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Periodic Contributor

big gap in employment history, no references

I'm looking for work after being out of the job market for 20 years. My biggest problem is a lack of references. I've been disabled most of the time there's so no volunteer work for references. I have an impressive resume with plenty of skills, but many are out of business and I've lost contact with co-workers. I'm primarily focused on remote work but even those jobs require references. And my great resume stops in 2001. Any suggestions?

Periodic Contributor

Wish you good luck dude

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Hey.  I just passed the word to the HR manager about the new AARP job board and I told him that once he gets an account opened that he can start posting.  Mercy only looks for how much talent you have and that's all.  

Seniors are just antique people rich with history.
Periodic Contributor

Thank you for the response. So there's an AARP job board? And the new HR manager for it is going to get on this board and answer my question? Is Mercy the name of the HR manager? So no need for refererences applies to jobs to work at AARP?


Just want to be sure I'm understanding your post.

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You may ant to sarch the AARP site.  Mercy is the healthcare company and I work at the facility in St. Louis and I am sure Mercy's HR department could answer your questions.  

Seniors are just antique people rich with history.
Honored Social Butterfly

Just 'google' it.


How To Re-Enter The Workforce After A Long Absence


Search on that and get all kinds of advice.


"...Why is everyone a victim? Take personal responsibility for your life..."
Periodic Contributor

Thank you for the tip. Hadn't thought of using those key words for a search. 


I've done the networking. Have a bit of a problem with creating a 30-second elevator pitch since there isn't a specific job title I'm seeking.


I'm not looking for a job as a journalist or just a writer necessarily. I'm researching what job titles might fit my qualifications since my experience is quite wide-ranging. For example, I took a part-time temporary job recently as a bookkeeper even though numbers aren't a part of my work history. I'll put together a short explanation of my previous jobs, but titles don't apply to my skills very much these days.


I've started looking at volunteer listings. There are many I can do, but it seems most require a long-term commitment. I can't blame them for wanting that commitment. My needs for part-time work are more immediate, although volunteering will help in the long run.


I've been excited to see all the online classes I can take to brush up on my skills and make them more transferrable to online work. Thank you for the MOOC link. I am looking for part-time work which is why I think online jobs will suit me best.


The best suggestion I've seen for references is to ask friends to attest to whatever particular qualities they see in me.


This is very frustrating because, in my 'prior' life, my skills readily qualified me for many jobs and I had no problems finding employment. My job break has been for 18 years and now I'm in my 60s. The classes will help me update those skills.


I have confidence that if I can get past the first stage of submitting my ancient resume and only character references, I can do well in an interview. After all, I talked my way into a bookkeeping job!

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Honored Social Butterfly

What kind of work?


Reach out to friends and let them know you are looking for work. Some may be able to serve as references. Even though they didn’t work with you, they may know certain traits like whether you are a good communicator, whether you are detail-oriented, etc. 


Is there any way you can volunteer “now?”


Is there any class you could take to show/highlight skills? The teacher could be a reference. 


Connect with a senior group near you. They can be a wealth of knowledge and a great resource for new connections.



Periodic Contributor

Thanks for the tips. I'm doing some of these already, but some I can add to my tasks. It has led me to many more online resources that will help me put together a credible resume and help with my job search.


I'm primarily a writer, was a journalist by trade. That can be applied in many kinds of jobs.


I've decided to take some online courses that will help me brush up on my skills and to develop new articles I can put online as fresh examples of my writing.


I will continue to pump my personal connections for real-life work. Your specific suggestions -- using traits -- will help some be more comfortable providing a reference.


I've been looking at volunteer opportunities in my field. I'm also in the process of converting an email newsletter I've done for free into a for-profit project.


My time and energy is limited due to disabilities so I'm exploring the vast expanse of online work. However, a part-time, 'real life' job would help with the bills in the short term.


Thank you for your response.

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