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Honored Social Butterfly

Songs About Media (TV, Radio, Publications, Internet) and Media Personalities

So, here's a new topic to try out . . . songs about the media, such as tv, radio, publications, the internet, and any media personalities you can think of. It can be song titles or part of the lyrics.


I'll start off with - - - 


Cover of the Rollin' Stone Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show






“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
Honored Social Butterfly

Telegraph Road:  Dire Straits

Honored Social Butterfly

Coconut Telegraph:  Jimmy Buffett

Honored Social Butterfly

Hanging On The Telephone:  Blondie

Honored Social Butterfly

Letter to the Editor (Jigsaw Seen)

Honored Social Butterfly

Western Union:  Five Americans

Honored Social Butterfly

Life Is A Rock (But The Radio Rolled Me):  Reunion

Honored Social Butterfly

Big TV (White Lies)

Honored Social Butterfly

Radio  -  CSN


“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
Honored Social Butterfly

Ohio    C,S,N&Y

Honored Social Butterfly

James Dean   Jackson Browne

Honored Social Butterfly

What's the Frequency, Kenneth (REM):


"The song's title refers to an incident in New York City in 1986, when two then-unknown assailants attacked journalist Dan Rather, while repeating 'Kenneth, what's the frequency?'"--Wikipedia

Honored Social Butterfly

Creeque Alley  Mamas&Papas

Social Butterfly

The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat) - The Doors

Social Butterfly

Radio War - Iron & Wine

Social Butterfly

Guerrilla Radio - Rage Against The Machine

Social Butterfly

Turn Up The Radio - Autograph 

Social Butterfly

Paparazzi - Lady GaGa

Honored Social Butterfly

Spirit of Radio (Rush)

Honored Social Butterfly

Give Me Some News I Can Use  -  John Kay & Steppenwolf


“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
Recognized Social Butterfly

"On The Radio" - Ms Donna Summer 


So beautiful and talented and savvy... she drew EVERYONE together.


The only "disco" tune I ever listened to forever (hard/metal-rocker here)...



Honored Social Butterfly

If I Ever Lose My Faith in You (Sting):


"You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me"

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Casino Nation (Jackson Browne)


"In the fabled crucible of the free world
Camera crews search for clues amid the detritus
And entertainment shapes the land
The way the hammer shapes the hand

All those not on TV only have themselves to blame
And don't quite seem to understand
The way the hammer shapes the hand"

Honored Social Butterfly

I need a lover  John Mellencamp


Electricity runs through the video

And I watch it from the hole I call home
And all them stories are dancin’ to the radio

And I got the whole world callin’ me up

free tonight on the phone 

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Kill Your Television (Ned's Atomic Dustbin)

Honored Social Butterfly

I Read the News (Peter Frampton)

Honored Social Butterfly

Pump it up  Elvis Costello

Honored Social Butterfly

Legend of a mind  Moody Blues

(Timothy Leary’s dead)

Honored Social Butterfly

Don't Step On The Grass Sam  -  Steppenwolf


Starin' at the boob tube, turnin' on the big knob
Tryin' to find some life in the waste land
Fin'ly found a program, gonna deal with Mary Jane



“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
Honored Social Butterfly

James Dean  Eagles

Honored Social Butterfly

Be my Yoko Ono  Barenaked Ladies

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