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Good Morning to the Front Porch and Welcome to JANUARY 2020 Goodbye DECEMBER 2019
Hoping everyone has a great First Day OF JANUARY 2020.
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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this Wednesday morning February 26, 2020. We lucked out and saw the storm go South of here yesterday.
Hoping everyone had a restful night's sleep.
The week ahead is going to be a little cooler but no major rain/snowfall.
May all of you have quiet rest of the week.
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Morning all, awoke to warmth and finally saw my first sight of driveway amidst ice on neighbors drive.
Spring I'll reserve excitement at thought because it's Maine. The signs are out and frost heaves abound, temp around 43* but, reality says 15-18" of snow coming tonight and tomorrow.
You took me on a trip back to my youth with Paczkis, forgot you were in Michigan. I lived in several Polish neighborhoods in Western And Eastern MA. My Jean Kay Pasties, came in emergency delivery from friend and UPS last week.
If I could find my piping bag and actual yeast at WallyWorld or Hannafords might try my hand at making some custard, blackberry or Nutella filled.🤣 Pillsbury frozen just doesn't replace home made with Ms Schumanski's , Wadjslawski's or Bak's recipe.
Don't get me started down the road of Amish/Mennonite communities, and craving for Faschnauts, my back really couldn't survive the ride today. Not the only one that moved to rural Maine, for land or homesteads or townships.
Guess I'll play on the woodpile and reheat a pasty tonight for dinner when the temps drop! Firewood should be defrosted before burning.
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Morning Thursday seems to be snowing, windy and good day for a walk.
Feel like power WILL disappear, heavy and wet snow coating power lines and constantly shedding off roofs.
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Yep, yep, yep! Good murnin' Porchlanders!
It's been a long, cold, snowy week. Been snowin' everyday for the last three days. Right now all's quiet and no new snow is expected or at least I hope none falls.
Yesterday, I did my duty for the mailman and shoveled the walk and the stoop and salted as well. Despite shoveling as fast as I could, my feet were super cold and just a wee bit damp by the end. I guess I should get a pair of boots. After all, I do live in deep snow and ice country. But my sturdy work/construction shoes have done me well thus far. I guess it's time for a new pair of 'em!
Right now I've already gone through my first cup of Joe. It warmed up my innards right down to my bones I'd even say. I was so stiff and achy when my feet hit the floor this morning, but now it feels like my joints have been lubricated with WD40....The Industrial Strength! So I guess it's time for cup number two.
Anyway, I'm planning to take in another movie this week; perhaps The Invisible Man. I like Elizabeth Moss (of The Handmaidens Tale) and think this new version of this scary movie story just might be a good one. Last weekend, an old friend and I finally got together and went to see The Call of the Wild with Harrison Ford...
and despite all of the negative reviews by the critics, we liked it a bunch. We both agreed, it might be worth seeing a second time.
Well, even though the sun's rays are blocked by heavy clouds, the white sky reflects off the white snow, making it bright light all around here. And since the wind is still, it doesn't seem quite as cold as it did yesterday and the day before. And that's a good thing! Helps in keeping one's mood up fer sure.
So Front Porchers, Happy Friday to y'all. Enjoy the day and...
Be safe, stay warm, and have some fun!
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Morning? I survived the storm, slept right through most of it, including the town plow doing my driveway👍.
Don't know snowfall total, town only plows driveways for 15" .
Presently 17, might drop to 0* tonight, Spring will be delayed .🤣 at least here.
If your tree produced spiky balls, best guess - sweetgum, walnut or horse chestnut.
If round - oak seed pods (acorn) the bane of my existence in fall. Followed by 12" pines cones dropping on unsuspecting heads.
On that note need to go clean out firewood pile, town won't touch that, between lower limbs of pine and fence - I'm on my own.
After coffee.
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Cold and damp here again!! March coming in like a lion. I can personally verify that hope springs eternal. Every morning I hope & believe that I can get ahead of my chores and get caught up on all the neglected ones. Every evening I know it didnt happen and I may be even further behind. Next morning I am hopeful again.
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Well, today I am stuck at home. 2 generators blow this morning. We have winds of 45 miles per hour at times. The crews are out in force, cutting trees and making the repairs. I just hope everyone stays out of their way. Their job is hard enough today with the wind. The people in my 2 street town tend to complain. I am very grateful that the large tree in my front yard was removed. I will miss the shade it provided for so many years. The wonderful fall colors. However, those little ball things. I had to rake and step on, and have no idea what purpose they had. The squirrels didn't even want them.
I really hope that All the Men and Women who are dispatched today and every day are stay. Those bucks don't look to save as they sway in the wind.
Anyway, please stay safe. Wind can be very dangerous. I forget about all the firefighters. Wind is not a friend to them either.
