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Honored Social Butterfly




Good morning everyone on this Friday morning January 1, 2021



Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this January 1, 2021!

Ringing in 2021 at San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome. Credit...Antonio Masiello/Getty Images

A difficult year comes to a muted end

Most places in the world, from a virtually coronavirus-free New Zealand to an Ireland in lockdown, have now greeted the arrival of 2021.

In Auckland, a fireworks show and parties went on as usual. The Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus first emerged, enjoyed boisterous festivities. But in general, celebrations were muted — or virtual — as the world bade good riddance to a difficult year. In most cities, there were no roaring crowds, no gatherings for fireworks shows and, let’s hope, no strangers kissing at midnight.

Though Madrid eased its curfew for the night from midnight to 1:30 a.m., people were told to stay at home as much as possible, to eat the traditional New Year’s Eve grapes while watching events on TV (and gathering in groups of no more than six). London’s Big Ben, largely silent in recent years as its clock tower underwent renovations, rang 12 times at midnight. And in Paris, the only people roaming the Champs-Élysées were some of the 100,000 police officers deployed around the country to prevent crowds from gathering.




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem , and on with the happy dancing! cancan

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Community Manager

Good morning, friends! I've started a new weekly series in the Brain Health forum. Join us every Monday for Affirmation Tea! I'll start sharing here as well.


Hope y'all are having a wonderful week so far! It's sunny and 70 in DC today. I'm feeling grateful for the sunshine today ☀️

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Bronze Conversationalist

@AARPRachelA   Interesting idea, that!

I went to your link and read your entry.  Unfortunately, it dawned on me that it's Wednesday.

But I would like to check it out again.  Thanks for the link!


--- Rosemary

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, Everyone,

Sunny and cold here in the Philly burbs.

At the Acme this morning I got a couple more tips about getting an appointment for the vaccine. One was to contact my local state representative. I thought that was a good one.

@RosemaryF433825 ...I PM'd you with a link to my Ebay auctions. I hope it works.

It's Irish week, folks. I'll try not to be obnoxious and post too many things. 😸

But here's a cute one...


"I may have eaten too many greens!""I may have eaten too many greens!"


Honored Social Butterfly

Dang -10* and furnace won’t kick over, and for added joy the cold water in kitchen isn’t happening.


Called oil company and started wood stove it’s been cranking merrily since 3 am.


Coffee is brewing and need to stack more firewood in box.


Back to kitchen cracked cold water open and have portable heater aimed at pipes. The bath is fine for now, it’s gonna be a fun afternoon.🤬



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

@Frozenoem   Your post reminded me of the 20+ years I spent moving, stacking, and stoking a wood furnace in the winter!   When I built my new house

4 years ago, and although I loved the smell and warmth of the woodburner, I decided I had put in enough years as a lumberjack(ess?) and chose electric heat instead.  

Honored Social Butterfly




When it’s this cool, I like heat in any form. When electric goes out, I’m covered with wood. 3 year old furnace is a WTF moment, with full tank.


Only play lumberjack now, to tune of 2 cords per year. Down from the olden days of getting a log truck deliver two loads of tree length, and dropping in back yard, with the claw. Those were 8-9 cords of delight, with Fisher Grandpaw per year.


New stove with catalytic double burn chamber , thankfully doesn’t require that much wood. Cut, split and delivered I may burn one cord per year with same heat output.👍


But, I will need to replace the fan this year, modern technology👎🏻 It blows  warm air through out the outer steel cover. How to heat a 2500 ft. Square house. Radiant like old school stoves it does but, fans still required to reach upper floors and no thermostat that automatically blew was hot air.


In a bad year I might burn 2 cords of wood for $300 total, new whiz bang oil furnace 250 gallons or $500 at today’s heating prices.


Can’t see electric heat pumps or furnaces here.

I’m cheap! Neighbor has all electric heat @ Maine Pricing with heat pump, he pays more than I with 2 sources of heat.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
0 Kudos
Bronze Conversationalist

@Frozenoem   When my husband and I were first married, we used to use trees in our forest that would fall due to storms or age.  He cut, we loaded into pickup, drove to the house, he split, I dragged to the basement and we stacked together.  When he passed away, (and of course he would never allow me to touch the Stihls for fear I'd chop my hand off), I had to find someone to bring wood to me.  On a typical winter, I'd go through anywhere from 12-14 truck loads of wood.  Hauled it all down the old basement steps, stacked it, and fed one BIG furnace bed with wood...all by myself.  It was hard labor, but good labor.  I took some hard falls down the steps, though.  

