end) 

Baby Boomers, if you figure it's too late for you..... consider your grandchildren. 

Tell the AARP you want a Position Paper in opposition to fluoridation, now! 

Bronze Conversationalist

 โ€œCommunity water fluoridation is a malignant medical myth!โ€  - Dr. Joel Kauffman, Professor Emeritus in Chemistry (2006)


Fluoridation is unfair: 

  1. 1. Since fluoridation causes approximately double the dental fluorosis in non-white populations, it is a Civil Rights and Environmental Justice issue.

  2. 2. Since fluoridation is harmful to susceptible populations that include the elderly, the very young, those with prolonged illness, and those with insufficient protein, calcium or vitamin C in their diets (the poor),  it is a Human Rights issue. 

  3. 3. Fluoridation ignores our rights & freedoms that include freedom of choice & informed medical consent.   
    1. a. When fluoride is in municipal water, it is ubiquitous in our food supply making it impossible for us to avoid this drug. 
    2. b. Fluoride is also absorbed through skin, and is an irritant for those with eczema and other skin conditions. 
  4. 4. Fluoridation is NOT necessary to provide fluoride to the public. Saying so creates a false choice, i.e is  flawed logic
    1. a. If someone wants to ingest fluoride, they still have that option by adding drops to their own drinking water.  
    2. b. Since fluoride is available in toothpaste and the only confirmed actual science of benefit states that high concentrations as in toothpaste make cavity causing bacteria โ€œless sticky,โ€ the 1940s justification for fluoridation is no longer valid.
    3. c. The argument about fluoridation benefiting poor children has been rejected by both the 2000 York Review and 2015 Cochrane Review of dental literature purporting SES benefit.  

2015 Cochrane Review featured in Newsweek:


AARP, now is the time to take action. The science this century proving harm is robust and staggering. The 2014 and 2015 science alone is justification for writing a position paper opposing fluoridation. 

Bronze Conversationalist

  My understanding is that the litigation over the Hooper Bay fluoridation overfeed is still not resolved. The city blames the State for making them fluoridate, and the State blames the city for doing the fluoridating.

  It should be noted that in CA, the State chief fluoridaiton officer David Nelson (now retired) helped write the CA fluoridation law and forced Los Angeles to fluoridate in 2007. He actually told me that the Hoper Bay accident was not the fault of the water treatment facility. He claimed it was the victim's wife's fault!  This is because she is a nurse and "should have known that the first sign of fluoride overdose is vomiting, so she should not have given him more water when he asked for more after vomiting."

  I responded by saying there are many causes of vomiting, and why would anyone suspect the water supply when you tell cities that fluoridation is perfectly harmless? And are you telling me the wife went around the whole town of Hooper Bay and gave them fluoride poisoned water to drink so that all 302 people would be poisoned by it?

  He realized how foolish he was being, stopped discussing it, and then said, "I only do what the CDC tells me to do."

  Hence CA remains a state where fluoridation is an attempted mandate. But remember that there is no law that can mandate what violates Federal water law. And the CA law does not mention the source of fluoride material to be used, so the law is not actionable and is null and void. Further, the first line in the law makes the assumption that fluoride in water decreases incidence of caries. This has been fully disproven in vast studies, so the mandate has no actual meaning, is not legally binding, and is basically a worthless historical anecdote.

  In fact, the CA Department of Public Health has written that no city is litigated if it does not fluoridate, and in their view it is the city itself that decides whether to fluoridate.

  So all you CA city councils out there, go ahead and halt fluoridation, and nothing wrong will happen. Caries will not increase, because they were not reduced in the first place, and there is no State law that forces you to infuse this industrial hazardous waste.


Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D.

That's interesting.  I watched on the internet as the San Diego City Council voted to fluoridate even though they didn't want to, didn't understand it and the voters rejected it several times.  The reason they voted in favor was that they were told if they didn't, they would be fined daily or weekly for not doing so.


Fluoridation was foisted on Californians in a stealthy manner - deliberately avoiding notification so citizens couldn't object and then they bragged about it in the California Dental Association journal



Nelson was one of the nastiest of fluoridationists.

Periodic Contributor

The National Academy of Sciences 2006, The recent Cochrane Report, the Australian Review, the York Review, all agree - the quality of scientific research on the benefits and adverse health effects is surprisingly poor - considering that hexafluorosilicic acid, a known toxic waste product from the fertilizer industry and other industries (Aluminum and Oil) has been added to our clean water for over 50-60 years!

Fluoride was touted as a nutrient yet we know now that not one cell in our body needs the fluorine element to function properly, and in fact, it reduces thyroid function!

