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Social Butterfly

May 2024 Extra Forget-it


Try to follow the string of errors:


CVS Extra Credit Fail.jpg


But, I could have sworn that I completed all the activites because I had to do some of them three times, and, yep, I did complete them as shown:


All Boring Activities Completed.jpg

So, I tried to redeem for the card again, new error:


Oops! An error.jpg


Well, after refreshing for the umpteenth time, I tried again and got the following new error:


Another Error.jpg


I tried a few more times and it finally stated that the redemption was complete but delayed.


Delayed Response.jpg


This is the only card that I am attempting to redeem from this promotion... and I'm going to just FORGET the rest.


Trusted Contributor

II finally got mine. Also got the $5 Lowe's. I'm tired and going to bed. I feel as though I worked a full time job. 

Periodic Contributor

As expected, NOT worth the loss of sleep or the aggravation as usual,

you’re not missing anything with $5 gift cards anyway

Trusted Contributor

You're right, we should be used to this by now. 

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