AARP Eye Center
I'm 53 and have been unemployed since March 2020. My husband passed in February of 2020, I've been struggling, cannot find work, don't know what I'm going to do. Seems people just do not hire the mature adult anymore, which they need to rethink, we're more responsible, loyal, trustworthy, etc. I have even stated that in interviews but to no avail, not hired. What do we do? Where do we go? No money coming in for bills, thank goodness our house is paid off or I'd be in the streets. Is there any kind of assistance for me at the age of 53? I haven't been able to find anything. Desperately seeking work!!
I just read your comments and know how hard it is to find work at times. I might suggest speaking with some of those neighbors or people you know from church or your community. Sometimes finding a job depends on making the 'right' connection with someone who might be looking to fill an open positions. I will say to "hang in there" even tho I know it can be tough. You will find something and it might be before you know it. Thinking of you today and sending the most positive energy your way for a new job soon. โค๏ธ
I was in and out of work during that time in my life.
I had been working on contracts through temporary agencies for several years and was hired off one of them to full-time employee when I was 50ish and bought a house with a hefty mortgage a few months later. Then, terrorists destroyed the World Trade Centers. Just less than a year later, the repercussions caught up with my position and I was pounding the virtual pavement, again, at about your age.
After another couple temporary jobs (3- to 6- month contracts, usually, and usually with time of unemployment between), I was hired off a contract to full-time employee, again, and that carried me until I was laid off 8 years later and decided I could retire. Still, other contracts came to my attention, but I ended up not taking those, sometimes because of the employers' expectations, but more and more because I loved my new role as a retiree.
Concentrate on your abilities. Study advice on how to work with your resume to keep it at the top of the stacks by using verbiage directly from the job postings. Find and work with temporary agencies in your area. I was regularly in touch with as many as 23 agencies in my area between jobs.
If you aren't already on LinkIn, sign up and follow advice on how to maximize good exposure there.
Remember, unemployed is not synonymous with unemployable. You have talents and abilities to fit somewhere. Go find it.
Good luck.
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