Why are we still paying the industries to dilute their toxic waste for a chemical that is not regulated by the FDA yet we drink this drug every day? If we don't drink fluoridated water, we get fluoride in our tea, our meat, our soda, wine, beer, anything that has been made with fluoridated water! Yet if we have arthritic pain, we do not get tested for fluoride over exposure. If we have memory loss, we do not get tested for fluoride overexposure. If we have reduced thyroid or reduced kidney function, no doctor routinely checks our exposure to fluoride, this untested, unregulated, unapproved drug.

By the American Dental Association still promoting water fluoridation, they are not doing their homework.

Please AARP - provide a task force that does it's own unbiased research on this and inform your members on your findings. We need to know.

thank you


Regular Contributor

We can't afford to wait for those who have endorsed water fluoridation to finally realize this has been a gross mistake and an immoral human experiment. I changed my professional opinion on water fluoridation only after realizing how I have been poisoned lifelong by many exposures to fluorides. Thank you CarryAnne for the great information you have posted.



At 60 years old, I have had a lifetime of uncontroled and unmonitored fluoride exposures including fluorine fumes working at a water treatment plant. I am a chemist and was responsible for making fluoride standards to measure the amount of (I didn't know then-TOXIC and INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRODUCT)  HFSAcid added to Washington DC drinking water. At 60 years old, I suffered many health catastrophes many that are slowly reversing now 2 years avoiding fluoridated water for drinking or bathing, drugs, dental products etc.


I speak from painful personal experience. As AARP considers a stand on water fluoridation, please be advised you should have no confidence in the integrity the system that produced the 'science' of water fluoridation. (see numbered links below)

I am a biochemist involved with an experiment since 2005 on lead service lines supplying drinking water to homes in Washington DC (1). My dissenting opinion has been that industry research and compliance with U.S. Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)1991 systematically underestimates lead contamination of drinking water(2). I have been recognized as a whistleblower (3). EPA has continued for years ignoring my input (4). Recent studies in 2013 (5) confirm my concerns (6). I also suffer painful, serious health effects and consequences of 60 years exposure to fluoridation chemicals made apparent to me only since May 2013 (7), perhaps exasperated by fluorine gas I was exposed to at the water treatment plant in Washington DC.

The US EPA, CDC, municipalities, and water utilities continue to this day, as they have for decades, to mislead the public about their true exposure to lead in drinking water leaching from lead service lines and the real possibility that fluoridation chemicals increase lead leaching from lead service lines still often used in older sections of major US cities.. THIS IS THE SAME SYSTEM that produced the 'science' of water fluoridation replete with decades of willful blindness, bias, grants for preconceived research results, repression of true scientists, propaganda slogans, down playing of negative health effects, professional bullying, junk science techniques, cherry picking data, fraud, powerful corrupt politics, and industrial interests.

To unduly threaten the health of seniors with water fluoridation based on schemes that masquerade as true science is foolishness indeed.



Susan Kanen


Fluoride Free Alaska (a facebook group)


Links and additional comments:

(1). starting at C-87 Washington Aqueduct Lead Service Line Pilot Study. Misrepresented and miscalculated lead release from lead service lines by 4000%.

(2). Comments by SKanen to National Drinking Water Advisory Council

(3) at 12:43 Dr Marc Edwards of Virginia Tech mentions Sue Kanen as a whistleblower in the DC Lead in Drinking Water scandal

(4) Minutes of EPA conference calls, Susan Kanen participated since 2011


(5) Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Aug 20;47(16):9300-7. doi: 10.1021/es4003636. Epub 2013 Aug 2.

Detection and evaluation of elevated lead release from service lines: a field study. Del Toral MA1, Porter A, Schock MR. Abstract: Comparative stagnation sampling conducted in 32 homes in Chicago, Illinois with lead service lines demonstrated that the existing regulatory sampling protocol under the U.S. Lead and Copper Rule systematically misses the high lead levels and potential human exposure.

(6) Lead in Drinking Water Sampling Manipulation 3 minute video by SKanen demonstrating my concerns on lead leaching from lead service lines.

