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Honored Social Butterfly


Good Morning to the Front Porch and Welcome to JANUARY 2020 Goodbye DECEMBER 2019

Hoping everyone has a great First Day OF JANUARY 2020. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
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Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this first Friday of January 2020! We are looking at our current temp of 32* the high for the day. No big plans for the weekend. Hoping everyone has a restful and peaceful weekend. 

May our troops being shipped overseas be safe!


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Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this first day of 2020 on Wednesday, January 1st! My you all have a Joyous and Blessed Year!


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New Year’s Eve 2020: Pictures From Around the World



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

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Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, All,

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year’s celebration.

Best wishes for the best year ever in 2020!

Welcome to a new year! Welcome to a new year!


Honored Social Butterfly

Image result for happy new year with fireworks images"


To Everybody on Our Front Porch,


May every hardship be left in your rearview mirror and every blessing be in sight on the road ahead.  Wishing you all the best in the New Year -- starting right now!


Image result for animation happy new year with fireworks images"



Honored Social Butterfly

Here's wishing a happy, healthy and peaceful new year to all my friends on the porch.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Happy New Year folks!  Only resolution I have is to try and take a half hour for yoga this year.  I feel creaky and tight and much like an old person.   And I have cataracts too.  Have not visited eye doc for 2 and a half years and this was a surprise.  No wonder I cant see!

Honored Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita , I had cataract surgery a couple of years ago.  Been nearsighted most of my life.  Wore contact lenses for 50+ years.  I went from always sticking something in my eye(s) to zero-maintenance clear vision.  It's a lifestyle changer for sure and I love it. 


I opted for the multifocal toric lens which correct presbytopia and astigmatism.  Medicare pays for monovision, but I decided to pay the extra because it was something that would impact the rest of my life and I really, really hate reading glasses.  The doc said I went from 20/750 to 20/15.


@Frozenoem  is right about bright.  I went from looking at the world through warm white to bright white. 


Ooooh... the colors...  tripping.gif   Like wow, man.

Honored Social Butterfly

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem   OMG I had no idea that it would go back in.


Very hard rain here, this is the second day.  Hard to get out at all.

Honored Social Butterfly

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Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, Porch Peeps,

Today was my trip to my stepson’s.

WOWIE! The FOG! I thought I’d have to call Santa and see if he’d lend me Rudolph for the trip it was that awful!

Could have used you today, old buddy! Could have used you today, old buddy!

I started out in more fog than I’d ever driven in here, and then went through places that were a little better, and places that were much worse. It was not pleasant. Much better on the way home, just dreary and a little wet.

It was worse than this. It was worse than this.

Wish I had had some of this coffee!

I did have a mug of Peet’s Major Dickason’s when I got home this afternoon.

Sure could have used this! Sure could have used this!

Hope you all are doing something fun (besides shoveling snow!)

Trusted Social Butterfly

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