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Is there an income limit on how much a custodial parent can earn and still be entitled to receive benefits for a child under 16? (Daughter, 13, is receiving SSA benefits and I know there is a rule that surviving custodial parent can also receive benefits until that child turns 16. Ex and I were married 15 years before divorcing.) Have not been able to find the information anywhere on SSA site nor received a straight answer when I finally got through to make appointment for March.
IF you are talking about [Divorced] Survivor's Benefits - IF YOU ARE THE SURVIVOR - Surviving Spouse / Surviving Divorced Spouse
Does that answer your question?
Hello. Not quite. I know I can get former spouse benefits at 60 if do not remarry. I mean the benefits that "pay" (for lack of a better word) to surviving parent of child under 16. I am trying to figure out if there is an income cap to what I can earn.
Thank you
@TinaP60841 wrote:
I am trying to figure out if there is an income cap to what I can earn.
Thank you
Yes, it is the same one as people who retire EARLY (less than FRA) under the SS system and keep working. In 2023, that amount is $ 21.240.
If you are under full retirement age for the entire year, SSA will deduct $1 from your benefit payments for every $2 you earn above the annual limit.
In the year that you reach FRA, the limit on your earnings for the months before full retirement age is $56,520. - Receiving Benefits While Working
The actual Survivors benefit amount is also reduced depending on your age when you file for the Survivors benefit.
If you receive survivors benefits, we use your full retirement age, for retirement benefits when applying the annual earnings test (AET) for retirement or survivors benefits. Although the full retirement age for survivors benefits may be earlier, for AET purposes, we use your full retirement age for retirement benefits. This rule applies even if the beneficiary is not entitled to retirement benefits.
Here is the 2023 SSA pamphlet on the subject. - How Work Affects Your Benefits
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