I have to admit, I'm spoiled now with the electric.

Honored Social Butterfly

To be perfectly honest, I’ve been spoiled with the new furnace (oil) where we used to require $3-4000 of oil it’s now two tanks for a Maine winter $1000 maybe. And apparently a new $300 circulator to get antifreeze to the rest of the house.


House is at 68* now courtesy of the woodstove, great for the first floor. It’s the cold water line in sink that worries me.


Furnace is working, stove is pounding merrily away and also have electric heater aimed at cold water pipe.


The joys of home ownership🤬 It’s great when everything works, stops working less joyous.

Least it’s warmed up to -9* F and is now sunny. Almost time for lobster and a stagger to store for it. Really hear you on the firewood though it only goes to first floor here, it’s a stove.


I never thought I’d get older so, never considered putting a railing on the stairs down to root cellar. But, when I was a noob at home ownership didn’t understand how to build them, after log cabin and camp. No problem.🤣


Guess I know what I’m doing this year, one railing coming up, complete with lag bolts. And just for added benefit need to fix bottom steps taken out by furnace going down the stairs. Heavy buggers.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning everyone on the Front Porch! 

I was able to go through my Medicare Supplemental Insurance Company who also is part of my medical care provider. My wife and I went through one of their clinics for both of our vaccinations.

Everything was recorded and tracked on Mycharts. I showed my driver's license as I do any time I go to a Doctor's appointment. Now Mycharts can serve as proof that we can prove that we are fully vaccinated for Covid, Flu, and other shots we're had. 

Hope all of you are vaccinated very soon and continue to wear a mask.




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

@RosemaryF433825 ...Oh for sure. I check all the vaccination sites about three times a day, and I am on every waiting list that I can get on. It's the state of PA that is so terribly messed up and unorganized.

I just have to be patient, but it is getting old. 😾

Honored Social Butterfly



Don’t know if this will help you but, as of 5 minutes ago, I’m registered for Moderna or Phizer 2-shot vaccine👍 And they’ll give me a few days when they call to get wherever.


Problem is still number of vaccinations available but, at least I’m registered for it.


Website I used was Maine specific.


For others this is a starting point.

Coronavirus vaccines 



The problem is getting an ID card that reflects your physical 911 address from your POBox or RR address.


Think that’s why Maines a little bit backwards on Identifying who’s who, and why I finally gave up after 8 Re-issues of the same card, never with my 911 address.


How they think I live in a POBox is beyond me.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

@Frozenoem  Eight tries is a LOT, Froze!

Maybe they think you are a little tiny person who can fit in a POBox?

Don't know.   🙄

Honored Social Butterfly




Nope just a oopsie in their program for fields for filling out Identification cards.


Cards need to match envelope addresses, why MAine ID or licenses are still a crapshoot for use as identifiers for entry into federal buildings, courts or US flights.For them it’s DOD expired id, or passports.


Filled out my second form for vaccine, and my insurance company is in the same boat with hiccups on forms.


For date of birth I’d need to scroll through XX number of years to reach my birthdate, just like my iPhone Calendar.


Called insurance company and they filled out for me, easier than 128 keypunches repeat for ever🤔.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
0 Kudos
Bronze Conversationalist

@Frozenoem   I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your reply called me "Roo!"  When my niece and nephews were little, they had a hard time pronouncing my full first name, so they called me "Aunt Roo"... and even to this day as adults they still do!

Thankfully, the pharmacy I went to to get my shot is the one I go to for my prescrips.  So I didn't have to go through all the insurance thing.  : )

Honored Social Butterfly

Your call then Roo or Rosemary with fair warning I can’t remember RosemaryF433825.


I still have a semi-functioning brain but, lockdown has taken some cells away.


Now, I need to get something to pass for food, trying to keep weight on, need flour. Tossup between Reuben or  Baguettes or both. With perhaps a side of cheesecake or a MIssissippi mud cake. Problem with 👨‍🍳 ing, a little more than 3000 calories but, still can’t keep weight on.