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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this Saturday morning February 22nd, 2020.
It is time again to have a true Roll Call again as it has been a while.
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Good Morning, All!
@DaveMcK ...your granddog is adorable!
@Frozenoem ...for the last 2 days we have been colder than any day in Feb so far, but nothing compared to you stoic snow people!
We start warming up tomorrow and once again by Tuesday we will have rain, not snow. This has been a really weird winter for us.
Out for our Chinese dinner last night and no other plans for the weekend. I do need to take photos of the 2 doll fashions I finished this week so I can list them onEbay tomorrow.
Hope everyone is cozy.
Time for another cup!
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Stoic not particularly, happy that in another month or two Winter should end. Latest blizzard of recent memory was April 30-ish.
Admit cold weather does get annoying around 20-40 below, factor in wind it get's funky. Definite nip to the air.🤣
Balance is still the bugger, keeping me from giddiness.Doing battle with snowblower when in prime was easier, or shoveling out the driveway 30'x 600'.
Temp's rise , or fall just learn to dress appropriately.
Had that and flu a couple of times, amazing what you can catch at hospitals, doctors, etc.
Time to play
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Greetings, Front Porch Peeps!
'Twas a beautiful morning and day today with a high temp of 52 degrees and wonderfully bright sunlight and blue skies. Just about all the snow has melted except for a few mounds here and there. Just a beautiful day!
Of course, the picture above is of the summer days yet to come. But we are surely on the way to spring. Twenty five days and counting.
So hope each and everyone here was able to enjoy the weather wherever you are.
Continued happy weekend.
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Monday afternoon all, preparing for more of same old snow coming .
Perhaps a foot in the Maine mountains🤣. Today it's play on the sun as we have hit 50*, time to shed the wool.
It will be back on Wed-Thursday as temps plummet.
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Hi folks, I knew it was extra rainy here but did not know that we had over 11 inches this month, double the normal amount. Everyone heartily sick of it by now. I guess its better than being iced in like we were in 2011.
I am still struggling with slow computer, cannot get much done. I ordered another, had to send it back the next day. Should be resolved pretty soon though.
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So good on a rainy day!
Good Morning Porch Peeps, Happy Donut Day, Shrove Tuesday, or Faschnaut Day...whichever you prefer to call it.
I was out to breakfast at a German restaurant this morning and when my friend asked if they had any faschnauts, the waitress said she never heard of them. HA!
It has started to rain again. It's a wonder we are not growing mold on our bodies. Hope you all enjoy your day and can have a donut. If so, take a bite for me.
PA Dutch faschnauts
@LaDolceVita ...I hear you about the rain...
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Good afternoon, Porchers!!!
Well, it was just a coupla days ago that I was extolling the good weather we were having here. And now, the weather villains are predicting six to eight inches of snow tonight and they announced that with smiles on their faces and jokes to boot. Well, I for one am not happy 'bout this turn of events. In fact, I only have one real wood log and only three Duraflames left. You see on cold, snowy nights, I like to stoke the fireplace and keep it burning until either I fall asleep or it burns out. But a warm fire is the least of my worries as I have a long snowy drive home from work tonight.
On another note, dear @catwoman500 I hafta thank you for catching me up on what day it is (Tuesday) and what's special about today. Here in Michigan we celebrate FAT TUESDAY better know as Paczki Day.
This is a paczki (pronounced punch-key). Yum! It's a Polish donut that's generally fat and round and soft and stuffed with creme or jelly fillings. People used to stand in line for hours to get them from the few authentic Polish bakeries in the area. Delicious! And with coffee or hot chocolate...results in a coma! I mean that in a good way of course.
Alas, no paczkis for me today. In fact, I haven't even had a "first" cup of coffee yet today. So I best get to it!
Be good, Porchers!!! And stay safe and warm tonight.
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Good mornin', Everybody out there in Porchlandia!
Despite the cold and fresh snow which fell overnight,
I'm feelin' wide-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning; ready to take on the day, in fact! This could have something to do with my having added a cuppa green tea to my daily dietary regimen. Feels like it's helping me with my cleanse as my innards are more regular than they've been in quite a while. If you know what I mean. Wink!
Now, that's not to say that I've given up on my coffee. No way! Just means I'm trying some new things to fluff-up my health and vitality.
After all, anything's got to be an improvement over this!!!
I am still on my countdown. Y'all know the one....
In the meantime, I'm gonna head out and get more firewood and Duraflame logs for the fireplace. Right now we are under a winter advisory as they just announced at least four more inches on top of the bunch already out there! Brrrrrrrr!
Theres no tellin' how long this cold snap's gonna last, but I mean to be prepared; to stay warm and cozy for the duration. Hope y'all can do the same.
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Just love all the beautiful pictures. Dave, the grand puppy is just so cute and beautiful.
