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New York City Govt JObs On LIne Seem Age Biased

Whenever I apply on line for a New York City government job at the very end it asks to confirm my birth date. It makes me feel helplessly discriminated against. How is this legal and for the NYC government site? What can we do about it? Isnt NYC amongst the most "Progressive" cities of the most "Progressive" states? They even want to allow everyone to decide their or their newborns gender at their whims including on newborns birth certificates. But OPen age discrimiation on their job site?

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Honored Social Butterfly

When Employers Can Ask for Your Date of Birth

Employers are within their rights if they ask you for your date of birth during the job screening process. The key factor will be what employers do with this information since they are strictly prohibited from discriminating against job candidates or employees on the basis of age. These protections are provided under the Age Discrimination Act of 1967.


Most employers will request your date of birth to facilitate background checks. Completing background checks on job applicants is now common practice by employers. These background checks might include a review of your commercial, criminal, or even financial records. Having your date of birth makes it easier for employers to complete these checks.


There are also other occasions when it is necessary to know an employeeโ€™s age. For example, if there is a minimum age requirement for a job, the employer needs to know that you fit that requirement.

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Hi Benjamin! I'm having the same issue with Amazon. They have this mile long application process and it includes a birthdate. They say it's because they work with the Government and it's required. I agree with you that this is age discrimination. If we were in a face-to-face interview they would not be allowed to ask our age! However, being able to prove it will be a difficult task. 

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