Re: Vaccine I still want the 2-shot, not available here from pharmacies.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

@Frozenoem   Well considering my name is right on your computer...if your brain is failing you that much then call me "Ro" if you must.

On the other hand, if you are having problems keeping weight on, I could FedEx you some of mine overnight, as I am trying to get RID of some of mine.  😄

Honored Social Butterfly

14* and snowing, off and on, 3” or more coming. Best guess is more, as that’s what I have now.


Nah, no worries Ro, when on iPhone it gets a little funky.Made baguettes and later a Mississippi Mid Cake, if power stays up.


It’s mighty windy out this am, the trees are really moving. And I need to bring in more firewood 🪵, really expecting to lose power again soon.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

Good Afternoon, Everyone!


Hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend (I see Froze is back into the snow.)

The sun is just beaming here, birds are singing, and all but a tad bit of snow is gone now.  It's 58 degrees here, and the bulbs in the garden are sending up shoots of green.

Unfortunately, I see we have snow, and snow, and snow coming again on Monday.  ( darn it!!!). But I have to remind myself that it isn't Spring yet!

So I will revel in the marvelous days like today and appreciate them for now.

🤗🤗🤗  Have a great weekend!!

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, All,

Eleven days without rain/snow here, and the last couple were warm…it hit 70 yesterday. Back to the chilly today. 46 right now and that’s about it for the high today.

@Frozenoem ... I’m still playing the “where’s the vaccine?” game. Much easier to find Waldo. I’m registered at, at least 5 places. You are so correct about your “pandemic brain.” There is an article from NBC news that tells how it has affected all parts of peoples’ bodies. I’d send a link, but have no idea where to find “send a link” on this Microsoft Edge browser. You could try this…

How the year of the pandemic has changed our bodies (


Got a new camera this week. So happy that my Ebay photos are good again. I was putting a “disclaimer” in my descriptions to apologize for the poor quality of photos using my wonky back-up camera when my dear little Nikon died. I miss that little camera. The new one is a Minolta and it is working out nicely.

Hoping everyone gets some “spring” soon. Continue to stay safe!


crazy cat lady starter kit.jpg


Bronze Conversationalist

@catwoman500   Hey cat woman!  🤗

Thanks for enclosing the link about the pandemic and our bodies.  It was an interesting read, and I found myself nodding in agreement while I read it.

Sorry to read you are still fighting your way towards getting the vaccine.

I'm gathering since you mentioned eBay photos, you have a business site on eBay?  If so, would be interested in getting a link.  Thanks!  Have a lovely afternoon!   

0 Kudos
Trusted Social Butterfly

Good morning folks. Tiger doing well on his insulin dose, no longer a tussle to get into the car. Having really nice weather here. I am actually glad to see spring as it has been a cold winter. Usually I just view it as a prelude to summer, which I hate since getting older.  Going out to lunch today,  a rarity.   One of the senior centers near me has reopened. Hope it goes well for them.

Honored Social Butterfly

Geez it’s bright 23* and have a heat wave coming this week all I know is date and 5 hour ride ahead.


NOT, for vaccine yet🤬.But, hospital is approved site.



Don’t say old anything, please. Feeling it 🤔 perhaps today!


I’m down on one list but, then the 60-69 age category was added, other sites are a daily check.


I’m really hearing you, on how old this is getting. Friday is the 1 year anniversary of 1st lockdown beginning.🤬


Love it so, much. Today tests - no sleep, no coffee, no food allowed, This ought to be a blast.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

@Frozenoem   GOOD MORNING, Froze et. al!!!

So sorry to read some people are still having a hard time getting the vaccine.

Hang in there!!

A dreary, rainy day here, but temps are going up to 65 today.  So I won't complain!!    95% of snow that was almost waist height is almost melted and gone.  Ahhhhh.  The birds are even starting to change their songs in hopes of Spring.  LOVE IT!!  Makes me smile!!


Here's wishing each of you a lovely day wherever you may be!


Honored Social Butterfly

@RosemaryF433825 , that is good news your supplemental is picking up the slack on your procedure.  Also congrats on #1 jab.