Catwoman 500, you are so right the for the fokes in our area, we have had a very strange winter.
I have had Bronchitis, well double Bronchitis. I went to the Dr because of a slight sinus thing. That's what the Dr told me. So, I am taking the medication, steroids, and inhaler and resting.
Hope everyone is doing well, staying well and safe
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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this Friday, February 21st, 2020.
It is sunny and cool to start the day with a high of 36* and projected to be in the low 40's Saturday and Sunday. Today is tax day in our house as I have an appointment with our tax preparer this afternoon.
We will be taking some dog equipment over to Emma's house and I will be meeting Oakley for the first time.
Hoping everyone has a great weekend and a restful Sunday!
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Good morning to everyone out there on the Front Porch on this Wednesday February 19th, 2020. We were at Trivia last night which turned out showing us how much we do not know.
Tonight we will be going to the Madison Overture Center to see the Broadway play "Color Purple ". It is going to be a chilly walk back to the car as the temperature is expected to be Zero.
We will have warming temps by Friday with no rain or snow until Sunday night.
Hoping everyone is having a quiet week so far. Have a great day! The photo below is our latest Grand Puppy Oakley! He is a mixed breed rescue dog!
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Afternoon sorry for delay, have had busy day. Yesterday snow 8", today spent trying to get out.
Wind hasn't helped 45 mph temp around 12* and drifts have blocked me in.
Knew there was good reason to attach garage to house. Always at least one way to get out, as soon as I get that pesky ice at bottom of door to pop.
Came in to eat, and fill snowblower and warm up. Only 600' left to go and may see woodpile again.🤣
Hopefully before it gets cooler, and temp's really drop, to around -20* actual.
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Thursday I must be living, finally within 10 feet of my firewood supply.👍
Will I feel it tomorrow , probably🤬.
Hope all enjoyed the cold weather this week, last night was an admitted bugger for me. 20 below is just not a happy place.
Wool pants, Sorel's (felt lined boots), parka and beanie worked though for an emergency hike.
Miggt be time to dig out the mittens with sheepskin backs, of it stays this nippy.
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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this Valentines day February 14th, 2020. Hoping everyone has a great weekend and a restful Sunday.
We started the morning at about -11 with a projected high of 14. There is a chance of snow showers Sunday night and Monday morning. Have a great day!
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Happy Valentine’s/ Galentine’s/Palentine’s Day to you all,
I hope you have a day of love, even if it is to give yourself a little treat. I bought what they call a “killer brownie triangle” at Fresh Market today and will enjoy it tonight. And of course I stopped for a skinny mocha at Starbucks!
As forecasted we are suddenly in winter, with wind and cold temps. Not as cold as some of you for sure, but it’s been such a crazy winter for us so far that our bodies have not had many normal winter temps to help with acclimating to the season. So…it hits hard when it finally is colder than cold. This is like only the third time I have worn my parka this winter!
So far, this February has been the second warmest in weather history for this area. Today we are also alternating sun and flurries.
Stay safe and cozy!
O, Puhleeeze!
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Happy Valentine's Day. 💟
We have seen no snow in my neck of VA this winter. Not that I'm complaining and granted, it's still not too late, but it is a little scary. January, warmest month on record and February headed for same distinction.
Mostly rain this past week and it curtailed any winter forays into the wilderness looking for homesites and cemeteries. But week before, visited this one:
Mostly unmarked fieldstones
A few of them had inscriptions
Why am I posting pictures of a cemetery on Valentine's Day? 🤷♀️
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Howdy, Front Porchers!
I've been away from here for several weeks. I was totally involved in work and caretaking. So I didn't have much time or energy left for anything but the basics--eat, sleep, and poop. Smile. But my friend (the patient in need of care) went home this week. And I am glad to say she has mended and healed and is well on the way to a full recovery. So I am just beginning to catch up on my much needed rest.
Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone on the Porch....
May everyone find and live in love in any and all it's forms!
And with that, have a great and ...
P.S. ~ @Frozenoem, congratulations on your being awarded the ACE!
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Good Morning, Peeps,
A little while ago it was 16 with a wind chill of 10. Sounds normal for winter in PA, but since this winter has been unusually mild, this is a big deal and it’s darn cold!
I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine’s Day yesterday and here is something to think about if you didn’t get your chocolate fix…
You go, Girl!
Let's go!
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Cool Saturday awoke to -14* actual with a aw, heck no and returned to sleep.
Presently warm 10* easier to handle, wind chill factor on Arctic Days would just prefer not to think about 🤣.
We will be getting back to non-normal warmer temp's come next week, with luck.
Kinda missing those lovely 30's, when I didn't require woodheat AND oil in use at one time, it's an old house.
Welcome back.
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