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It's been 5 months and getting no answers from SS

I applied for SS retirement benefits on August 17, 2023. At that time I also applied for disability but to be honest I wasn't hopeful for that. My retirement is at step one of 3 and my disability is chugging along. When I applied I checked a box stating I wanted to get my retirement benefits while I was waiting for a disability decision. So after 3 months I called in and was told I didn't apply for retirement benefits. When I log into my SS account both applications are listed. She told me I would get a phone call in 2 months. I waited a couple of weeks and called to check to see if she changed anything and the person told me again that I didn't apply for retirement. I called the local office intending to go in and just get this straightened out once and for all and she told me that they aren't doing it in person but gave me a phone number. I called that and the man gave me the phone number of a case manager. I must have left 10 messages and never heard back. I don't know what to do. Any ideas? The only thing that maybe I can do is find an office in the state that I can make an appointment for but that will probably take hours of driving time. 

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Call +1-800-772-1213 and When you hear "How can I help you today?" say "application status." 

Honored Social Butterfly

@CapeCodNancy wrote:

I don't know what to do. Any ideas?




Call your elected Representative or, better yet, your Senator.


See if they can do anything for you.

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