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FPUC payments and SS Survivor Benefits

I have a question that hopefully someone can answer.....I am currently receiving SS Survivors Benefits and I work, due to COVID 19 I have been furloughed and receive FL unemployment & FPUC payments.  How will the FPUC payments affect my taxable income in determining my SS Survivor Benefits for next year?

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Honored Social Butterfly



You should be fine as far as any UNemployment benefits that you receive counting as income for the Social Security earnings test.  I am assuming that your are less than Full Retirement Age.


Unemployment benefits are not counted as wages under the Social Security annual earnings test, so they won’t affect your Social Security benefits.

But neither do they count as Income for increasing your SS benefit down the road as wages do. - How Work Affects Your Benefit 2020 


But the other way around, SS affecting your Unemployment benefit is state specific, with most of the states not applying any reduction - but who knows, states are in $$$ trouble -  watch your state.


Just to recap for others who may read this post -

There are several different types of these "FEDERAL" Pandemic programs currently working - each has a special purpose in timing/amt. or for a different selection of workers since the CARES ACT created unemployment coverage for new groups of workers, many of which have never paid into the unemployment system up to now, anyway - going forward - who knows - maybe.


PEUC - Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation - extends coverage from 26 weeks to 39 weeks

PUA - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance - extends 39 weeks of benefits to gig workers, independent contractors and other workers who aren't covered by the standard unemployment benefit.

FPUC - Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation - covers both standard and PUA receivers with that extra $600 per week through the end of July 2020 ( I believe).


I have heard there is a somewhat "grey" area in the CARES ACT which Congress may have to address, sooner rather than later, concerning these specialized pandemic unemployment rules.

That is if your employer calls you back to work and for some reason, you do not go -

Or if you are a gig-worker or contractor and your industry reopens.


But as of now and to directly address your question - Your SS benefits will not include the Unemployment in the earnings test.




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Thank you Gail for your response.....I will still keep my fingers and toes crossed

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