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Honored Social Butterfly


Top of the morning to everyone on this First day of
MARCH 2025 
Happy Birthday to all of our MARCH Birthday members.






Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

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Gold Conversationalist

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u ...Love the kitty! 😸

Honored Social Butterfly

I’m impressed when ever the Scot within me says,”gi up”, and a few choice words.


Odetta Holmes is about the only one helping me survive PT and movement in general .2,1/2 hours of Odetta LP’s, It helps on working thru the stabs of pain, trying to avoid pain killers. They were easier to handle 58+ years back.


On that cheery note time to annoy or improve my therapist’s taste in music, after I eat.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Gold Conversationalist

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Honored Social Butterfly

4 comments (Friday 5/31/24 8:03pm ET)


Welcome back BIG BRO @Frozenoem  💃💃💃


Little Sis,

Nicole  👵

Honored Social Butterfly

Not back yet, too much going on, here.

and too much pain, making progress but, those little pills are doing a number on me, and my brain.


I am receiving all message just can’t always respond, at least I found my AirPods this am, an improvement👍.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Gold Conversationalist

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Honored Social Butterfly

The annoying bit is finding a pain free position after PT or not.I move it’s pain, breathe..:


Have Dr’s up the wazoo, getting them to all work together would be nice.🤬


Time for a dose of dry heat, like another zmainah. Woodstove heat better than ice and heating pad or hydrocolator:



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Gold Conversationalist

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Honored Social Butterfly

Looks like tonite is a Northern Lights for everyone just got an alert ‼️ n my phone - yep, I’m one of them.Keep looking up when possible.



If you’re in red or green, aim for the dark away from light pollution.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

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Gold Conversationalist

NICOLE....YES...We ‘meet’ somewhere on each others’ posts, or for me in one of your forums....or PMs etc. almost every day.

That’s why we be ...



Thanks for heads up on MC..

didn't get a notice☹️ as usual!😒


☮️  🌄  ~Allen 🌈  🎨

Trusted Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u @catwoman500   Another trumpet vine has shown up!  This one where is was planted near the arbor.  The third I am afraid has been dug u and not properly replanted by the furry ones.

Gold Conversationalist

Hi @LaDolceVita


That’s great news that “Another trumpet vine has shown up!” 👍🌱 YEA!

I had to chuckle at the thought of “The third I am afraid has been dug u and not properly replanted by the furry ones.” LOL!😄

So....You mean 🐶 doggies 🐕 know how to dig up...but just haven’t gotten around to the planting properly part yet! HAHAA 🤣

....might have to ‘up’ the security around the last one... so it hopefully survives...& of course....thrives!!

As always, ...Stay safe....&...Take care!

☮️  🌄  ~Allen 🌈  🎨

Honored Social Butterfly

Just a handy-dandy hint.  If you use the Reply▽ option beneath a certain post, your reply will appear below that particular post, which makes it seem out of whack.  If you use the Reply to the topic... option at the bottom, it will fall in line with the whole thread (with newest posts at top or bottom depending on your settings).

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch  I had no idea either. I'll have to try that "Reply to topic" button once I try to catch up!

Gold Conversationalist

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u ...Yes, thanks to @MsStretch for the hint. And thanks to you for your good thoughts. Like you I hardly ever get a notice that something has been posted. Just so happens 3 came in this weekend. Lots of catching up to do on my end.

Gold Conversationalist

Hi @catwoman500

What a few of the good PORCH PEEPS here are finding is that without those notifications it can be difficult to find or follow replies to the messages posted to  us. And like in this post I made to Nicole  


So I’m really glad to see your post here!  Also THANKS for your kind message to me .....about the good thoughts!🙂


I appreciate all y’all! ....and am sending good thoughts your way!🤗

As always, ...Stay safe....&...Take care!


☮️  🌄  ~Allen 🌈  🎨

Trusted Social Butterfly

@catwoman500   Clematis looks pretty.  We managed to get one trumpet vine out of three, but it is now growing in a pot.  Hopefully it will take off.

@Therapist4u   I still get an email if my name is mentioned in a post.  Not true for you?


No posts from Nicole?  APB for Nicole, where are you?  I know you are still reading and watching PBS 🙂.



Gold Conversationalist

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u   Tsk, tsk, do not sell yourself so short.  @MsStretch  I did not know about different reply options, always respond to individual posts.  

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, @LaDolceVita ... if the trumpet vine isn't working you might want to look into clematis. 😺

Gold Conversationalist

Thanks @LaDolceVita

for the nice reply 🙂...

& for all the kudos!👍


 Hope you & the FAM are all doing well!

Please have a wonderful week too!

As always, ...Stay safe....&...Take care!

☮️  🌄  ~Allen 🌈  🎨

Honored Social Butterfly

Tens of thousands without power, schools canceled after storms

Tornadoes reported west of Wausau, Wisconsin on Tuesday night, leaving widespread damage.




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK ..Yikes!

Honored Social Butterfly


May 21st Storm Damage 

Here are a few images from the storm damage in the Madison, Wis area. Nowhere near the carnage of Iowa, so we got very lucky. Forty some thousand where without power. It could take days to restore power to the west side of the metro area.




1.09 MB of 1.09 MB
Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u , sorry I've been lax on catching up.  Belated thanks for the Mom's Day greeting even though I'm not a mother (unless you count the adopted furkids 😉). 


@LaDolceVita , l♡ved the picture of Janie and Tiggy.


@Frozenoem , take care of yourself.


Everyone, stay 🆒.  Summer is just beginning.

Gold Conversationalist

Hi @MsStretch !   

Thanks for the reply!

Hope you, your FAM, & your adopted FURKIDS 😸

...are all enjoying the nicer weather! 🏖




As always...Stay safe....&...Take care!

☮️  🌄  ~Allen 🌈  🎨

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