(7) I was exposed to fluorine gas in the basement at the water treatment plant in 2005 (HF etched glass and corroded window and door frames until they collapsed) My lungs and throat burned, I lost sense of taste and smell, had nausea and shortness of breath,and brain fog. Nevertheless, I had no idea I was being exposed to HF in the air at the point the fluoridation chemicals are added to drinking water. Fluoride is an accumulative poison, I continued my lifelong consumption of fluoridated water, food and exposure while bathing, swimming, and in hot tubs. I have dental fluorosis as a child of a military dentist. Front teeth have veneers. Uterine fibroids and prolapse. Multiple internal hernias. In 2007, I was hospitalized with acute pancreatitis, two emergency room visits in Sept 2012 with a 0.7 mm kidney stone, diagnosis of degeneration of hip and lower spine, elevated serum calcium and parathyroid hormone, parathyroidectomy of 5200 mg in Nov 2012 with persistent elevated parathyroid hormone, osteoarthritis required hip replacement in Aug 2013, osteopenia, painful multinodual calcified goiter of the thyroid with hypo and hyperthyroid symptoms, autoimmune thyroiditis, GERD and irritation of GI and urinary tract, Barrett's esophagus, calcified ligaments with X-ray evidence of calcification of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, phleboliths, bilateral renal cysts, enlarged heart, fatigue not relieved by rest, neurological symptoms such as numbness, anxiety, forgetfulness, perhaps pre- Alzheimer symptoms-just to name a few classic responses to fluoride intoxication. None of my AMA doctors had a clue what was wrong with me. As a biochemist, I finally speculated I might be fluoride poisoned. I insisted on getting a fluoride analysis of the deformed head of my femur bone sawed off during hip replacement. It measured 1500 ppm fluoride of ashed bone weight, pointing to the diagnosis of the initial stage of skeletal fluorosis. My medical bills 2012-2014 were almost $150,000. Fluoride is a lifelong accumulative toxin and slowly harms and, if exposure is excessive, eventually destroys every human organ system for everyone in water fluoridated or non-fluoridated areas alike. It really is absolute foolishness to add more fluoride to drinking water. I did not give my consent to be an experimental toxic waste dump for the last 60 years! Now since May 2013 avoiding fluoride, I am slowly getting better.My thyroid has shunk to 61% of the goiter of two years ago, antibodies against thyroid are reduced, my parathyroid hormone level is now midrange normal after persistently elevated levels post parathyroidectomy, no reoccurrance of kidney stones, less GI irritation and less neurological symptoms like numbness, anxiety, lack of ability to concentrate. and forgetfulness, less pain.


Fluoride toxicity symptoms are threantening to steal away the golden years of the 'baby boomers', the first generation to be experimental subjects to lifelong water fluoridation.


AARP act now!!!

Bronze Conversationalist

โ€Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time."  - Dr. Robert Carton, EPA (1992)


Thank you Susan Kanen for your comment above! 

AARP - Are you reading this?

  • EXCERPT "None of my AMA doctors had a clue what was wrong with me. As a biochemist, I finally speculated I might be fluoride poisoned. I insisted on getting a fluoride analysis of the deformed head of my femur bone sawed off during hip replacement. It measured 1500 ppm fluoride of ashed bone weight, pointing to the diagnosis of the initial stage of skeletal fluorosis. My medical bills 2012-2014 were almost $150,000....... I did not give my consent to be an experimental toxic waste dump for the last 60 years! Now since May 2013 avoiding fluoride, I am slowly getting better. My thyroid has shunk to 61% of the goiter of two years ago, antibodies against thyroid are reduced, my parathyroid hormone level is now midrange normal after persistently elevated levels post parathyroidectomy, no reoccurrance of kidney stones, less GI irritation and less neurological symptoms like numbness, anxiety, lack of ability to concentrate. and forgetfulness, less pain."
Periodic Contributor

This is a really great article: please help get this neurotoxin out of our water, and our food. 

I am starting a coalition against artificial fluoridation in NYC - please email if you are interested in helping getting the word out - this stuff is toxic, not a nutrient, not safe and we shouldn't be drinking it!

Bronze Conversationalist

First, eating and drinking fluoride ion has no effect whatsoever on dental caries, as published in detailed studies by Zigelbecker, and also by Sutton, and by Teotia and Teotia, and also by Yamouyiannis. The fluoride concentration in saliva that bathes teeth topically (at 0.016 ppm, NRC, 2006) is 75,000 times less than that in toothpaste. Second, systemic fluoride dissolves in the blood and throughout all tissues at 0.2 ppm from regular consumption of treated drinking water. The ion accumulates lifelong permanently into bone causing the formation of new bone of poor quality. We now have 1/3 million U.S. elderly who suffer from broken hips which usually is lethal due to pneumonia that ensues while waiting for fluoridated bone to heal. Cruel experiments in dogs indicate that broken bones heal far more slowly when animals are given fluoridated water. Finally, adding fluoride into drinking water is illegal. No EPA regulated water contaminant, including fluoride, can be discharged into public drinking water intentionally without an NPDES permit from the EPA, as stipulated by the Clean Water Act. And the Safe Drinking Water Act prohibits the requirement of any substance added into water other than to sanitize the water. The EPA Office of Water argues that, as a substance that is being used to treat humans, the FDA is responsible for regulating fluoridation. The FDA argues that, as a pollutant being added intentionally into water, the EPA is in charge of its regulation. The HHS recommended that fluoride levels not exceed 0l7 ppm but refuses to accept liability for its use, in particular to avoid litigation over the easily proven increase in unwanted unsightly abnormal dental enamel hypoplasia dental fluorosis that plagues 42% of U.S. teens as a result of water "fluoridation." Please get involved and halt this absurd experiment from being continued.
Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D.
Bronze Conversationalist

