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Honored Social Butterfly

I miss the ability to quote

Good job on finally getting spell check included but I really miss the ability to quote the post to which I was answering. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there! We had a few hiccups when rolling out the new editor, but the quote function has been fixed. Here's how to select it now:

Quote function.jpg

 Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Honored Social Butterfly

@AARPRachelA wrote:

Hi there! We had a few hiccups when rolling out the new editor, but the quote function has been fixed. Here's how to select it now:

Quote function.jpg

 Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Thank you!  Works for me. 👍

Social Butterfly




Big Thanks to you both, and to all who alerted the community to the missing quote function.


And thanks to AARP for restoring it.


Yes, sometimes it was overly used (like when some people would quote the last 27 posts in a thread), but I think its value far outweighed any inconvenience (such unreadable posts could be ignored).


I was just thinking that the most important point about the feature is that, when used, it automatically alerts the quoted person of a reply. Sure, this could be done manually with "@" but I often forget myself. And in some thinly-traveled forums with important personal issues such as grieving, Social Security benefits, etc, it could be very likely that the OP might never see or get the reply they were hoping and waiting for!

Honored Social Butterfly


. . . . I really miss the ability to quote the post to which I was answering. 




The abusers of this quote function did it in -

You can still do it - copy and paste - selected comments but that requires more work than the abusers want to do.  They will be copying and pasting all of a post that they are replying to -



It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Gail: The abusers of this quote function did it in -

I am not sure how you can abuse that. I did see some stupid practices but abuse? No 

Honored Social Butterfly

@Richva  wrote


I am not sure how you can abuse that. I did see some stupid practices but abuse? No 



Really????  Want me to find a few threads where all that was shown was total post FULL quotes from many previously responding people, not just one - where the print got so fractured that only (1) letter or word showed on a whole line/ one a whole page.  Then you scrolled all the way down and the person who just hit the (easy) quote button made just a line or two comment - sometimes not even relevant to the thread or it had completely morphed into something else.

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@GailL1  wrote:


Really????  Want me to find a few threads where all that was shown was total post FULL quotes from many previously responding people, not just one - where the print got so fractured that only (1) letter or word showed on a whole line/ one a whole page.  Then you scrolled all the way down and the person who just hit the (easy) quote button made just a line or two comment - sometimes not even relevant to the thread or it had completely morphed into something else.


I assume you are referring to a quoted post that get requoted which in turn get requoted and so on and so on, so the quoted posts become totally unreadable.  That is a result of the HTML when using nested tags of <blockquote>.


BUT, in order to post this, I not only C&P'd but also edited the HTML to show it as a quote.  Probably not important, but just cleaning it up and of course, not everyone is familiar with HTML.


However, in a thread with multiple posts, it becomes confusing to know what any one post is referring to or responding to and a long thread quickly gets disjointed and out of control.  


Yes, you can use the @Whoever button to designate who you are replying to, but an outsider would have to scroll to find the original message and in a long thread, that becomes a PITA.


Weighing the cons and the pros, my vote is for the return of the Quote function.


Honored Social Butterfly

Gqil Really????  Want me to find a few threads where all that was shown was total post FULL quotes from many previously responding people, not just one - where the print got so fractured that only (1) letter or word showed on a whole line/ one a whole page.  Then you scrolled all the way down and the person who just hit the (easy) quote button made just a line or two comment - sometimes not even relevant to the thread or it had completely morphed into something else.


Like I said.....stupid but not an abuse.

Honored Social Butterfly

Richva Wrote:


Like I said.....stupid but not an abuse.



You said it right, just stupidity.  I think it is lame to take the quote function away.

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