As more vaccines are distributed and with J&J coming on board, selected pharmacies in VA are starting to take appointments directly.  But yes, only 1a and those 65+ in 1b are currently being accepted and you absolutely have to provide positive proof that you are in one of those groups.  Things are ramping up... finally!  👍

Honored Social Butterfly

This is where I add my usual yeesh, Monday morning 15* and sunny. Guess what I’m doing this morning 8:30am for first call.😇

Failing phone call it’s website and phone in a week, I’m aiming for moderna or phizer.🙏 for my age group.

20% of 60+ year olds in Maine now have the 1st jab, can we make it when I don’t have a doctors appointment at the other end of State, and it takes 4 -6 hours to get back, and another 3 months to reschedule the doctor/specialist.👍


Heat wave is a coming when I know I can travel, above zero no problems.17* is my new happy temp.🤣

My ID’s are covered including my passport card, etc. Utility bill is to prove you live in town, this is still a P.O. Box  or an Rural Route no physical address town. 4 Re-issues of state ID’s and still no joy in getting my home address on my card.🤬Guess what I’m not the only one .😡 I’m avoiding DMV for awhile.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

I hear you on the "joys" of living "in the wild" where your only address is "P.O. Box.  RR."  Went through that for a number of years when I first moved out here.  Then, the county decided to give an official name to the gravel roads, and suddenly we had a real, bonafide home address!  

Hopefully, one day, you will as well.


Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, Porchers!

I’ve been meaning to get back here for days, but time just seems to escape me although I’m not doing anything at all that is exciting.

Snow is almost all gone from the yard.

Had my dental cleaning and checkup last Wednesday, and all is fine there.

Spending way too much time trying to find a Covid vaccination appointment. I may just give up and wait.

Should start working on my taxes.

@LaDolceVita …Just noticed over the weekend that my daffs are up almost an inch! LOL Jealous that yours are blooming.

@MsStretch …Right… that one pharmacy was the only place that asked you to upload a photo of your Medicare card. Red flag for sure. How much Medicare fraud may go on if people do that? But you know that some desperate seniors are going to go ahead and upload their card.

In PA, when you finally get to the vaccine place, some vaccination sites ask for proof of identity or eligibility. Officials recommend that you bring a driver’s license or other state-issued ID that shows your name, age and state residency, and your health insurance card, if you have one. You will not be charged, but the vaccine provider may bill your insurer a fee for administering the vaccine. 
If you are eligible due to an underlying medical condition you may need a note from your doctor or some other form of proof. If you are eligible on the basis of your work, bring proof of employment such as a pay stub, badge or letter from your employer. 


@RosemaryF433825 … I’ve never had any trouble with Medicare paying for stuff, but then again I have never had anything major, just lab work, ENT visits, etc.


@Frozenoem ... sure hope the vaccine is within a reasonable travel time for you.


And for everyone…I am praying that we can attain normalcy within our lifetimes!


Please be normal cats.jpg


Bronze Conversationalist


So sorry to hear you are having probs finding a vaccine appointment.

Did you try going online, looking up your state, and then for a town or city near you?  That's what I did, and it also showed appointment dates and times.

It actually gave me a time for the very next day, so I hurried up and made an appointment for then.  Just wanted to get in and get 'er done.

I don't know if everyone else is, but I got a "proof of vaccine" card as well, showing that I got the first shot, where, and when.

Hang in there!  

Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem , even though I was given instructions just to bring one photo ID, I still went armed with insurance cards and assorted other proofs of identity just in case. 😁 Maine sounds like it is requiring everything I needed to get my Real ID except throw in a birth certificate and marriage license (for name change).  Although confirming identity and eligibility is definitely not a bad thing.


But yes, I understand each state (sans federal guidance) has their own rules; however I would really be suspicious of a site asking to upload a copy of my Medicare card like @catwoman500  was told.  Un-uh, ain't happening.  Also, is it a verified government site or secure?


That being said, I received my #2 jab yesterday.  This time I showed up a little earlier than last month, because there was a looooong line of cars waiting to check in last time.  This time I rolled through.  Parked.  Immediately got the text to come on in.  Boom.  Boom.  Boom.  Done and outta there -- all before my scheduled time (and that included the 10-min. rest period at the end to monitor any possible adverse reactions.)  Soreness at shot site (again), but other than that, none of those second shot effects I've been hearing about.  Feeling downright spiffy.  *Knocking on wood* 🤞


Still have to schedule my 2nd shingles shot (still within the recommended period), but that will happen much later, after my COVID antibodies have kicked in to full gear. 😁

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