Dr. Richard Sauerheber who added a post in this thread is a chemist, college professor and researcher who has published some excellent work on the toxicity of industrial fluoride in drinking water. As a result of his research, he has written letters opposing fluoridation to the FDA and other regulatory agencies, urging they take action, i.e. actually consider science to regulate the industries in order protect the health of the public:



Thank you, doctor! 


โ€œWhen industry and government agree, people suffer.โ€ - Proverb 

Bronze Conversationalist

"Fluoride is an enzyme poison, in the same class as cyanide, oxalate, or azide ... it is capable of a very wide variety of harmful effects, even at low doses. It is a scientific disgrace that a well organized lobby of the American Dental Association ever managed to stampede American legislators into ignoring the highly technical but very cogent objection to fluoridation." - James B. Patrick, Ph.D., antibiotics research scientist at National Institute of Health


Latest study on fluoride concerns its capacity to cause INFLAMMATIONS even at very small exposure level, such as that from water fluoridation. I especially like this key finding, "Long-term exposure to fluoride may affect activities of many enzymes."


Do we really want a drug that interferes with the normal functioning of our enzymes, as well as causing or worsening inflammations to be an ubiquitous contaminant in our water and food?  



Baby Boomers - this is your life and the lives of your children, grandchildren, and g-grandchildren at risk. DO SOMETHING!


Contact the AARP, your politicians, the White House.... tell them to get the F* out of our water.... Municipalities can use the financial savings to replace ineffective and dangerous chloramine which also kills enzymes and causes disease with a more effective and safe disinfectant alternative. And you can use the better quality of life and lower doctors bills to enjoy life. 

Bronze Conversationalist

For those who like visuals, this 1955 film shows what happens to enzymes in human blood with fluoride concentrations consistent with drinking a glass of "optimally" fluoridated water. 


This enzyme death in the blood explains why some of us experience Chizzola maculae, a distinctive bruise like hive that affects a minority of women and children in the early stages of fluoride poisoning. It's an abnormal blood coagulation and the destruction of blood vessels, an autoimmune reaction. 


Bronze Conversationalist

"When a statistical analysis of 1,000 children was conducted in London, and results were not as fluoridation proponents wanted, the study was quickly abandoned." - Dr. Malcolm Naylor, 1987 winner of Tomes Medal for imminence in dental research


Cochrane is the international gold standard panel for public health review. They found bias rather than benefit in their review of the dental studies. Moreover, like every large independent review of the dental science, the Cochrane panel finds that the evidence of dental benefit is poor quality, highly suspect, and does not support the rationale that fluoridation benefits the poor. In the meantime, the scientific and legal arguments against fluoridation as harmful to health mount. 

Write the AARP and your local newspaper! Tell them that Cochrane confirms the dentists are lying and that you side with consumer adovcate Erin Brockovich, Civil Rights leaders, and 21st century researchers like the Harvard team of neuroscientists in opposing fluoridation as a Human Rights violation! 

Periodic Contributor

Great idea!

I'm starting a coalition in NYC Against Artificial Fluoridation - Fluoride in not a nutrient, we shoudn't be exposing ourselves to neurotoxins by drinking the toxic waste product of the fertilizer industry. Please email for more information.

Bronze Conversationalist

โ€œIndustry has learned that debating the science is much easier and more effective than debating the policy. In field after field, year after year, conclusions that might support regulation are always disputed. Animal data are deemed not relevant, human data not representative, and exposure data not reliable.โ€ - David Michaels, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, in โ€œDoubt Is Their Productโ€ (2008)


Prof. Rita Barnett-Rose of Chapman University includes a nice mix of science and law in her 2014 legal analysis of the U.S. fluoridation policy. She concludes, "The evidence continues to suggest that compulsory water fluoridation is no longer justifiable as a public health benefit.... the cessation of all compulsory water fluoridation schemes should be the goal of all public health agencies, ethical lawmakers, and informed citizens."




Phone, email or write the AARP directly. Tell them they need to step up and write a position statement opposing fluoridation, for the sake of the elderly, those in fragile health, pregnant women and their fetuses, and the very young. 

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